The Truth

Mindy stood behind the counter at Bella Brews, a warm smile lighting up her face as she greeted customers and prepared their orders with practiced efficiency. The familiar hum of the café filled the air, mingling with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sound of soft chatter.

As she worked, Mindy's heart skipped a beat as she caught sight of three familiar figures entering the café: Emily, Isabella, and Gloria. A rush of excitement surged through her at the sight of her closest friends, their presence bringing a welcome ray of sunshine to her otherwise cloudy day.

"Mindy!" Emily exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine warmth as she made her way over to the counter, enveloping Mindy in a tight hug. "How are you holding up, sweetheart?"

Mindy's smile widened at Emily's heartfelt concern, grateful for her friend's unwavering support. "I'm okay, Em," she replied softly, her voice tinged with sadness. "Just taking it one day at a time."