Chapter 76

"HOHO, I've said enough about me. Now let's talk about you. I only know that you are a model. I don't know anything else." The casual attire is simple and neat, and the unique style is also very eye-catching.

"I was born in the state of Zulia, Venezuela. My father is Mestizo and my mother is Huayu. My childhood was spent in France and Mexico. As you can see, I look different from other people. Too much, and that's because I'm of Indian blood."

Perhaps it was Zhang Dongcheng's fame as a director with a box office of 100 million US dollars that stimulated Patricia. She also raised her head proudly, with her hands behind her back and a brand-name bag hanging on her wrist, just turning around so gorgeously. After a few laps, she said with a charming smile, "Now that I'm in the modeling industry, I can be considered a supermodel."

  The brand-name bag flew up following her rotation, forming a scene like a scene in a movie, frozen.

Zhang Dongcheng and Patricia chatted more and more speculatively, and the distance between the two became closer and closer. From the beginning, they were separated by half a foot, and now they are shoulder to shoulder. Until two o'clock in the middle of the night.

A few people suddenly turned around from the opposite corner, holding a bottle half full of wine in their hands, supporting each other, staggering all the way, swaying far away, shouting words that no one could understand, but a few words stimulated Look at Zhang Dongcheng and make him alert.

   "XXXXOOO, class load!"

   Class load? Japanese?

Looking at those people, yes, they have oriental faces, short stature, suits are messed up on their hands, ties are pulled to the limit, and they hang around their necks like rings, and their red eyes are aimed at everyone. There was a strange laugh.

   "Are they also Chinese?" Patricia saw them blocking the road and walking crookedly, so she had to stand on the side of the road and let them pass.

   "Oh NO, they are not Chinese, they are Japanese." Zhang Dongcheng said unkindly, and stood aside.

  He naturally doesn't have a good impression of the Japanese, not to mention how he met a few such unrestrained guys on the streets of Hollywood.

   And those guys laughed loudly all the way, kept pouring wine into their mouths, sang extremely ugly songs, and walked past the two of them like no one else.

"Ha, it looks like you are similar to them, you know we are blind to Orientals, haha, hey..." Patricia turned around with a coquettish smile, but she stepped on the side of the road, and the uneven steps made her She staggered, staggered and screamed and fell towards the middle of the road.

   Zhang Dongcheng had quick eyes and quick hands, and hurriedly hugged Patricia who was about to fall, and inadvertently hugged her tightly, squeezing her towering chest, face to face, intimate.

Zhang Dongcheng's face can feel her skin, which is as smooth as milk, and has a wild fragrance like honey, holding her waist with his hands, that kind of slender and willow-like wind, Zhang Dongcheng's heart can't help but sway gently .

   But before Zhang Dongcheng could wake up from the wonderful feeling of being slippery, Patricia jumped up like a cat that had been stepped on, her pretty face flushed with anger.

   But the group of drunk Japanese laughed shrilly and playful at this moment, and the swear words were sprayed out like a faucet turned on.

"Hey, Ikuta-kun, how is this little beauty's ass?" A Japanese man smiled strangely, took a few mouthfuls of wine bottle, and the foamy liquid dripped down the corner of his mouth onto his clothes up, disgusting

   "It feels good to the touch, I bet it will be more enjoyable to touch after taking it off!" One of the Japanese was such a kind of Ikuta, who raised his right hand in front of Zhang Dongcheng like a demonstration, and laughed strangely.

   "What's the matter?" Zhang Dongcheng only felt that his anger began to rise. What did these unqualified Japanese guys do to Patricia?

   "They, they touched my ass!" Patricia said angrily, leaning against Zhang Dongcheng with an angry expression on her face.

   "Apologize! Otherwise, we will only have to go to the police station!" Zhang Dongcheng stepped forward, facing seven or eight Japanese, and said calmly.

  A group of Japanese laughed arrogantly and arrogantly, and some even whistled and shouted: "Haha, what did we hear? Someone said just now that they are not Chinese, but Japanese? So you are Chinese?"

