Embarrassing moments

As the morning sun gently filtered through the curtains, Mindy stirred from her sleep, her consciousness slowly returning to her. With a soft groan, she reached for her phone, intending to turn off the alarm, but instead, she was met with the sound of Wilson's voice on the other end.

"Good morning, Mindy," Wilson greeted, his voice warm and amused.

Mindy's eyes widened in surprise as she realized she was still on the phone with him. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as the events of the previous night came flooding back to her. She remembered her plea for them to stay on the line, the warmth of Wilson's reassurance, and then... she fell asleep.

Did Wilson hear her snoring? Did he think she was rude for falling asleep on him? These thoughts raced through Mindy's mind, fueling her anxiety as she tried to come to terms with the situation.

"Um, good morning, Wilson," Mindy replied, her voice sheepish as she struggled to find the right words.