Race Start!(Part-5 End)

Explosions rang out inside the racetrack. The shield protecting the audience from the Skill's residue constantly vibrated from the impact. But this intensity was exactly what the viewers wanted. They didn't want a normal race where the racers simply passed each other by. They craved thrills and action.

One by one, the number of Corelights on the scene dwindled.

"Eka is still in the lead!"

The crowd watched as the masked Holder maintained his lead, with Fisher, the veteran racer, close behind.

"Fisher is speeding up! Eh? Why did he slow down?"

"He's speeding up again… eh? He slowed down again?"

The audience was confused. Fisher clearly had a clear path to take first place, but he seemed hesitant and didn't dare to speed past the masked Holder.

"Lilla! What's happening?" Ali turned toward her 'expert' friend.

"I… I don't know," Lilla shook her head. "He seems to be afraid."