"Yes, I am Chinese, and you Japanese, hey, I feel dirty even mentioning your names!" Zhang Dongcheng said disdainfully, blocking Patricia, and even pointed at a group of Japanese Two steps closer, provocative.

  Hearing Zhang Dongcheng's words, seven or eight Japanese people became angry and shouted: "Ba Ga Ya Lu, what are you talking about!"

   "China pig, our noble Japanese will not compare with you!"

   "Zina pig, dare to be so arrogant? Do you want a group of us to fight? You idiot"

   "If it was fifty years ago, we Japanese would have chopped off your head with one knife!"

  Zhang Dongcheng laughed loudly, took another step forward, and said slowly to the man almost face to face: "You also know that it was fifty years ago?"

   Later, Zhang Dongcheng said disdainfully to this group of Japanese: "Someone touched my friend's **** just now? Please tell me, is it the left hand or the right hand?"

"Bagaya Road, I touched it, how about it! Come and hit me, FUCKYOU!" The man named Ikuta screamed strangely, bursting into anger, with his stinking mouth open wide, spitting out disgustingly Flying and splashing.

"Forget it, forget Smith, there are too many of them. Let's call the police." Patricia was worried about Zhang Dongcheng's safety, and held his hand uneasily, but still looked at those clamoring people with disgust. Jumping clown.

   "Haha, your chick has given up, China pigs are trash, even their friends!" Someone heard Patricia's words and shouted triumphantly.

   And Na Shengtian even smiled sarcastically: "What friend, judging by her appearance and figure, she must be a prostitute around here, look at her coquettish eyes!"

   Hearing Ikuta's words, the Japanese continued to talk wildly.

"HOHO, such a beautiful **** is not easy to find, come on, the noble Japanese have a lot of money, quickly throw this pig to the garbage dump!" A Japanese took out a lot of money from his pocket. The dollar bills were ostentatiously waving in front of Patricia, laughing loudly.

   "The Chinese pig guy can't do it, come and find the Japanese, our excellent pedigree will make you a good baby!"

   "This little **** is so **** cute when she blushes in anger. Come on, I just touched it a little bit and it wasn't enough. I'll give you a hundred dollars and give me a kiss!"

   This guy Yamada was even more arrogant because of the large number of people on his side. He took out a dollar bill, poked his mouth with a wicked smile, and wanted to kiss Patricia on the face.

   A group of Japanese looked at Yamada's brother pig, and they couldn't help laughing, screaming strangely.

Zhang Dongcheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and a knife-like cold grin flashed by. He patted Patricia's hand that was tightly holding him, and said softly: "We don't need to call Police, after a while, they will call the police!"

Patricia let go of her hand in a half-understood manner, only to see a blur in front of her eyes, and Zhang Dongcheng's thunderous punch hit the chin of that stinky face of Yamada, directly knocking him into the air, yelling He fell to the ground and howled like a wounded pig.

   "Just now you said you touched it with your right hand?" Zhang Dongcheng stepped heavily on the neck of Yamada's right hand and said coldly, then picked up the wine bottle that fell from the ground and shook it in front of him.

   "Damn China pig, you dare to hit me?" Yamada spat out a mouthful of blood and a few rotten teeth, dizzy and confused about the situation, and was still cursing dirtyly.

  This Yamada is not bad, he can carry it better than that guy Ander! Zhang Dongcheng smiled slightly, and under the terrified eyes of a group of Japanese, the wine bottle in his hand roared up and smashed against Yamada's right hand violently with the wind!

  The broken wine bottle groaned and shattered, and the glass shards scattered. Yamada screamed and rolled all over the ground holding his **** right hand.

"This is what will happen to your unclean hands and feet!" Zhang Dongcheng stood up, holding a half bottle of wine dripping with blood, and looked coldly at the Japanese people who were so frightened by the thunderbolt that they were sweating coldly. Take a few steps forward.