Confrontation with the Attendant(part-3)

"F*ck!" Precise cursed as she raised her hand, conjuring a blue shield. However, it disintegrated within moments; the explosion was too powerful for the barrier to handle. Her cheeks bore instant burn marks.

A hand reached out and clutched her hair; hurtling her towards the center of the track.

The maniacal laughter reverberated through the venue, then with another eruption, the attendant disappeared, exploding the grandstand.

Shifter turned into a pool of liquid and dashed towards the spot where Precise might fall. Suddenly, he felt heat passing through from his sides. Instinctively, he slashed using his sword hand.

"Quite perceptive, aren't you?" the Attendant remarked, sidestepping and then delivering an explosive blow to the water-formed holder. Fire and mist erupted, and Shifter's body was sent flying. His figure was smaller compared to when he first arrived at the stadium.