Talked with Klayn

Ali, Noah, Kal, Lilla, and Amy's eyes lighten up seeing the familiar masked Holder. They wanted to approach him but they still needed to attend to the survivors so they decided to talk to him after they fulfilled their duty.

Joann walked in front of the masked Holder. Looking at him from head to toe, she could see his dried blood covering his whole body. Strangely, his white suit is spotless. Probably a dungeon item.

"You must be tired. Why don't you take some rest first?" Joann asked.

Eka shook his head. "No… I still need to take care of something."

"What is it?" Joann tilted her head.

"Portals. The Devil's dungeon," Eka said.

Hearing this widened Joann's eyes. Only now that she recalled that the Devil that appeared inside Hyra that day also has a dungeon outside the city, in the Dark Mist Ground. Although they didn't find anything inside the portal, it is still valuable research material. And what if something is different this time?