Tarik's Revenge(Part-4 End)

The moon's brilliance peeked through the dark clouds. It's a cold light shining upon Nowem city, adding a solemn and heavy mood to it.

Compared to the night sky's silence, the city is full of noise. Sirens kept reverberating in the streets attracting the attention of passersby. But they immediately went back to looking at their phones or watching the tv in a cafe or restaurant. 

Those who are eating put down their cutlery, their eyes never leaving the television. 

The only thing that is echoing inside the restaurants is the voice of the reporter followed by the sirens outside. 

On the screen they're watching, clouds of smoke are covering the scene and the whole stadium couldn't be seen. 

After a while, a collective gasp echoed. The race track is gone! There's only a huge crater looking at the mouth of a beast ready to swallow the world. 

The camera then kept looking around, seemingly trying to find something.