Going After the Attentant(Part-2)

Dante just watched, refusing to lend a hand even as the other standby Holders met their grim fates, consumed by flames or crushed beneath the Attendant's relentless blows.

Suddenly, the Attendant stopped and mumbled some words. Dante activated his Concentration to understand what the enemy was saying. Even though he couldn't hear it, he could still lip-read.

"Go back now? But I'm still having fun! Let me just kill all of them–No? Tsk, Alright– No Master, I'm not angry. Yes– yes," Dante murmured along with the motions of the Attendant's mouth.

Who is he speaking to? The masked Holder pondered. As the enemy began to make his escape, Dante swiftly turned the keys, revving the engine. With a surge of power, the Corelight rocketed forward!