Eka vs Z(Part-1)

Zaryan is looking at a bunch of documents. He's currently sitting in another company's president room, his body is currently the face of the president of this company.

"It's too slow," he sighed. He leaned back and turned on the computer.

The documents show the companies that have been bankrupt or on the verge of falling down. Tinat is the most affected by this and the authorities have already been notified of this phenomenon.

The other cities are already doing their best to prevent this. They already knew that there's something going on, the work of Holder is their suspicion.

Once a Skill has been given to an evil person, it's just a matter of time before they do the bad things. The world doesn't lack this kind of people and the authorities have experience in dealing with them.

But what they are facing right now is unheard of. A Holder that can affect societies, particularly its economies.