Fake friends

The office door closed behind them with a soft click, enveloping Mindy and Aunt Clara in a cocoon of tense silence. Mindy's heart pounded in her chest as she sank into the chair opposite Aunt Clara's desk, her hands trembling with anxiety.

Aunt Clara took her seat behind the desk, her expression stern but not unkind as she regarded Mindy with a mixture of disappointment and concern. "Mindy, I'm deeply disappointed by your behavior today," she began, her voice measured but firm. "Your actions were completely unacceptable, and they cannot be tolerated in the workplace."

Mindy's throat constricted with emotion as she struggled to find the words to defend herself. "But ma'am, please," she pleaded, her voice choking with tears. "I know what I did was wrong, but you have to understand... I was just so angry. Isabella betrayed me, and I couldn't control myself."