Eka and Aria

Eka witnessed everything that happened.

He followed after the owner and came to this room. He stayed at the side, observing everything, and that's when he confirmed that his target was here.

This woman is one of the devils.

But Eka couldn't help but smile. To think that she's a beauty with a great body made his blood boil.

I wonder what her flower felt like, Eka thought excitedly. His goal changed; he wouldn't kill her at first; instead, he would enjoy her body to the fullest. As he was thinking this, Aria, who's looking down at the lifeless owner, turned in his direction.

"Come out, rat,"

Eh? Eka tilted his head. This is the first time someone saw through him using Aqua Hide. It's not like no one hasn't noticed him, but only his presence. Right now, the woman is looking directly at him.

Eka deactivated his Skill and his body materialized.

Seeing him, Aria couldn't help but laugh. "You must be Eka."