Chapter 144

It's almost noon now. I didn't expect to communicate with Gibran for such a long time. American lawyers charge by the hour. A lawyer like Gibran needs to pay him 300 US dollars for an hour of communication. This does not include the remuneration for his proposed terms. No wonder Adaman is envious and jealous!

  Zhang Dongcheng thought for a while, and said, "Let's go to register the company first! Have you brought all the materials with you?"

   "Of course! This is our company, how could I forget!" Adaman became excited. Reaching out to grab the baby with him, he wanted to take out the documents inside.

  For Zhang Dongcheng to establish his own company, whether it is Andy, Adaman, or Jason, they are all very happy. Only when Zhang Dongcheng has his own company can all of them rise with the tide. Isn't the reason why you follow him is to fight for your own future? Now the glorious future is finally about to kick off in front of them!

  In the afternoon, Zhang Dongcheng took Adaman and started busy with the establishment of the company.

  After being busy with the company's affairs for nearly ten days, Zhang Dongcheng and others finally finished the company's procedures in late December.

   All that remains is to pick an opportunity and prepare to open their own company.

  Company name is EastCity! The translated name is the city of the East! It happens to be the homonym of Zhang Dongcheng's name.

   There is no moral, but it passed unanimously. Zhang Dongcheng is really not very good at choosing names (the author is also...)!

  The company is a joint-stock company, Zhang Dongcheng holds an absolute controlling stake, Adaman, Andy and others each hold a certain percentage of shares.

  As for the opening time, Zhang Dongcheng chose Christmas day. That is, December twenty-fifth. It happened to be a Wednesday.

  Because of the current conditions and insufficient funds, Zhang Dongcheng and others had to temporarily place the company's office in an office building near the outskirts of Los Angeles.

   On December 25th, the company was officially listed for business.

  But since Zhang Dongcheng has been busy shooting movies since he came to Hollywood, he doesn't know a few friends in the circle at all. So there were very few people who came to congratulate, but Universal Pictures sent someone to send a flower basket because of the previous cooperation with the mummy. Mr. Carr's personal representative was present.

   Burton was also invited to come on this day. Compared with when Zhang Dongcheng invited him back then, Burton looks a bit haggard now, obviously this period of time has been very uncomfortable.

  After seeing his appearance, Zhang Dongcheng thought to himself, it seems that Ander did not disappoint him!

  After an almost crude opening ribbon-cutting ceremony, Dongcheng Films officially settled in Hollywood and became one of countless companies!

   Except for a few people, no one even knows that there is another company in Hollywood.

  In Hollywood, small film companies like Jang Dong-seong, to put it a bit exaggerated, have new companies opening almost every day, and companies that cannot survive will go bankrupt. Like the foam splashed by the waves, it is fleeting.

  But Zhang Dongcheng believes that he has his own efforts, coupled with the backing of countless future film and television works provided by old TV sets. Dongcheng Film Company will definitely prosper and become more powerful.

  Sooner or later, this little-known company, with few people coming to congratulate it on its opening, will become a film and television giant on par with the eight major film companies, or even surpass them!

  After the opening ceremony, Burton specially found Zhang Dongcheng's office.

   "Burton!" Zhang Dongcheng, who had just sat in the boss's chair and was about to feel what it was like to be a boss, stood up and greeted Burton.

   "Hi! Smith! Congratulations on setting up your own company! Now you are a boss!" Burton greeted Zhang Dongcheng with a tired smile on his face.

Zhang Dongcheng waved his hand, greeted Burton to sit down, and said, "Okay, Burton, we don't need to joke around like this anymore. You should know that in Hollywood, there are so many companies with my size. There are too many to count!"

After a pause, Zhang Dongcheng looked at Burton with hopeful eyes, and said, "Burton, it has been more than half a month since my last invitation. How are you thinking? As long as you are willing to come, I will The conditions remain the same! 10% dry stock! In addition, except that the special effects team belongs to Dongcheng Films, all the freedom rights can be entrusted to you! Of course, the work of the special effects team can be done without external force. Under the influence, the films of Dongcheng Films must be the first!"

Burton smiled wryly, and said, "Smith, I don't want any **** dry shares! I want real shares! I won't let you pay for nothing! I'll bring in some of my former friends and employees, and I can also bring the equipment and software I made myself! I guarantee that as long as there is a venue for the special effects team, they can start working immediately!"

  Zhang Dongcheng's eyes lit up immediately. Burton's request is simply a pie in the sky! And it just happened to hit Zhang Dongcheng's mouth. Just chew it and swallow it.

