The routine of school life

As Wilson returned to the table, he offered Isabella a sincere apology for keeping her waiting. "I'm sorry for taking so long, Isabella," he said, his tone filled with genuine regret.

Isabella waved off his apology with a gracious smile. "Don't worry about it, Wilson. I understand," she replied, her voice tinged with warmth.

Seizing the opportunity, Wilson reached for the small box that David had handed him earlier. With a sense of anticipation, he carefully opened it, revealing the delicate necklace nestled inside. Its intricate design shimmered in the soft light, casting a mesmerizing glow upon the table.

Isabella's eyes widened in surprise as she beheld the exquisite piece of jewelry before her. "Wilson, this is beautiful," she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine admiration.

Wilson smiled in response, his heart swelling with satisfaction at her reaction. "I'm glad you like it, Isabella," he said, his tone soft with affection.