Chapter 62

Edward stood awkwardly on the side. As the general manager of the movie theater chain, he was the one who requested that only two shows be played. Now those voices yelling at the movie theater manager are like slaps one after another, making his eyes full of gold stars.

   Soon, he took out his phone and called the manager of the cinema.

"I'm Edward, arrange an extra show right now, what? Which movie will be extra? FUCK, needless to say? Don't you know that there are more than two hundred people in your ticket office who are about to riot? Asshole, arrange an extra show right away Two "Two Smoking Barrels"!"

   Turning off the phone heavily, Edward looked at these people who were a little crazy because of Smith's movie, and felt that his breathing was not smooth.

  Today, there is no need to look at the data report, the attendance rate of today's two games is absolutely 100%!

  Oh my God, from less than 10% attendance in the first show, the world turned upside down in just three days, and it rushed to 100% attendance in one fell swoop. Is this movie really so magical and so crazy?

  Edward made up his mind that he must watch this movie tonight.

   Soon, the broadcast sound came from the cinema, and there was an extra show!

  The emotional people finally calmed down. As long as there are tickets, even if it is twelve o'clock, even if it is two o'clock in the middle of the night, you must see this movie, the pinnacle of black humor!

When Mr. Edward came out with more than 200 audiences who filled the screening room with their stomachs in their hands and leaning against the wall, he made up his mind that tomorrow, Friday, he will present the film of "Two Smoking Barrels" The number of broadcasts is expanded to one hundred, no, no, two hundred, or three hundred screens!

  The dark horse that hit this year's box office champion, this amazing movie will make everyone earn a lot of money. Finally, like the oriental dragon dormant in the deep sea, it is finally coming!

  On the second day after Edward made the right decision, Friday's "News of the World" finally published the film review of "Two Smoking Barrels" by the well-known British film critic Mr. Calvin.

   "Classic among the classics, creating a new era of works - two big smoking guns"

   As early as Monday, I saw this movie. Originally, I watched it out of curiosity about the second work of the director of "The Tuner", but as a film critic for so many years, I have never seen any film that gave me a sense of visual and auditory So much shock and thought.

I originally thought, watch it again, and I will understand it after watching it again, but it was not until I watched it the eighth time, until the audience around me went from the very few in the first show to the fullness of the entire screening room, and the ticket office outside It was even crowded with audiences who wanted to buy tickets. Only then did I know that this movie can no longer be watched with ordinary eyes.

I don't want to say how modern and impactful the filming method is, how lovable and funny the characters' London accents are, let alone how the flowing trench coats and violent rock music are. Tempting, I just want to say one thing, the structure of this movie, such as the exquisite Möbius ring, makes people dizzying and amazing!

  If you connect a piece of paper head to tail, you will find that it has an inside and an outside, and the two are disjoint. This is an ordinary paper ring.

  If you turn the head of the note around (180 degrees) and connect it to the tail, you will find that the inside and the outside can communicate. This is the famous Möbius ring.

  Using scissors to cut horizontally for a circle in the center of an ordinary paper ring, the original ring is cut into two narrower paper rings, the width of which is half of the original, while the length remains unchanged. But if you cut a Mebius ring in the same way, you will not get two rings, but a larger paper ring, a ring twisted twice!

  The dark humor in Two Smoking Barrels brilliantly reminds us of the Möbius Circle. The protagonists are busy and full of twists and turns, but in the end it seems that nothing has changed, and everything they have done seems to be useless. From a ring to a ring, start = end. Coincidence, absurdity, helplessness, and irony, dramatize the strangeness of many coincidences in reality, and the strangeness produces all kinds of jokes, which are mixed with helplessness and irony in the helplessness. Watching with eyes, smiling with mouth, calm in heart. At this time, they are no longer the same ring.

  One gamble, two robberies, three gangs of robbers, four gangsters, and countless jokes. An unfinished dream of getting rich, no money at the beginning, no money at the end (although the ending is open.)

  The strong British London accent perfectly matches the black humor style of the whole film. The funny lines are spoken in calm and serious British English, giving people a strong sense of contrast, which has a funny effect, like a funny and cute big drug lord calmly claiming that he does not sell drugs.

  The whole film is full of Moebius-style black humor, everyone doing their own little things, but causing big chaos. Some people die by themselves. Follow the prevailing morals and show the chaotic affairs of London's chaotic neighborhoods. It is also a circle of Möbius in itself, doing and not doing has the same result, but one has a rich process and the other does not.

Some people say that Mr. Smith is an egomaniac for making this movie and claiming to be on par with the Godfather. I would like to say a fact, at least in terms of making people laugh to tears and twitching on the sofa, the Godfather is really inferior superior.

   If you want to have a good time with this movie, take your friends and watch it, you won't be disappointed.

   If you want to be different from your friends and be different, go see it, you will become a trend-setter who will sweep the whole UK.

   If you want to witness a miracle, go see it, a miracle has been born!

Calvin's film review occupied the most prominent position in the entertainment section of the News of the World, and also attracted the attention of a large number of movie fans. Coupled with the crazy wave that rolled up in just a few days, the entire British film and entertainment industry I am speechless for it!

What? Does that arrogant movie really have something to offer?

   Did you make a mistake?

Not only ordinary movie fans flocked to the movie theater on Friday to feast their eyes as soon as possible, media reporters and film critics also took action. What they have to do is to compete with ordinary moviegoers. Audience, practice your arm strength well, in order to grab a ticket!

In the Hammer Film Company, it was full of jubilation at the moment. All the staff knew that Smith's "Two Smoking Barrels" became popular. It was so popular that Edward, the general manager of the Cineworld Group, bowed his head and admitted his mistake in just four days, and took the initiative to release it on Friday. The number of screens has been expanded every day, from a pitiful two screens to more than 300!

  Everyone's face showed excitement, the company is going to make money, it's going to make a lot of money! "Two Smoking Barrels" is that golden cash cow, shining with thousands of golden lights!

   "Haha, Derek, I signed an agreement with Cineworld Group, and they will broadcast "Two Smoking Barrels" exclusively. Sorry for being late!"

Auston swept away the decline of the previous few days, his face was flushed with high spirits, he hung up the phone politely, but he threw it aside with a face of disdain, arrogantly lit a cigar, took a puff hard, and finally He said with hatred: "FUCK, this **** Derek, I used to beg him to release a movie like a son begging me, how is it now? Do you still dare to underestimate Smith's movie? This short-sighted trash! Hey, what a curse! Mom relieved!"

   Taking two puffs of cigar, the phone rang again.

   "Oh, the editor-in-chief of the Daily News wants two tickets to tonight's "Two Smoking Barrels"? Haha, sorry, tell them there is no friendship ticket, if you want a ticket, go to the cinema and line up!"

  Throwing away the phone, Oston, who was smiling so much that his mouth was crooked, thought about it, picked up the phone again, and called Zhang Dongcheng.

   "Hey Smith, I have great news for you..."

On Friday, 65 movie theaters under the Cineworld Group, with a total of 312 movie screens, were all put on the broadcast of "Two Smoking Barrels". Invincible.

Just like in the original time and space, the frenzy of Master Xing's "Journey to the West" led the society, changed the culture, and pushed the postmodernism in front of people, making them crazy and obsessed with it. He devoted himself to it, was fanatical and pious, and even had an influence spanning more than ten years.

   And the protagonist who created this frenzy, Zhang Dongcheng, is in the movie theater.

   "Hey, Smith, there are so many people here!" Victoria pressed tightly against Zhang Dongcheng, looking in surprise at the people packed like sardine cans in the cinema.