

For a moment, Iwamoto looks like he is about to cry, but then he flashes a big smile.

"Oh, it's my pleasure."


Again, what an unexpected answer. In my head, I had seen at least three kinds of rejections and in the end, there was me crouching down in a corner. Crying.

"What do you mean what? We're getting married, aren't we? Let's do it then!"

"No, no, I didn't think you'd agree to it. You could have told me that you love someone else or..."

"Ha-ha-ha, so why not? Who else am I gonna marry but you?"

I'm an old man, and I'm not reliable. If I were Iwamoto's father, I'm proud to say that I would turn this old man down the moment I saw him.

Iwamoto taps my shoulder with a smile more confident than the question I threw at him a few moments ago.

"I already knew that..."

I was surprised that he told me that. I don't remember being so obvious. Did I worry so much that it turned out to be obvious?

Iwamoto sighs. "Sensei, remember the first day I moved here and got a really bad menstrual cramp?"

I remember it well. That was the day I got my first opportunity to rub his abdomen.

"That time when you found the brown paper containing sanitary products in my luggage."

I nod.

"That was...the sanitary products you bought for me that I have yet used at all."

What? Was there something wrong with the sanitary products I gave him? I was very proud to be able to do something for Iwamoto.

"Hey, but don't make that face."

Iwamoto chuckles.

"I was panicking and just snatch that brown bag from you. I wanted to explain why the sanitary products were still intact, but since I wasn't confident enough yet, I kept quiet. I was scared you'll be disappointed in me." He strokes my head, so I move a little closer. "Your judgment about me is correct. I used to have great resistance to getting things from people. I used to think, Ah, he must be doing this out of pity for the poor orphan me who has to support his younger sister. But then, you bought me baked potatoes I like so much."

I remember our conversation at the Chinese restaurant after returning from the real estate agency. I was truly happy about my new experience and changes. So, one day, when I returned home, I bought some baked potatoes because he once briefly mentioned that he liked them very much. After that, I kept buying them for Iwamoto because he looked so cute while devouring them.

"Once, when I was walking with my colleagues on my way home from work, a baked potato truck pased by. They all bought some and ate them. I was broke, so I didn't buy one. But there was this younger guy who lived in the same room as me. He started to work at the company as my apprentice. He's co*ky, but he's a good guy. I wish he was a jerk. But oh, he bought some for me. I actually wanted to decline, but since it would make the atmosphere worse, I ate them."

Who? What the hell?

Suddenly, the beast inside me is raging about to burst out of the cage. Its eyes are red and bloodshot. Fortunately, Iwamoto doesn't notice.

"But after that, he kept buying me baked potatoes. You like this, don't you? He would ask. He's a good guy. Unlike me, a mere high school graduate, he's a college graduate. He has wealthy parents. He was not ashamed of treating me like that."

Iwamoto looks down. In my mind, I am concerned about something else.

That guy probably wanted to take advantage of Iwamoto. There must be a hidden intention behind his kindness. He surely had other intentions. Perhaps he wanted to keep seeing Iwamoto's cute face while devouring some baked potatoes. That young lad is dangerous. Too dangerous. Oh, they slept in the same room too! Did he see Iwamoto's sleeping face? Did he sniff Iwamoto's scent? He treated Iwamoto too well. I don't like it. Who the hell is this guy?

Oh God, I want to marry Iwamoto right now. I want to put a ring on his finger and mark him so bad.

No, no, no. What am I thinking?

I hurriedly shake off the dangerous thought. Iwamoto is telling me something very important right now.

"But then he kept giving me all kinds of things. Baked potatoes, magazines, all the food and liquor he got from his parent's house...I refused them all. I knew it was a stupid thing to do, but I was afraid I'd become dependent on him over time."

Iwamoto takes a deep breath. He looks up and smiles.

"But it was different when Sensei gave me those sanitary napkins. At that time, you didn't know anything yet about my background," Iwamoto said. "For you, I was just a young, big, and obnoxious guy. Even though I've hurt you and haven't had a chance to apologize, you even bothered to buy those sanitary products for me. Of course, I thought perhaps it was just your innate attitude. Perhaps you do that to other patients too. But then I imagined you at a pharmacy and with your neighbor asking about sanitary brands."

Iwamoto chuckles.

"Then I was like, what the hell am I going to do with this? I don't want to use them. I don't want to throw them away. So I ended up not using the products because they were special to me... It's so stupid, but it felt like the best thing I'd ever received in my life."

I am at a loss for words. My throat suddenly feels like it is clogged by something.

"I used to feel like every time I receive something from someone else, a part of me is reduced. But the things you gave me didn't contain that weird pity I hate. I was relieved."

Iwamoto pauses.

"I liked you from then on," he said. "Though I didn't think that was the only reason I like you. You really are a nice guy, but I guess you're my type, to begin with. Never cross my mind that I would be falling in love with a guy. Somehow, I felt guilty about that. So I held on to the sanitary bag you gave me while thinking that I should not seeing you again. But since at that time I was going through a lot of bad things, when I met you at the real estate office, everything is forgotten."

I was the same way. I had forgotten everything. I was beyond happy to see him again.

"It's really hard to believe that living with Sensei can be this much fun. You are kind and always took care of me seriously. And strangely enough, I don't mind being treated so nicely either. I was so happy you bought things for the kitchen, buying this and that for me. I thought I want to depend on you and be depended on by you, and when you are in trouble, I will help you. The baked sweet potato you bought for me was delicious. It's weird, but lately, I don't feel so bad anymore when I get something from someone other than Sensei. Maybe it's because of you."

Iwamoto touches my cheek again.

"I love you, Sensei. I've always loved you and longed for you so much that...I already knew something like this is going to happen. I knew it from the beginning, that I was going to marry you."

Iwamoto stares at me, and so do I.

"So Sensei, I want you to do me another favor. Please, marry me."

I put my hand on Iwamoto's, and suddenly he starts laughing.

"Yuge-sensei cries too much! Please stop crying now."

I wouldn't have known if he hadn't told me. My chin is all wet.

"Sorry..." I hurriedly wipe it off, but the drops end up falling on the couch and on my pants.

Iwamoto gives me a peck on the head. "Then, all that's left is to say hello to your mother, right?"

Then, I realize something more serious.



"I haven't said anything to her yet."


I've been focusing solely on Iwamoto's sister that I forgot about her. I haven't even yet told my mother that I finally get a boyfriend or that I've been living with that very boyfriend. My mother is the kind of person who doesn't like to contact anybody. She wouldn't contact me unless her life was in danger. I enjoyed spending time with Iwamoto so much that I haven't even seen her in a year.

What a terrible son I am.

What should I do now?

"What's wrong with you, Sensei? Didn't you cry earlier when you heard I came out to my sister? What were those tears? You haven't even told your parents about me yet!"

Iwamoto is more stunned than angry. His babbling is obviously laced with suppressed laughter.

"No, I'm sorry! I'll call her now! I'm calling her right now!"

"Okay, come on. Do that. I'll be right here watching."

And so it is. Stifling his laugh, Iwamoto enjoys the sight of me frantically trying to call my mother. As though this is my punishment for being too careless.