Naruto : Chapter 90

The first attack was Shino's. His bugs had burrowed themselves in the ground that was directly in front of the three that were sneaking up to the village. Unnoticed to them, a number of bugs attached themselves to each and started eating their chakra.

When they were five metres away from the walls, Naruto triggered a flash bomb, which allowed Shikamaru to send his shadow out to catch the attackers in his shadow possession jutsu.

Two of them were caught, the last one managed to jump away. Shino sent out more bugs to take the two caught ones out while Naruto and Sasuke engaged the last one.

"Pesky Konoha nins, you won't get me!" The man declared before he sent a fireball at them.

Sasuke countered with a larger one while Naruto used the cover of the two fireballs to throw one of his special kunai towards the man's position. When the explosion of both balls occurred, he flashed behind the man and attacked two nerve clusters with his taijutsu.

One was a perfect hit, the other slightly off as the man attempted to dodge. Well, at least his right leg wasn't working anymore and the left arm was slightly immobilised. The man fell to the ground from the leg giving out, but he managed to avoid getting hit while being down by rolling to the side.

Naruto continued his attack and finally managed to slap a paralysis seal onto the man. He then sealed off the man's chakra and told Sasuke to keep watch while he got the prepared prisoner scrolls out.

They weren't sure if these were all of the group, so they would need to interrogate their prisoners before they could be sure that the mission was a complete success.

"That wasn't so hard," Sasuke commented. "They weren't strong and were completely caught off guard."

"I know. It's suspicious. They shouldn't have been able to be that successful if they were so easy to take out," Naruto agreed. "From what I saw they can only be average genin level in abilities."

"Let's go and see what Shikamaru and Shino think about this," Sasuke suggested and Naruto nodded.


The next morning, after having put the three prisoners into the scrolls to keep them secure, Naruto let the one that he and Sasuke had caught out and tied him to a chair for interrogation. The man struggled, but the wire used for the job held up.

"You Konoha Scum won't get anything from me!" The man exclaimed angrily. "Especially not brats like you!"

"Is that so?" Naruto asked calmly and used his ninjutsu variant of imitating the Kyubi's killing intent, making the man shake in fear. "Now we can do this the easy way and you tell us all we want to know.

Then we'll simply send you and your companions to prison, where you'll spend time for your crimes and can hope to one day get out again. Or we do this the hard way, I'll show you why you have every reason to shake like you do now, you get probably maimed in the process and spend the rest of your life, as short as that might be, in a prison if you don't get put out of your misery."

Neither Shino nor Shikamaru had ever seen how Naruto interrogated prisoners and were honestly shocked to see this side of their comrade. Were they in the place of their captive, they didn't know if they could stand up to that pressure. Naruto simply waited for the man to break under the intent.

Nobody below jonin level could normally stand up to the feeling that the presence of an angry biju created. Jinchuriki being the exception. They were used to that. Like predicted the man broke within five minutes and sang like a canary.

He and his two comrades were part of a group of six that had originally been ninjas that Orochimaru had lured to Oto. After the death of their leader in the Konoha invasion, many had deserted the village and were now attacking villages to get what they needed to survive.

He also revealed the hideout they had set up and who the other three were.

He was the second strongest of the group and second in command. The leader was a former chunin, while he had been borderline chunin in strength. The others were at most genin level. They hadn't been in Oto for long, therefore they didn't know much about Orochimaru and his activities or many of the bases.

He could tell them though that Oto was less a village than a number of hidden bases all over Rice Paddies Country. The man slumped in relief when Naruto dropped his jutsu and sealed the man back into the prisoner scroll.

The interrogations of the other two didn't give them any new information and therefore they were sealed back soon.

"We'll attack the hideout tonight. Shino, sent your bugs to scout the place. We need to know what terrain we'll be fighting at to surprise them," Naruto ordered and Shino nodded.

The bugs few off towards the place where the hideout was located.


The attack was actually very easy for the Konoha team. Shino had told them everything his bugs had relayed to him and Shikamaru had come up with an effective strategy again.

Naruto sneaked into the hideout, which was under the roots of a tree, where the group had found a cave that they had enlarged over time, making sure that nothing on the outside pointed at this fact, transformed as a mouse.

He put some drugs into the water supplies of the three they found, one teenage girl and two men, and simply waited for them to drink some water.

The drug simply made them sleepy and while they were keeping an eye out for possible enemies and the second group that was scheduled to return sometime during the night, they were always careful to not have anybody follow them to their hideout, they didn't expect an attack from the inside.

After two hours of waiting, all three of them were fast asleep. Naruto undid his transformation and tied them all up after taking away all their weapons, money and hidden equipment.

In one case he had to empty a blood seal on the upper arm of a man. But by cutting the man's hand and putting the blood on the seal it was easy. The others were called inside and they set to work, sealing up all the things they found in the cave.

There were things like food, weapons, some containers with poison, jewellery, money and scrolls. It would be up to the Hokage to sort through these things and give those that could be clearly connected to a person back to their rightful owners.

The weapons would most likely go to the Konoha armoury or be sold in shops in case of basic weapons like kunai, shuriken and senbons.

There weren't any truly special weapons among them anyway. The most impressive was a knife that was chakra conductive, which Shino kept for himself.

The three ninjas were sealed in three new prisoner scrolls and then the group set off to return to Konoha to report the success of the mission to the Hokage.

None of them had been hurt, they got the mission done within two weeks of time, most of that being spent with investigations and with six prisoners that could perhaps give some more information on things that the team had questioned them about so far.


Naruto and his team stood in front of the Hokage. Naruto was reporting the success of the B-rank mission in a brief summary. He would have to write a more thorough report later on.

"Very good work, you four. I'm very pleased with this success. Your payment will be on your accounts by tomorrow and you have the next two days off. After that I have another mission for you. You're dismissed," Kakashi said and the four bowed before leaving.

Once they were out of the tower, they separated and went home. Naruto made a shadow clone that got the task to write the report while he went to Ichiraku's to get a nice few bowls of ramen for the first successful B-rank mission that he had led.


Hey guys I really need some power stones to Elevate the ranking :)


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