Naruto : Chapter 63

The group soon found out that finding Naruto was really difficult. From the few clues that were left at the site of the theft they didn't get much. But they didn't really expect much. Sakura made photos of the site to show the others in case they overlooked something important.

Shino let his bugs try and find any scent or chakra traces of Naruto next to placing some strategically to guard the exits of the village. But as Shino had already expected there were none. And the security cameras didn't show a thing about the theft.

That feat was quickly solved though as Hinata found a device with a tape that had a four hour sequence of the undisturbed room. As long as nobody set off the alarms nobody would find out in time that anything was stolen.

Kiba and Sasuke had split up to scout inside the village. They tried to find out if anybody had seen Naruto, but nobody had done so and from the reactions of the civilians they were glad about it. Sasuke massively wondered about that behaviour.

As he hadn't done many missions inside the village for civilians he hadn't realized that Naruto was that disliked. No wonder that Naruto hated the civilians. He would too if he was treated like this.

Probably he would have already set them on fire or something like that. He didn't have much patience for idiots. But this made finding Naruto that much harder. Nobody cared to notice him even if he had been somewhere.


The Hokage looked at the report he had got from one of his teams concerned. This was a serious problem. While they had by now taken care of the old Uchiha draining seals all over the village, a group of Hyugas had noticed other seals all over the village that looked much older even.

He had them take care of the seals, but if anybody had managed to basically turn the village into a waiting time bomb it was cause for immediate action.

The security measures of the village couldn't be that good if this had been overlooked for so long with a whole clan of Byakugan users around. He decided to call Kakashi in. As his successor he should be involved in trying to solve the problem.

Kakashi appeared ten minutes after the Hokage sent out the call. The Hokage activated the privacy seals around the office and sent the ANBU out.

"You wanted to see me Hokage Sama?" Kakashi asked.

"Yes, Kakashi. We have a problem at our hands that I hadn't seen before. As you know I had members of the Hyuga clan disable the seals that originated from the old Uchiha district.

During that task they found other, older seals spread over the village, explosive seals." The Sandaime said, giving Kakashi a serious look immediately.

"That's bad. How could that many seals be overlooked? That shouldn't be possible." Kakashi said.

"I don't know yet, but it is a major reason for concern. I don't like the thought that people could invade Konoha by using such a trap. From examining the seals many must have been decades old.

That isn't assuring me in the village security and counter-espionage departments. The worst part is we even found masses of those seals inside the Hokage Monument. The shelters for our civilians in case of emergencies are there." The Hokage said.

"I see. We really need to come up with new security measures to prevent something like that from happening. I don't want to imagine what could happen if we were target of an invasion with that kind of security problem in our backs." Kakashi said.

"Especially as we know from Jiraiya Sama's reports that both that Akatsuki organisation and Orochimaru are up to something."

"Indeed. That's why I called you here. As my successor you should be involved in setting up new security protocols.

The chunin exams are in one and a half months and it will be the time we will announce you as the Godaime Hokage, Naruto's heritage and show all those that come to watch the finals just how strong our next generation is.

We can't let anything happen then. I want the chunin exams to be the last highlight in my career as Hokage." The Sandaime said.

Kakashi nodded.

"Should I call Naruto in? He is the one with the best idea of the weaknesses in our defences from his pranks." Kakashi asked.

"Excellent idea, Kakashi. But isn't he doing a test with the rookies on their tracking and capture skills?" The Hokage asked.

"He is, but I have a way to contact him if necessary. He could send us a shadow clone and work as Dark Phoenix. It makes sense since including new seals into the defences of the village would make them stronger and more unpredictable.

We have to consider that we have S-rank missing ninjas out there that know a lot about our methods to protect the village after all." Kakashi said.

"Alright, call him." The Hokage agreed.


It took an hour for Naruto in his Dark Phoenix attire to appear at the Hokage's office.

"You called for me, Hokage Sama?" Naruto asked after landing in the office.

"Yes, you are getting as bad as Jiraiya, always coming through the window. We need your expertise in sealing and the weaknesses of the village's defences, Dark Phoenix." The Hokage said.

"Okay, what's the reason that this came up?" Naruto asked intrigued.

Kakashi briefed Naruto on the found explosive seals and their thoughts on the overall village security.

"I see. Well, first we need to change the frequency of the protective barrier around the village. Both Orochimaru and Itachi are still registered as Konoha ninjas at least for the barrier. It wouldn't notify us if they went through it.

I suggest letting Jiraiya write those seals as he has more experience which areas need to be covered and how to write the chakra signatures that are allowed inside into new seals. I would even suggest to not excluding anybody from being spotted; everybody should trigger a message to a surveillance team.

Said team can check the chakra signatures against those of out ninjas. Perhaps we could make it so that the Hokage gets a special signal so that he and an escort can pass through unbothered.

"That way we know immediately if anybody enters that we don't want to enter the village. Let's say we make the barrier triple layered. First layer about ten kilometres outside of Konoha. It will be triggered by anybody nearing the village. Second layer will be five kilometres away from Konoha. Only our registered ninjas can pass through that layer.

I suggest a seal to be carried by all ninjas on a mission that allows them the pass through that barrier unbothered. Everybody else would need to show documentation that allows them to pass through with one time passing seals.

The setup isn't too difficult; several plants have one way membranes in their cells, copying the effect for a barrier is completely possible.

The ninjas that went through before would have to identify themselves at the gates by a chakra identifying seal. That way nobody can slip through unnoticed even in case a Konoha team would be ambushed outside.

On top I would suggest to make sure that the walls are strengthened by similar seals like the bridge in Wave Country. It would make any attempt to bring the walls down much harder for any intruder.

Right now, say Orochimaru, would only need to summon some of his bigger snakes and let them crash the walls, creating a hole where attack troops could get through." Naruto listed his points.

"Before we can start that we need to eliminate all spies we have in the village." Kakashi spoke up. "We would waste our time if an enemy spy found out about the new measures and attacked when we took down the former barrier to replace it with a better one.

The best strategic time to attack us would be the chunin exams as we would be forced to not only fight any attackers, but also protect our important guests. With all the guests coming in it would also be harder to detect known hostile elements."

"Leave the spy elimination to me and Danzo. We can deal with those we know and have an eye on easily. After all, that's what the ROOT is really good at." The Hokage said and got nods from the younger two.

"We also need to find a way to stop aerial attacks. Some ninjas have techniques that allow them to fly over natural obstacles and as long as they keep out of the range of the barrier we wouldn't notice them until too late." Kakashi mentioned.

"True. We need to keep a corps ready at all times to fight of aerial attackers. We would need either long-range specialists or find a way to let them fly themselves. Any seal ideas on that, Dark Phoenix?" The Hokage asked.

"Hm, it might be possible, let me sketch this up a moment. It is possible to use seals with clothes, my cloak that I have got for the chunin exams is proof that it works, but I use my wind manipulation for that and the cloth I had my cloak made of is really expensive and rare." Naruto mumbled, drawing calculations on a piece of paper.

"The material used can't be too heavy, but needs to be chakra conductive. Still it needs to be sturdy enough to not be easily destroyed.

Either nature manipulation or gravity manipulation might work. Nature would be harder as wind manipulation isn't that well-trained in Konoha. But what if it was a device?"


Hey guys I really need some power stones to Elevate the ranking :)


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