Spikes Beanie Head(Part-1)

Joann walked out of the room while the three talked about different topics. The last question from the General made her think about what she did wrong. She's been too eager with her new job and overwhelmed at the start, which is why she missed out on a very simple task.

She took out her phone as she made her way towards the exit. This place is located in the center of the city, so when she came out from the building, the sound of people immediately entered her ears. Car horns blaring and non-Holders calling for a taxi.

A person wearing a black suit came up to her, but she raised her hand signaling for him to stop. Her phone rang, and after a few seconds, it was picked up, "This is urgent, investigate the man named Dante Aysel. Especially the places that he has been to."

"Dante? Isn't he dead already?" The voice asked back.