Chapter 5

On Sunday, my uncle and aunt went out, leaving Zhang Dongcheng alone at home.

  Yesterday, I searched all the film crews I could find. Today, Zhang Dongcheng was free and lay down on the bed, watching future movies and planning for the future.

  There are so many excellent movies in my mind, and several of them are super blockbusters that swept the Oscars, but behind these perfect and impeccable movies are staggering shooting funds.

  Soldiers are coming to the city, produced in 2000, the production cost was 95 million US dollars!

  Transformers, produced in 2007, the production cost is about 200 million US dollars!

  Titanic, released in 1997, cost 200 million U.S. dollars to produce. Using the currency conversion rate in 2007, it was no less than 400 million U.S. dollars! !

   Oh, FUCK!

   Is this the **** movie a guy like me with five thousand pounds in my pocket could make?

  How can those exciting movies be shot without money? If you can't shoot it, how can you make money from movies and continue to fulfill your dreams?

  The TV shows only future movies, Zhang Dongcheng can't help being greedy, why doesn't his sister broadcast some financial news or lottery numbers from 1995?

   Unfortunately, only movies.

  No matter what, my dream is finally one step closer!

  Write down the movie first, turn it into a shot script, and simply go to Hollywood, USA to try your luck, to see if anyone will invest for me or make the first pot of gold by selling the script? Zhang Dongcheng stood up and thought about this idea carefully.

   After thinking hard for a long time, Zhang Dongcheng still gave up on this method. It wasn't because he lacked confidence or was timid, but because he had studied in the directing department for so many years, and he deeply knew the cruelty and ruthlessness of this industry.

  In the entertainment world, which is glamorous and fascinating on the outside, and under the spotlight, the directors and producers who are gentle and gentle below, how many disgusting, dirty and immoral transactions they have done in the dark place, it is simply too difficult to record.

  The suppression, exploitation, and even plundering of newcomers are done with peace of mind and don't mind.

As the most popular entertainment factory in the world, a script in Hollywood needs to run for at least five years, unless it is an imminent commercial blockbuster, so the general script has to be kept in the production company for a long time. The purpose of the producer is also to Try to keep the remuneration of screenwriters down, which is why the Hollywood editors' strike broke out in 2007. Film screenwriters in Hollywood are relatively low paid and have few jobs, which makes them really unable to maintain their daily expenses.

  This is true of local screenwriters in the United States, not to mention scripts sent from overseas.

Moreover, Zhang Dongcheng once had a friend who wrote an excellent script in a flash of inspiration. He ran to the film company to negotiate with the film company, hoping to get a good price, but he was devalued by the capitalists. , Roll back home in disgrace.

   As a result, half a year later, a big director actually changed the script and put it on the silver screen, earning a fortune.

  The friend was very unconvinced, and ran to the film company to argue, but not only did he not get any response, he was also beaten up severely by the unknown person with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

  Knowing what was going on, Zhang Dongcheng's friend left the school after recovering from his injury, and there was no news of him.

  Fairness only exists in a more reasonable mutual position. Once the imbalance is too great and the interests expand to the point of temptation, the power of power and money can trample over it, leaving only countless scars and unwilling submission.

  However, Zhang Dongcheng also knows that any law has the right to be leveraged. If the capitalists are to sit down and negotiate fairly, they must work a hundredfold to get to that position.

In two months, the Cannes International Film Festival in France will open. This is one of the most eye-catching film events in continental Europe. If you can make a film and become a hit at the film festival, it is not Do you get twice the result with half the effort?

  People, with the corresponding fame and status, the respect they get will be real, and the rules of the world can be grasped in the palm of their hands.

  Hey, buddy, come on, a miracle has happened, from now on, everything depends on you!

  Zhang Dongcheng waved his fist and carefully watched the movie in his mind. This time, I want to be a blockbuster!

"Titanic"? No need to think about it, James Cameron is slowly driving this huge ship that shocked the world, it is impossible to steal his limelight, besides, the filming cost of 200 million US dollars is enough Made myself speechless.

