Silent rebellion

Mindy, Aiden, and Natasha, clad in their neatly pressed school uniforms descended the stairs and gathered around the breakfast table, with their backpacks slung over their shoulders in anticipation of the school day ahead.

"Good morning, my darlings," Grace greeted them with a warm smile as she set the table, her movements graceful and fluid. "How was your night?"

"Mom, you won't believe the dream I had!" exclaimed Aiden, his eyes wide with excitement. "I was flying on a giant marshmallow across the galaxy, and I saved the entire universe from an invasion of space aliens!"

Natasha giggled at her brother's dramatic retelling, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "That's silly, Aiden," she chimed in, her laughter bubbling over. "Everyone knows marshmallows are for toasting, not for intergalactic travel!"

Aiden rolled his eyes playfully, his grin infectious as he shot back, "Well, I guess I'm just a marshmallow maverick, blazing new trails across the cosmos!"