Naruto : Chapter 50

"We can afford to wait three days before we strike. Mikiko, you wanted Kakashi, you can have a go at him, but Ichikawa will have your back. I'll get the two boys and then support you." Tomoharu said.

"YES! Count your days Kakashi, they will end soon." Mikiko cheered.

Nobody noticed a small black mouse vanishing in a cloud of smoke.


"Shit." Naruto commented when the memory hit him.

"Let me guess, the Iwa nins will come after us." Kakashi said.

"Yes, the Kamizuri is determined to kill you and their leader wants to kidnap me and Sasuke to take us to Iwa. They think that I'm a Yamanaka and know he's an Uchiha thanks to the family crest on his back." Naruto said.

"Any plans when the attack will happen?" Kakashi asked.

"In three days. They want to lure us into feeling safe before striking." Naruto answered.

"Okay, that could be enough time to take out Gato and his thugs if we do this the right way. And messages from your clones that spied in the camp?" Kakashi asked.

"Nothing bad. Only your normal thugs there. Except for their numbers we can take them out easily."

Kakashi nodded.

"If we have to expect ninjas attacking us in three days we will probably have to adjust our plans a bit. The camp is on the other side of the island, meaning an hour away on ninja speed.

We can use that to our advantage. Perhaps we can avoid the Ame ninjas and the Kiri missing nins coming after us if we are fast enough.

Naruto, we take out the camp and the base tonight. Can you get the maps done before then?" Kakashi asked, shocking Sakura.

"They are being drawn by my clones at the moment. I can leave the camp to a group of five hundred clones. In the dark they wouldn't be seen if they slip into the camp transformed. Once I have one clone close to every thug I can simply kill them.

That shouldn't take more than a minute once the clones are in position." Naruto informed Kakashi.

"That will probably be our best bet. Without a ninja in the camp the thugs are easy prey and with your shadow clones you could make that a fast deal. Do you have chakra storage seals for yourself?" Kakashi asked.

"Ten fully filled. I'm good in that regard. The only thing I fear is that if we act now the Iwa nins could get the idea to strike earlier.

While I can fortify the house with seals that will take them at least twenty hours to break through, that will still be a narrow thing hoping for the reinforcements from Konoha.

My suggestion is to take out the camp early tonight and the base early in the morning. That way we can win a few precious hours. That would also give me the time to set up the seals." Naruto said.

"Hm, that makes sense. Can you make some chakra storage seals for Sasuke and Sakura? I want them to have at least one for emergencies." Kakashi said.

"No problem, sensei." Naruto said and put two clones to work on that.

"Boss, the map of the base is ready." A clone shouted.

"Good. Now let's see." Kakashi said, taking the map from the clone.

The planning of the attack was going pretty well. The only thing that interrupted things was Naruto having to tell Inari just why his attitude was dead wrong and fatalistic. While his harsh words were hard on the boy, Kakashi knew he needed to hear them.

Kakashi made sure to inform Inari just why Naruto had said what he had said and how hard his life had been and that he didn't just give up, but worked to overcome his problems. By now Naruto was the strongest in his age group. Inari had a lot to think about after that talk.


It was just eleven and everything was quiet. Their next bigger job would be in three days and until then he would be off duty. He had just finished his last guard shift and was about to shower and then turn in for the night. Tomorrow evening he would go to the brothel Gato had graciously placed in the camp.

While the women they had there were nothing special and used, sometimes a man just needed a pussy to fuck. He walked towards his bunk when he felt a cut on his throat and a sharp pain, and then everything went black.

Naruto's clones had taken positions since the original Naruto had given the command and produced the number of clones needed for this dirty mission. Each clone had about two thugs to kill. No flashy jutsus, no false bravery, just simple by the book assassination.

Infiltration of the camp, taking position close to the targets and then a quick kill. He would later have to deal with the effects of his kills.

He theoretically knew why this was necessary.

If the thugs were left alive, they would be a threat to their mission and Wave would never recover. Even if the villagers would finally wake up and stand up to Gato, these numbers were simply too much.

A group of thirty thugs was one thing. That a group of determined villagers could handle if they really wanted. But thousand? No wonder that Gato had no problems controlling the people.

The clones knew not to dispel until they got the signal. The original Naruto couldn't be distracted with his guilt for taking all those lives. Within five minutes five hundred thugs had died thanks to them not suspecting anything.

Only one clone dispelled and he had only got the signal from the clones in the camp that the deed was done. He had seen nothing of the blitz attack and would only inform the original that the job was done.

Otherwise Naruto wouldn't be able to perform in the rest of the mission properly.

And that would definitely end in all their deaths.


It was five in the morning. In one hour shifts would be changed and fresh guards would take over. Kakashi and Naruto would enter the building from two sides. Both completely disguised with no insignia of a village.

Naruto waited until the planned time and transformed to bypass the two guards undetected. Once inside the building, he went for the rooms that were his targets. The dorms of the normal thugs.

They were located on the lower levels. The upper levels were the supposedly stronger thugs and the ninjas. That would be Kakashi's job. Naruto still had enough rooms to cover.

With the base currently holding four hundred thugs, he had two hundred to kill. Once he had reached the silent corridor where the first bunch of thugs slept, he made three clones for each room and sent them inside.

After not even a minute all the clones returned and just nodded. Meaning they had killed the thugs. Naruto repeated the performance on the next two floors. The last floor was a bit different. He coincidentally found Aoi Rokusho awake on that floor.

"Seems my hunch was correct. The hours shortly before dawn are perfectly suited for an attack. You won't kill me as easily as those common thugs." He said and took out his umbrella.

Naruto knew that he should keep this mission as silent as possible and placed a silencing seal on the wall.

"Now we won't disturb the others. We can be as noisy as we want to be." Naruto said.

"You're very delusional if you think you can defeat me. I'm a jonin, no comparison to those thugs that don't know how a ninja works." Aoi boasted.

"I will enjoy disillusioning you on your arrogance. You only are listed as B-ranked missing nin from Konoha because you stole the sword of the Nidaime Hokage. It's the sword that's strong, not you." Naruto taunted.

"I'll show you just how powerful I am. You want to see the sword of the Lightning God? That can be arranged." He snapped and took the sword from the belt he wore and activated it.

"A really impressive weapon. One that I want back. You see, that sword should have been held by the Hokage until I was old enough to use it. It is a family heirloom." Naruto revealed.

"Wait, the Nidaime didn't have any direct descendants." Aoi said.

"Says who? I am his great-grandson, so that sword is mine. And I will show you another family secret." Naruto said and threw a tri-pronged kunai at Aoi and vanished in a yellow flash, already readying a rasengan in his hand which he rammed into Aoi's gut.

"You see, lightning may be strong and fast, but the Flying Thundergod jutsu of my Dad is faster."

"N-Namikaze." Aoi croaked out, feeling his body failing.

"Indeed. And contrary to you I can back up jonin rank with abilities." Naruto said, watching Aoi die.

His clones meanwhile had taken care of the last thugs on the floor and the three Ame genin. Naruto sealed Aoi's body in a scroll to collect his bounty later on. He then exited the building like he had discussed with Kakashi.

He left a few shadow clones transformed behind to find out how Gato would react when he returned from his night at the brothel Naruto had heard him talking about.


Hey guys I really need some power stones to Elevate the ranking :)


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