Chapter 157

"It's okay!" Of course Zhang Dongcheng could give him a little time, but he just waved his hand, indicating that he can do whatever he wants.

   After thinking for a while, Hugo Weiwen's eyes suddenly fell on Adaman beside Zhang Dongcheng. He was wearing a dark sunglasses on his neckline.

   "Mr. Adaman, can you lend me your sunglasses?" Hugo Weaving asked.

   "Oh! Of course!" Adaman immediately took off his sunglasses and handed them to him.

  After putting on the sunglasses, the sunny and kind temperament on Hugo Weaving quickly began to disappear. Although he was wearing a thick down jacket, which made his figure look a little bloated. But that cold, evil aura began to fill him. It makes it feel a little more powerful out of thin air.

  The kind of capable, decisive, people will believe him the moment they see him, he is a guy who kills people like hemp without emotion!

  He lowered his head slowly, like a robot in an activated state. After lowering his head for a moment, he slowly lifted it up again. There was a noticeable **** in the movement.

  Mingming's face is expressionless, and even his muscles look a little stiff, but it gives people a terrifying and even hideous illusion.

   Hugo Weiwen grinned in the direction of Zhang Dongcheng and Adaman. Perhaps to thank Adaman for lending him the sunglasses, Hugo Weaving walked towards Adaman and said in a hoarse and cold voice: "Mr. Adaman, please come with me. Your last How about you resist, or I will cut your neck off without hesitation!"

  The tone is very plain, but it brings a creepy chill.

  Adaman shuddered suddenly, and was really taken aback by Hugo Weaving's superb acting skills in front of him, dancing and screaming strangely! "Oh! God! don't come here!"

   Zhang Dongcheng looked a little surprised, and stretched out his hand to press Adaman's shoulders, preventing him from leaving his seat, and continued to watch Hugo Weaving's performance.

   Hugo Weaving walked over slowly, and when he came not far from Adaman, he bent down. A stiff and cold smile appeared on his face.

  Anyone who saw his smile would not take it as a human emotion. That's not a smile, it's just an action formed by the movement of the facial muscles. Because his smile is really terrifying.

   "Mr. Adaman, I think you should tell me where you hide your things! What do you think!" As he spoke, Hugo Weaving stretched out his hand, stretched his five fingers, and grabbed the top of Adaman's head.

   Zhang Dongcheng, who was pressing on Adaman's shoulder, clearly felt that Adaman's body was trembling slightly. There is even a trace of moisture on the clothes, obviously cold sweat is about to come out.

   Hugo Weaving's interpretation is really wonderful! He fully interpreted the inhuman and terrifying computer man of Agent Smith.

   "Damn...Damn! Damn it, you...don't come near me!" Adaman went crazy!

   "OK! Very good! It's just great!" Zhang Dongcheng stood up suddenly. He stepped forward excitedly and said to him: "Mr. Hugo, you are welcome to join the crew of The Matrix. You are about to play the number one villain in this movie. I believe you won't mind, right?"

"I don't mind, of course I don't mind!" Hugo Weaving took off his sunglasses, the cold expression on his face disappeared instantly, and he put on a smile again, his demeanor became kind, and he asked in disbelief: "Mr. It really passed, right?"

   "Yes!" Zhang Dongcheng nodded vigorously, and said, "I hope you can adjust your time as soon as possible, but before that, we have to sign the contract first. What do you think?"

   "Of course no problem!" Hugo Weaving happily agreed.

  After the contract is signed, he is a member of the Matrix crew.

"Oh! Dude!" Adaman patted Hugo Weaving on the shoulder in admiration, and said, "In fact, just now, I was still complaining to Smith, I think it's incredible that he chose you to play Agent Smith You completely subverted my opinion of you! Do you know that?"

  After the contract was signed, Hugo Weaving smiled and joked with Adaman. "Mr. Adaman must have learned the result of my audition in another crew yesterday, otherwise he wouldn't think so. Right?"

  Adaman admitted honestly, saying: "Oh, yes! I admit it, but I really want to know, why did you get such an evaluation yesterday?"

   "Because the director of the film crew yesterday was a piece of shit!" It seemed that it was inappropriate to scold another director in front of Zhang Dongcheng.

Hugo Weiwen explained to Zhang Dongcheng with some complaints, and said: "Mr. Smith, you know, I went to the live audition of "Spirited and High" yesterday, and that **** guy actually said that I acted like a duck !****! They're a piece of shit!"

   Zhang Dongcheng smiled and shook his head, like this kind of conflict between an actor and a director. He has seen a lot, and there are even many conflicts caused by the director's bad words.