   "Of course!" Zhang Dongcheng couldn't wait to agree, and said, "Burton, as long as you can fulfill your promise, I can give you 10% of the shares immediately!"

  Shares and dry stocks are different. Dry shares do not refer to real shares, but assume that the person owns so many shares and receive dividends according to the corresponding proportion. It is more appropriate to call it a dividend agreement. Shares are in addition to dividends, but also a real part of the legal ownership of the company.

  Dongcheng Films is almost a sole proprietorship of Zhang Dongcheng, but Adaman and others have also obtained varying amounts of shares. They add up to about thirty percent. If Burton joins, even if Zhang Dongcheng gives him 10% of the 70% of the shares he holds, it will be worthwhile.

  Visual effects are too important for a film company. This importance will become more and more apparent as time goes by. Zhang Dongcheng, who has the ability to predict the future, of course has to act first!

   In particular, Burton can bring in special effects talents and at the same time bring his independently designed equipment and software. This is almost giving Zhang Dongcheng a special effects company that can operate in an instant for nothing. This kind of opportunity almost made him wake up from his dreams with a smile.

   "OK!" Burton seemed to breathe a sigh of relief instantly, with a relaxed expression on his face, and said with a smile: "Then Smith, we have a happy cooperation!"

   I didn't expect Burton to act so vigorously. The two had just finished negotiating some general conditions, and he agreed directly?

   Zhang Dongcheng froze for a moment, shook hands with Burton in a hurry, and said excitedly: "Burton, I will let you see the day when our Dongcheng Films stands at the pinnacle of Hollywood!"

   "I'm looking forward to it!" Burton also looked excited.

  After the work was settled, Zhang Dongcheng finally asked his doubts. "Burton, I really want to know, you were obviously hesitant about my invitation before. Why did such a big change happen in just half a month?"

yes! In Zhang Dongcheng's view, even if Burton's changes cannot be described as two extremes, they are almost worlds apart.

  What the **** did Ender do? How could he push Burton, a half-nerd who is so focused on technology, to such an extent!

  Burton smiled wryly, with a bit of unwillingness and struggle in his expression, and said: "There is nothing you can't say! It's all the son of that bitch! He even called me a commercial spy!"

   "Ander?" Zhang Dongcheng frowned. To him, Ender was simply a lingering nuisance. But this time the **** did something good.

"That's right, it's that **** bastard!" Burton gritted his teeth and said with a ferocious expression, "I don't know why this guy found out about the last time we met. He even said that I was bribed by you. He also found The BOSS went to Industrial Light and Magic to make a big noise, which made me lose all face and face in front of my colleagues!"

   "Huh?" Zhang Dongcheng was a little puzzled. Just because of this matter, he wouldn't be in trouble with a top director like George Lucas, right?

   "Are you thinking, is it a bit unreasonable for me to be so cruel for such a small matter?" Burton seemed to see through Zhang Dongcheng's thoughts. He said directly: "Actually, if I can, I don't want to do it either. But because I met you last time, the entire Industrial Light & Magic is in a half-divided state. Some people who are dissatisfied with me, I think I have betrayed the interests of the company. I have specifically targeted me and those who support me. If this continues, I might as well just leave! And before I came to see you this time, I also communicated with the BOSS!"

   "So it's like this!" Zhang Dongcheng finally nodded in understanding. Presumably George Lucas also saw the company's troubles, so he had to cut off his wrists!

   "Okay Burton! The matter is over, believe me, although leaving Industrial Light and Magic is a last resort, but in the future you will be grateful and even proud of your decision now!" Zhang Dongcheng said firmly.

  Burton nodded, and said: "I'll go back and contact my colleagues and friends, and finish all the follow-up matters as soon as possible. By the way, some equipment will be relocated here!"

   "I'm waiting for your good news!" Zhang Dongcheng said while suppressing his inner excitement.

  After exchanging pleasantries with Burton, Zhang Dongcheng saw him off.

   After Burton left, Zhang Dongcheng immediately called Adaman and others for a meeting.

  Due to the initial establishment of Dongcheng Company, there are only three departments now. Of course, the cleaning department and the like are not included.

  Finance Department, this is naturally the most important. Can't do anything without money, Zhang Dongcheng considers himself the manager of the financial department. Before opening, the company also recruited two accountants. Now the finance department has basically been able to run smoothly.

  The second is the sales department, which is in charge of Adaman. Its responsibilities are to contact theaters in various places for the company's films to be released, and to discuss sharing with theater operators. Finally, the receipt of the bill is handed over to the Finance Department.