Meeting the Three A-Rated

"You like cars too, Sir Eka?" Noah asked, his eyes gleaming as he looked at the lineup of cars.

"Kinda," Dante answered truthfully. Even though this was his first time being exposed to a car show and race track, he still felt quite excited.

"Who doesn't like it, right?" Noah nudged his companions. He was casually dressed in a grey hoodie, jeans, and white shoes.

"Of course!" Lilla agreed. She had brown hair that reached her shoulders and brown eyes. She was wearing a simple floral dress and a pair of sandals in a matching color.

Kal, on the other hand, remained silent. He was uninterested in this kind of stuff. He would rather fight monsters than stay here, but because of Noah, he had no choice. He wore a black long sleeve shirt, black pants, and black shoes.

After the examination, Noah also approached Lilla and Kal, asking for their numbers and socials. The girl didn't object, but Kal, Noah pestered him until he had no choice but to give his info.