Naruto Chapter 98

While Naruto was busy with Nadare, the rest of the group and the film crew, which was hidden higher up, using the chance to film the battle for their movie, were doing their best to protect Koyuki. She was not responsive and frightened by the attack. 

Even if currently there were no kunai flying towards her position. Then about ten ninjas suddenly appeared from the snow, attacking their group. Nobody had noticed them sneaking up to them. Gai and Lee sprang into action, while Neji and Haku were ready to protect Koyuki from any that got past them.

Tenten was locked in combat with a kunoichi that used a sword, countering her sword with one of her arsenal. Gai knocked two opponents out at once, knocking their heads together, while Lee's opponent had a painful meeting with a tree after a Konoha whirlwind kick to the head. 

Then Haku had ice shackles appear from the snow, surprising three of the group, slowing them down for a while. 

He immediately added more walls of ice around Koyuki to keep the thrown weapons from hitting her. Neji remembered what had been known about the suits and didn't bother aiming at the body of his opponents, which were protected, instead he aimed at their faces. He was easily able to dodge their attacks, mainly snow and ice-based jutsus. 

Haku was much better at using those jutsus. There was a clear difference between a bloodline limit for the element and simple manipulation of something that was there. Two fell for not being careful enough.

Two of the ones that Haku had caught got free, only to meet with Gai and Lee, who showed them that their taijutsu was far superior to anything the snow ninjas were capable of. And fighting on snow wasn't any disadvantage for them. 

Their team had trained to fight on any kind of surface, as Gai proclaimed that a good ninja had to be ready to fight at any time. 

One ninja unsealed a snow board from his backpack and tried getting past the protectors with speed, but Neji was too aware of his surroundings with his byakugan activated to fall for it. 

He got Koyuki out of the way and Haku then turned the snow into ice and had it throw the snowboarder into the air, where Tenten sent a barrage of kunai, having a moment of breathing space in her fight with the swordswoman. 

Amour or not, it took that ninja out of the fight, as it hit the man with the power of seven explosive tags that were attached to them. Even the armour couldn't take that kind of damage.


Naruto's clones finally managed to land a solid hit on Nadare and one attached a seal tag with the Flying Thundergod formula on the man's back.

The group of five had been more successful and had already placed tags onto the waggon in which Doto was and on two of the ninjas that stayed close to him. It never hurt to place more tags than necessary.

"Prepare flight mode," Doto ordered one of the ninjas around him and the man left to do whatever flight mode activation included.

Thankfully nobody noticed him. It was clear that without the suits the snow ninjas were no real threat to the Konoha group. Only the annoying ability to cancel out any chakra based attacks made it hard to deal with them. 

And thankfully, they had a team that could work around that issue. Now they only needed to protect the Princess and keep her away from her bastard of an uncle. And then get her over her trauma to have a good daimyo in her for her country. But that could be dealt with later on.

When Nadare prepared his next jutsu against Naruto, the original disappeared from his position and quickly dealt with the leader of the snow ninjas by cutting his throat with a kunai the split second after flashing to the seal on his back. The remaining snow ninjas seemed to be in shock, seeing their leader being defeated by a teenager.


Gai and the others immediately took advantage of that and only three managed to escape using the body flicker. The others were either dead or unconscious.

Doto's waggon then was turned into an airship and he looked down at the Konoha group and Koyuki. Suddenly a grappling hook shot out and took Koyuki, lifting her into the air. Before Neji and Haku could react to the manoeuvre.

"While you may have defeated my ninjas, I have the prize," Doto laughed, only for it turning into a frown when the rope holding the hook was cut by Naruto with a wind jutsu and he caught Koyuki in his arms, flying a little below the airship. Then he flashed away, only to reappear next to the rest of the Konoha group.

"I may have lost this round, but we now have more information. I will get that crystal and get the Kazahana treasure," Doto mumbled while the airship rose and took the group away, back to the fortress. He needed a new plan.


