A reflection of him

Wilson's voice, a familiar anchor in the sea of Mindy's uncertainties, greeted her over the phone, "Hey, Mindy, how was your day?"

Mindy took a deep breath, the events of the day hanging heavy in her response, "It was... challenging. I've been trying to find a part-time job to help out at home, but it's not going as I hoped."

Wilson's concern laced his words, "Part-time job? Mindy, you're still in school. Shouldn't your focus be on your studies?"

Mindy sighed, the weight of her endeavors reflected in her voice, "I know. But my mom is working so hard, and I want to do something to ease the burden. I thought maybe I could contribute, you know? Help her out."

There was a brief pause on the other end, and Wilson's tone carried a mix of understanding and skepticism, "Mindy, it's commendable that you want to help, but taking on a part-time job while in school might be too much. You need to prioritize your education."