That one friend

At their usual spot during break time, Mindy sat with Sophia, absentmindedly stirring her drink. Her thoughts were clearly elsewhere, her brow slightly furrowed as she mulled over recent events.

Sophia, always observant of her friend's moods, leaned forward slightly. "Hey, Mindy, you seem a bit distracted today. Everything okay?"

Mindy looked up, momentarily startled out of her reverie. "Oh, hey, Sophia," she replied, offering a faint smile. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just... thinking."

Sophia raised an eyebrow knowingly. "Thinking about what? Or should I say, who?"

Mindy chuckled softly, appreciating Sophia's ability to read her so well. "Well, actually... it's about Aunt Olivia."

Sophia's interest piqued. "Ah, Aunt Olivia," she remarked casually, taking a sip of her own drink. "She's been quite the topic lately. What's on your mind?"