Chapter 344

Early this morning, Lehmann drove Nolan to the airport.


To pick up Nolan's younger brother, Jonathan Nolan.

This guy is his brother's royal screenwriter.

The film "Memento" is based on the short story "Memento Mori" written by Jonathan.

He is also the screenwriter for a series of his brother's film projects, such as "Batman", "Deadly Magic", "Interstellar" and so on.

To put it a little bit more seriously, even if the director has a general shooting idea in his mind, it is not easy to transform it into a mature script.

Can you imagine that many lines and scene details are cut out by someone who is responsible for the finishing touch?

This is also the reason why Lyman wrote the script and wrote an outline instead of writing it and handed it over to Ryan.

He knows the story, and he can't polish the story and character backgrounds, clothing details, or even character lines.

Nolan's situation is roughly the same as Lehman's, and he can't convert his ideas into a qualified or even excellent script.

So he recommended his younger brother, Jonathan, to join the project and write the script.

The airport was crowded with people, and Lehman and Nolan waited for more than half an hour. Just saw Jonathan.

He was pushing a trolley case, and he looked a bit old-fashioned. He came over and said hello to Nolan before noticing Lehman.

"Let me introduce you, this is Director Ryman." Nolan said.

"Hello." The two shook hands, and only briefly polite, and there is no more.

Jonathan is a very quiet man and doesn't talk much.

"Go back first?" Lyman asked.

"Let's study the script first. I slept on the plane. Not sleepy."

Jonathan said so, so Ryman drove to his mansion.

Spacious and atmospheric, perfect for sitting around.

The two of them were led to the compartment on the first floor, which was a specially decorated cigar house.

The four-row leather sofa is surrounded by a solid wood table. After entering the door, the butler asks the butler to bring some fruit and pour a few cups of coffee.

Man, there are a few who don't like cigars.

It is a blessing to talk here, save scripts, smoke a cigar and talk about creation.

A few minutes after sitting down, the sound of the car turning off came from outside, and after a while, someone entered the house again.

"Here, come here." Layman beckoned.

"Hey, there was a delay on the way."

Ryan was wearing a pair of sunglasses and a short shirt, and he won three points because of his appearance.

"Sit down and sit down. Let me introduce to you, this is Christopher Nolan, the director of this play, this is Jonathan Nolan, his brother, a graduate of Georgetown University, majoring in English, who is also the director of this drama. playwright."

"Hello, hello, two, my name is Ryan."

He got up and shook hands with both of them.

For the script, Lyman also called Ryan over.

Multiple people, multiple strengths?

The four of them greeted each other and took their seats.

From the small cabinet next to him, Lehmann held the preserved humidor and handed one to each person.

Cut the wrapper, and then use a butane blowtorch to slowly roast the cigar body on the flame without stopping and regularly rotating, and finally light the cigar head evenly.

One sip, the mellow taste keeps rising in the mouth.

He exhaled, and the white smoke mixed with the air in the room again, and the aroma of tobacco leaves filled his nostrils.

Several people are such fans.

I didn't know each other very well at first, but after such a close-range exchange, the atmosphere was relaxed.

Nolan was the first to turn to the topic, "I read that comic, there is too much content, which part should I choose to change?"

"What do you mean?" Lyman asked.

"I don't know, but Batman's age is an issue. He is set in his old age. Are we filming his retirement life from the beginning?"

"This advance is too fast." Lyman shook his head.

"I think so too, so I'm going to shoot how Bruce Wayne became Batman."

"Well, this is a good way."

With a serious face, Lyman suddenly smiled again: "Like the prequel of Batman, many directors have filmed the theme of Batman, but few people find out what Batman will be like before he becomes Batman. People. This kind of adaptation should be able to draw a ditch with other works, and distinguish them more strongly."

"But, will anyone like it? Everyone is here for Batman." Ryan wondered.

His meaning is clear. It is nothing more than that the audience likes Batman who punishes evil and promotes good and has extraordinary abilities. It is the Batman who works in the dark night, wears a cool bat suit, and is handsome and fascinating, not anything else. ordinary people.

"Yes, so this requires a very strong story, so that the audience can have the patience to read the story. Of course, no one wants to watch the life before Batman, but the transformation process of how to become Batman can be very attractive. If you do it, someone will watch it. Don't underestimate the charm of Bruce Wayne."

Ryman briefly stated the meaning.

"Well, it's almost like this adaptation idea, but how to change it? How to arrange the conflict points and storyline? Do you want to set a villain? How to arrange the dramatic plot that really makes Bruce Wayne go Batman's way. ? You said that you want to give Batman more humanity, I agree, but it is still difficult to start."

It seems that Nolan has been thinking about this project for a long Of course, there are many problems.

"Conflict points and drama? It's easy, can you add a little setting artificially? Anyway, it's an adaptation, and I don't need to follow the template of the comic, I can just make up a paragraph..."

Ryan had also seen Batman, thought for a while, and suggested, "Aren't Bruce Wayne's parents dead? Let's take this as a point of change and arrange for his parents to die in front of Bruce Wayne. How about it, is it shocking?"

"What was the cause of death?" Nolan asked.

"Um... Isn't there a lot of gangs in Gotham? Let's just say that a certain gang wanted to kidnap Bruce Wayne for ransom, but it made a mistake and smashed his parents."

"Not deep enough, I don't think so, how about a random gangster who killed Bruce Wayne's parents for the money and wanted to rob? It's because they dress well and look like a rich man, and the little gangster doesn't know. Who is this? Random robbery, random killing, that makes Gotham's order seem broken." Jonathan, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said.

"It's amazing," Lehman said with admiration. "They all say Gotham is chaotic, but what is the law of chaos? With this arrangement, people can truly feel that Gotham, a city that the government can no longer manage, is a paradise for sins to breed."