  Calm down your mind, and countless movie clips will start to show in your mind, or fierce speed car gun battles, or lingering love stories, and some sci-fi movies with extremely rich imagination and jaw-dropping.

"Don't just stare at the perfect movie, I just need the most suitable movie now!" Zhang Dongcheng warned himself, the movie fragments in his mind seemed to hear his voice, most of the movies slowly disappeared, leaving only a few A few of them are still shining, like the starlight of hope, extremely strong.

  Zhang Dongcheng turned his gaze to one of the stars, and the star was rapidly enlarged in his mind until it covered his entire eyes.


   "Chain Saw", a horror film produced in 2004, directed by James Wen. The film was shot in just eighteen days and premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2004. It was released in succession around the world on October 29 of the same year. In the end, this low-cost film with an investment of only more than 1 million US dollars brought a box office of 55.18 million US dollars in North America.

   This is a really good movie!

   Still, the cost of over $1 million? It's still too high!

  Zhang Dongcheng touched his pocket, which only contained more than 5,000 pounds, and shook his head in frustration.

   This rare low-cost horror film slowly faded away in my mind.

  Although Zhang Dongcheng missed the movie with regret, the information just now gave him a lot of inspiration, proving that the path he chose was not wrong.

   "Chain Saw" also stood out from the film festival and became famous in one fell swoop until it became a sensation in the world.

  Search, search, but the most expensive and most expensive thing in the world, how can it be sold for only five hundred pounds?

Zhang Dongcheng is like a poor boy who came to the Federal Reserve Treasury, looking at the gleaming gold and piled up gold nuggets, his blood boiled, but suddenly he found that he was powerless and could not move the gold bricks weighing hundreds of kilograms. !

  This frustrating reality almost drove Zhang Dongcheng crazy. He picked up the flower scissors and ran to the garden to trim the flowers to clear away his troubles.

  Absently trimming the flowers, thinking wildly in his head, suddenly a shadow appeared in front of him, Zhang Dongcheng looked up, but it was the neighbor who just moved in, the short-haired beautiful girl who impressed him the most.

  She simply wore a white shirt and a pair of tight jeans underneath, which made the curves of her legs extremely attractive. Her short hair was neat and tidy, and she was very cheerful and casual like a British girl.

  She simply wore a white shirt and a pair of tight jeans underneath, which made the curves of her legs extremely attractive. Her short hair was neat and tidy, and she was very cheerful and casual like a British girl.

   "Hey, hello." The short-haired girl waved friendly and greeted Zhang Dongcheng, and then excitedly took the flower scissors, cutting off the flowers and leaves on her side with great interest.

  The gardens of the two villas are close together, but there is a small fence in the middle. With the arrival of spring, the fence has been submerged in the sea of ​​flowers and green leaves and disappeared.

   "Uh, hello." Zhang Dongcheng stood up, spat out the grass roots in his mouth with some embarrassment, and patted the grass clippings on his body.

   "Well, it's like this. I'm new here next door. My name is Victoria. We'll be neighbors from now on." Victoria introduced herself with a smile while cutting flowers.

  Zhang Dongcheng touched his head and stammered, "Oh, my name is Zhang Dongcheng, Chinese. You can call me Smith."

   "Hehe, Chinese? It's rare to see, black eyes and black hair, really special!" Victoria looked at Zhang Dongcheng, her talking eyes flickering.

   "Oh, I don't think there's anything special about it, at least they didn't call me a foreigner." Zhang Dongcheng said with a chuckle and a little self-deprecating.

   "Foreigner? What does foreigner mean?" Victoria asked curiously while keeping her hands on her hands.

"Well, in our China, foreigners are called laowai, which is a kind of compliment. But in the UK, I, a foreigner, can't be considered your laowai." Zhang Dongcheng always laughed at himself when he thought of it Ander's tone became serious.