Naruto : Chapter 24

He knew the old man wouldn't promote him to jonin straight away, but if he got the experience he needed in the next six months until the chunin exams only a natural catastrophe or something similar would be able to prevent his promotion.

Kakashi dismissed his team with the reminder to be at the gates at six like the other mornings.


The next morning Naruto got the information from Kakashi that the Hokage had agreed to let him do three additional D-rank missions a day as long as Naruto was not on a mission outside of the village at the time.

Naruto made ten clones and sent one of them to the mission office to get the missions for him. The idea was a spontaneous one.

He knew that he had his parents' money that he would get as soon as he was declared the Namikaze and Uzumaki heir at the chunin exams and he also had a good amount of money from his trips into the Forest of Death after the last chunin exams in there, but he also didn't want anybody to know about that.

So him taking more D-ranks solo would give him a good cover and more money.

Thankfully the payment was going to the mission office before it was transferred to the ninja's account.

Around lunch, a chunin arrived at the training ground.

"Kakashi, Naruto Uzumaki is to come to the Hokage's office immediately. Here is the order of Hokage Sama." He said.

Kakashi checked the order and saw it was genuine.

"Naruto, you are wanted by Hokage Sama." He said to his genin.

Naruto nodded and stopped his exercise.

"Once you are finished with whatever Hokage Sama wants, you are to come back to continue training." Kakashi ordered.

"Yes, Kakashi sensei." Naruto said and took off towards the tower.

"Okay, you two back to chakra control training." Kakashi said.

Sakura groaned and Sasuke just continued training tree-walking while sticking a leaf to each back of his hands with chakra.


Naruto arrived at the tower and walked towards the Hokage's office. He looked at the secretary that surprisingly didn't glare at him. He had also never seen her before.

"I was called by Hokage Sama to come here immediately." Naruto said neutrally and handed her the note the chunin had given Kakashi.

"I will see if Hokage Sama is available." The new secretary said.

Soon Naruto was in the Hokage's office.

"Ah, Naruto, good that you came so fast." The Hokage greeted.

"Why did you want to see me, old man?" Naruto asked. As nobody but the hidden ANBU was in the room he could treat the Hokage informal.

"Two reasons. First, I have opened an account for you at the shinobi bank. While the civilian council has been warned that any sabotage of shinobi will be treated like treason, I doubt they will really fall in line.

The shinobi bank is run by retired shinobi and under the direct control of the Hokage. All your payments will go to that account. Second, I wanted to talk to you about your expertise in fuinjutsu.

Yesterday our main supplier for seals died on a mission. As seals are a delicate topic, I can't just import pre-made seals from outside the village.

Too much potential for sabotage. While some of our ninjas can make the basic seals for their needs, most of our forces just buy them at shinobi equipment shops or are given them from the armoury if the mission requires them." The Hokage explained.

"So you want me to take over for the killed ninja?" Naruto clarified.

"Yes, this would be treated as an on-going secret B-rank mission for your file. You will be paid by the number of seals you made. The current payment for twenty explosive tags for example is one thousand four hundred and thirty ryo.

You will be given a list with the prices you will be paid for each kind of seal. If you supply other useful seals we will decide on their prices accordingly." The Hokage said.

"Okay, but won't people protest if they know that I made those seals? I am not the most well-liked guy in the village after all and many would accuse me of trying to kill them through faulty seals." Naruto said.

"That won't be a problem, because the seals will be distributed under the codename Dark Phoenix." The Hokage assured Naruto.

"Okay, that would work. What about the supplies to make the seals and how many seals do you need right now?" Naruto asked.

The Hokage took a piece of paper and handed it to Naruto. Naruto looked over the seals that were needed.

"For the supplies, you can get the paper and ink at Jakonato's and put it on the village armoury tab. Just use a henge when you get them." He handed him a permission document.

"Consider it done, old man. They will be ready tomorrow morning." Naruto said.

"So fast?" The Hokage asked surprised.

"Shadow clones." Naruto only said grinning.

"Ah, of course. Well, then I won't keep you from your training anymore, Naruto." The Hokage said.

Naruto nodded and left the room. Outside the tower he made a shadow clone and gave it the permission document and let it go buying the supplies for the seals. He himself went back to his training ground.

He informed Kakashi that he had got an on-going mission for the Hokage to supply the village with seals. Keeping it a secret from his sensei wouldn't have made any sense as Kakashi already knew about his identity and his real abilities.


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