   Obviously Hugo Weaving's audition yesterday had stimulated him, otherwise he wouldn't have been so emotional, and even complained in front of himself.

  Suddenly, Zhang Dongcheng seemed to think of something. The look suddenly became pleasantly surprised, "Wait a minute! Wei Wen. Where did you say you went to audition yesterday?"

   "It's a low-budget movie called "Spirited and Prosperous"!" Hugo Weiwen looked at Zhang Dongcheng because he didn't know. But I was a little apprehensive.

Oh! God, Smith didn't know that **** Stephen Kay, did he? Then I am so sarcastic about that guy in front of him now, won't Smith have a problem with me? Oh! Damn it! I shouldn't have complained. Hugo Weiwen thought chaotically in his mind.

  Unfortunately, he didn't know that Zhang Dongcheng didn't even know which onion the so-called Stephen Kay was.

  The reason why Zhang Dongcheng is excited is because he deeply remembers that Keanu Reeves should participate in this year's "High-spirited" movie!

   I really didn't expect that Hugo Weiwen would bring him such a surprise.

   "Weiwen, are you sure that the movie you auditioned for yesterday is called "Spirited and Prosperous"?" Zhang Dongcheng asked suppressing his inner excitement.

   Keanu Reeves really gave Zhang Dongcheng a headache during this time, and even made him think of changing if he couldn't do it.

   "Of course! Mr. Smith, I won't remember this wrongly. What's the problem?" Hugo Weaving asked nervously. Fear of hearing what you least want to hear.

   "No! No! No!" Zhang Dongcheng shook his head again and again, and said, "No problem, not only no problem. I may have to thank you too. Wei Wen!"

   "Thank you?" Hugo Weiwen was confused, not knowing what the **** Zhang Dongcheng was doing.

   "Yes! Of course thank you!" Zhang Dongcheng stared at him and asked, "Did you see Keanu Reeves when you auditioned yesterday?"

   "Keanu Reeves?" Hugo Weaving shook his head after recalling for a while, and said, "Sorry, I didn't see him!"

  Speaking of which, Keanu Reeves is a well-known actor in Hollywood. It is not surprising that Hugo Weaving knew the existence of this person. It just irritated Levi's for losing his reputation for his own reasons over the years.

   "No?" Zhang Dongcheng raised his brows, thinking in his heart that since Qiqifeng has already started preparing for the crew, the appearance of Keanu Reeves must not be far away. It seems that I am going to do something to cut the bark. Take Keanu Reeves away from the pandemic-ridden crew.

  After making up his mind, Zhang Dongcheng said: "Weiwen, can you tell me that the high-spirited crew has started auditioning for a few days?"

   "It seems to have started the day before yesterday." Hugo Weaving replied uncertainly. He really wanted to know what made Zhang Dongcheng pay so much attention to this high-spirited, low-budget film. Is it just for the actor Keanu Reeves?

   "It's great!" Zhang Dongcheng was determined, and said, "Wei Wen, I want to trouble you to take me to the audition scene where I'm so excited!"

   Hugo Weiwen agreed decisively. Anyway, this kind of thing will not cause any loss to him, and he can also build a good relationship with this Chinese-American director who has been in the limelight recently.

   You must know that Zhang Dongcheng is still very young. If his film life does not experience too many twists and turns, it will definitely last for decades. For an actor, the future benefits of having a good relationship with such a director are self-evident.

   Don't think that white people don't talk about feelings. This is pure nonsense. As long as you are human, you will have emotions and desires, and you will think about yourself and the people around you!

  That afternoon, under the leadership of Hugo Weiwen, Zhang Dongcheng came to the audition location smoothly.

  Standing outside a studio, Zhang Dongcheng saw actors waiting in twos and threes, obviously all of these people came to audition.

  After glancing at the group of people, Zhang Dongcheng found helplessly that Keanu Reeves didn't seem to be there.

  But since it is known that he is coming back here for an interview, those who are waiting for him will meet him sooner or later. Zhang Dongcheng simply let Hugo Weiwen go back first, and stayed here to continue waiting.

   Until almost three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Dongcheng, who was waiting on the bench by the roadside and was about to fall asleep, was finally disturbed by a quarrel.

  Following the prestige, a white man and a black man in the audition crowd were mocking a guy in a worn-out yellow jacket with disheveled hair and a dirty face.

  The man being ridiculed is about 1.85 meters tall, with a slovenly appearance. It seems that it is difficult for people to associate him with the identity of an actor. Or maybe he's more like a bum.