Question and Answer with the System

"That guy is still not responding," Joann muttered while looking at the dozens of messages and calls he sent to the masked Holder. Eka is still not responding after all this time.

The vice president of the Association finally stated his condition that Eka must join them, the Resistance. 

Joann is already aware about it and she also joins the Resistance after finding out their purpose. She felt overwhelmed about the truth of this world but nevertheless she is not the type of person who will turn down this 'power' right?

Anyway, Joann is very frustrated about Eka.

"But from what I heard, they made an agreement and the vice president wanted just to inform him through formality," Joann mumbled before looking out of the window. The scenery is flashing like a blur though she still manages to make out the giant bones on the dark ground.