Gloves of Support Capability

"Wait…" Wingy said, her legs still shaking from their intense 'workout' inside the underground cave. She was currently following behind the masked Holder in the ice forest, where the ground was composed of snow and ice.

After they had engaged in their activities a couple of times more until she was full, they decided to go out and start hunting monsters, though it was mainly Eka's decision and she was just following behind him.

"Why?" Eka didn't look back, as in front of him was a giant wolf, its fur white and snowflakes constantly surrounding it.

"Medal, let's scan it first to know its weakness," Wingy suggested. The only thing she knew about this monster was its name: the Hail Wolf. She was not very familiar with this monster because she wasn't fond of dungeons with low temperatures.

"I already know its weakness," Eka said.