Chapter 358

That's about it. The people from Warners will definitely intervene, but I will always stand by your side."

In the office of the president of Firefly Pictures the next day, Lehman explained the additional conditions to Nolan in detail.

Nolan is not very good. In his early directorial career, he has become accustomed to compromise.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, Lehmann called the company's production department for a small meeting.

There are currently more than 30 people in the production department, but fewer than 10 are qualified to enter the conference room.

Lyman, Blake Cole and Ray Warner are at the top of the food chain, at least in this room.

Seeing everyone coming, Lehman coughed twice and said, "Before the meeting, let me talk about the company's current production projects. The first is that Ray Warner will be the director of "Saw 3". The scheduled filming time is July, and the producer is Wen Ziren. The second is "Daydreamer" directed by myself, and the producer is Ryan. I know this by myself. The third is to cooperate with Warner. The Batman movie, directed by Christopher Nolan."

After talking about the projects to be produced, Lehman added: "As for today, we mainly set up the production team of "Batman", because Warners will also arrange for the film crew to join. We don't care about them, we Do your own thing first. So, as a production manager, let Blake Cole fill it."


In an instant, Blake Cole's facial muscles twitched.

The production department was formed by the staff of the original Rodrien Films and some external practitioners.

He's an old man from Rodrien Pictures, and I didn't expect Lyman to involve him in such an important project.

This shows that he still has a position in the company. Blake Cole thought to himself.

As for other people, they are a little lonely. If the "Batman" project is not profitable, there are only two other projects to choose from, and Lehman's words are directly dead. Trust is even less of a taste.

However, Ryman didn't care about this, and he continued: "The location selection will be handed over to William."

"I must complete the task."

A middle-aged white man with glasses stood up. It was William. He was the set team leader of "Hellboy". He was still experienced and belonged to the outside party.

"Fieldworker, Alexander."

"Art, Megan Nathan."

"Light, Gabriel."

Lehman thought one by one, trying his best to put people from the production department among the crew members he won. It would be impossible to say that he could be selected all-round. The management positions are still dominated by fireflies.

Everyone is a little nervous, especially those who haven't been named yet, for fear that they won't be able to get their jobs.

After all, such a large project is a more prominent qualification.

It's a pity that in the end there were only 5 to choose from.

Those who got the quota were naturally relieved, and those who didn't get the quota were a little disappointed, but it didn't matter.

"I will communicate with Warner as soon as possible to officially set up the crew. The rest who have not named their names will participate in the crew of Chainsaw 3. The specifics are decided by Wen Ziren and Ray Warner."

Ryman didn't mention the assistant director, camera, etc. positions at all, because that's what he promised Nolan.

The assistant director is usually the director's confidant assistant, and the cameraman is also the person most familiar with the director. This part of Nolan's studio has people selected, and Lehman does not want to surpass it.

After it was settled, Lehman continued: "Then, everyone has read the script. If you have anything to say, please bring it up quickly, brainstorm it, and you can solve the problem as soon as possible."

Seeing that everyone was still hesitating, Blake Cole first said: "The scene design of this play involves a lot of action, so the martial arts instruction is very important. Do we already have someone selected?"

"No, do you have any suggestions?" Lyman shook his head and asked.

"How about the team that filmed "Bad Guy" last time, they are very good at the action design of weapons and close-quarters fighting." A production staff member who had participated in the filming of "Bad Guy" said.

"No, although they are caa people, their actions in actual combat are all very rigid designs. If gangsters or street gangsters fight, they can be chosen, but this is Batman, and Bruce Wayne can't be let down. Let's fight hard, it's not beautiful at all, it's real." Lehman shook his head and directly denied the suggestion. He had worked with the action team, so he naturally knew their style of action.

"How about the action team of "Van Helsing"? A more classical design?" Another person said.

"No. It's still not aesthetic enough. Isn't the script designed that Bruce Wayne will go to a master to organize martial arts? Certainly not without skills." It was Blake Cole who was refuting, but it was very reasonable.

After talking for a long time, Lehman had an idea.

"Okay, leave this to me, let's move on to the next item. Anyone else have questions?"

"A matter of the location." William asked, "Many scenes in the script need to be located, but I want to ask, in addition to the United States, the snow scene may go to Iceland, and the other locations determine which country Would be better, Australia? Canada? Or France, England?"

"Britain first."

"Okay, I will pay attention to this aspect." William sat down decisively after getting the inclination.

The exterior parts in Batman are not complicated, and they don't have that kind of speciality. They are still easy to find.

In general, the choice of location will consider the shooting expenses or tax reduction. In the UK, the tax reduction for framing is not the most favorable, but the advantage is convenience, and Nolan is more familiar there.

In fact, they were all talking about the preparatory As for casting, and even more specific shooting, we have to wait until the people from Warner Bros. come to discuss it.

The general discussion was almost over, and Lehman knocked on the table, "Let's be here today, everyone try to do their part. Okay, let's end the meeting."

As soon as the words fell, Blake Cole straightened his back and walked out, hurriedly confirming preparations with Director Nolan.

As for the others, they were in a good mood.

After Lehman left the conference room, he called Johnson and asked him to make an appointment.

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone and looked at the company's daily operation report in the office.

In this regard, Joseph is still doing a good job, and the overseas box office settlement with Europa is also coming to the account one after another.

About half an hour later, Johnson called to say it was arranged.

Lehmann drove again to...