The Konoha group, the film team and Koyuki reached the safe house of the rebellion about an hour after the battle. Haku administered some medical treatment to those that needed it and Gai praised everybody for a youthful performance in protecting the princess.

The film crew was very happy with the material that they had got during the battle and the director gushed how it would look fantastic in the movie.

"Well, tonight we will rest, but tomorrow we will launch an attack against the fortress when they don't expect it. We can't become too sure of ourselves. While we earned a deserved victory, the longer we wait, the more time Doto has to find an unyouthful way to counter us," Gai said.

"We will fight with the whole power of youth and free this country from its unyouthful leader," Lee shouted, pumping his fist into the air.

"You're right Lee, that's the spirit I want to see!" Gai shouted back.

"Gai sensei," Lee replied moved.

"Lee," Gai exclaimed.

"Gai sensei."


"Gai sensei."

Both ran towards another with manly tears in their eyes, hugging, unleashing the sunset genjutsu of youth. Tenten and Neji were already used to the madness and had closed their eyes and held their hands over their ears to be spared.

Naruto was quick on the uptake and copied their actions. The one to not react quickly enough was Koyuki and thanks to treating her, Haku also got the full blast of the jutsu.

"Gah!" Both Koyuki and Haku screamed.

The scream of the Princess made the guards outside of the room come inside running, only to be caught as well. It ended with seven traumatised people, Lee and Gai having bumps on their heads complimentary of Tenten, who was reprimanding them of not unleashing that horrible genjutsu on innocent people and Haku freezing their green jumpsuits in revenge.

"Wow, that must be a really devastating jutsu," the film director said, "Can you repeat that for the camera so that we can use it as an attack against the main villain?"

"NO!" Tenten, Haku and surprisingly Neji all shouted.

"I fear if you had that in the movie, you wouldn't be able to let children watch it," Naruto stated, which made the film director relent, "But it bears potential of traumatising the enemy with it."

"Even they don't deserve that, Naruto," Haku declared, "Not even Zabuza would have been that cruel. And for your information, Ibiki and Anko have asked to use it for their work, but it traumatised the victims too much to be useful in T & I."

"Too bad," Naruto relented.

Lee and Gai pouted over the criticism for their showing of manly feelings.


Doto was furious. His plan to snatch Koyuki had been thwarted, mostly thanks to that boy, Naruto, being able to fly somehow. There was no device that he used, no sign of something like the wings that some of the chakra armour had, so how did he manage that?

He wore normal clothes as well, so they couldn't be the secret. He didn't like it at all that somebody could undo one of his major advantages, being able to take any fight to the air and keeping out of range of most jutsus.

He also cursed that Nadare had been killed. Nadare had done well in his fight and normally the boy would never have been able to kill him, if it wasn't for that cursed jutsu of the Yellow Flash.

The Flying Thundergod jutsu enabled the one using it to appear in any place where he left a seal from one split second to the next and the moment of surprise was too large for anybody to properly react.

The Yellow Flash had been known as the fastest ninja alive and now his son had proven to have mastered the jutsu as well. No wonder that Iwa had put such a high bounty on his head. Even if, as far as he had found out, they didn't actively hunt the boy down.

Many others had also placed the boy as an A-rank threat, just because of that one jutsu. And then there were the power of his other jutsus and his quick wit in battle.

That boy wasn't special jonin for nothing with just thirteen years of age. He needed to find a way to get one of their chakra suppressing devices onto him, or he would pose a bigger problem than Gai, the one full jonin on the team. The question was, how to do it.

He ordered all jonin of the snow village to be brought to him to discuss a plan to counter the abilities of the Konoha team, now that they knew more. Let's see if six Konoha ninjas could stand up against the full might of Snow Country's ninja force.

You could defeat any opponent. You only needed to find the perfect opponent. This wasn't over by far and if the Konoha group believed that, they would get a rude awakening.


Hey guys I really need some power stones to Elevate the ranking :)


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