

Congratulations on your hasty marriage!"

"I told you it's not like that!"

"How cute, a gynecologist knocking his patient up and then getting married? Sounds like a porn plot to me."

"Shut up, Shimabukuro! We're on duty now!"

Shimabukuro's overly aggressive tone has me flustered. I know it's a not bad thing. These days, the term "double happy marriage" or "child-bearing marriage" is often seen in a positive way.

But, I am a gynecologist. A veteran one at that. I am in a position to promote proper family planning. I dread at the thought of my patients listening in. Well, we are in the doctor's office now, but Shimabukuro's voice was too loud. He is completely amused by me.

"He and I had already made plans to get married... We've been dating for almost two years, I just never tell you."

"It's still too suspicious. I would have believed if you weren't a doctor but, you live with him and he was three months pregnant when you found out, right? Then what? You married him! Sounds like complete blackmail to me."

"He was six weeks pregnant when I found out. I told you already. We registered our marriage early this year. I just didn't tell you."

And three months have passed since Iwamoto and I entered into marriage.

It was a dazzling day. A very quick wedding with no honeymoon—though, every day feels like one.

It was a dazzling day. A very quick wedding with no honeymoon—though, every day feels like one.

Except for work and shopping, we hardly went out. We had a wedding ceremony, just for photos—both wearing crested kimono (there were no white kimono or wedding dresses in Iwamoto's size); dinner with my mother and grandma, and a trip to the northern prefecture to see Iwamoto's sister, we spent all of our days off at home.

I mean spending our time on the bed.

"Honeymooning is a waste of time, isn't it?" teased Iwamoto as he caressed my cheek. We both were sweating.

And so, on one sunny summer day, two robust naked bodies danced on a bright white sheet of a bed.

"No need to be so nervous... I'll treat you right."

I couldn't say any words to the contrary because I love Iwamoto too strongly.

Can there be a creature that makes me feel as good and as absolutely lost as this man does? Impossible.

"I love you..." I say, licking my upper lip hungrily.

I put my hands on Iwamoto's strong muscular waist, then closing in my p*nis between his legs. Rubbing it up and down like a madman.


I let out a moan, being dominated by Iwamoto's weakness.

"Taka... Please, more... Takashi... Takashi!"

A few days before that, Iwamoto had shown me the result of a commercial pregnancy test and, it was positive?

Right at that instant I was, honestly beyond scared. I was paranoid.

So immediately after that, I took Iwamoto to the hospital for a urine test. There, to verify the result, they also sent him for a blood test and many other things I didn't even know if needed.

They confirmed it right away. Iwamoto was six weeks pregnant. And that's why we got married earlier and now, in front of Shimabukuro, I am writing a letter to a private hospital in the capital.

The number of MFUU cases is still small in this part of Japan—if not known at all. All the brochures on the internet said that MFUUs can have an absolutely normal delivery, but Iwamoto has small fibroids in the uterus which, although they are being treated, can always cause various other kinds of problems.

Both this university hospital and other hospitals refused to admit Iwamoto during his delivery later, none other than because he is a man. Some say Iwamoto's presence could disturb the pregnant women in the ward, others claimed they cannot treat Iwamoto because they do not understand his condition.

Sigh... I mean who asked them to take care of him anyway? My husband just needs a hospital! A dam hospital! Something with a single bed and well-equipped facilities.

Plus, since this requires a lot of paperwork, we need to have the same last name soon. Something good has to come out of this!


"It's still surprising."

Shimabukuro sighs as he peeks over an address I wrote on my envelope.

"I must confess that I used to like doing some research on your love life but, even years after years, there was nothing. Not even a single rumor. Absolutely nothing."

Well, there can't be rumors of something that never existed.

"I once asked Mizuta-chan if you two were dating shortly after I joined your station but, you know what? She instead suspected that you were gay. Funny how her assumption turned out to be true."

Mizuta was a gynecologist who had been working at our hospital until a while ago. We were friends, and I never tried anything with her but how did she even come up with that conclusion? How? I didn't even know I was. I was always busy, moving around. It was hard for anyone to get my attention.

"Well, actually I had suspected it too when you examined Iwamoto-san. You remember that, right? I barged into your examination room and caught you two holding hands while looking at each other like you guys were about to kiss." Shimabukuro laughs. "And now you two are a couple? An MFUU, with a baby. Well, it makes me happy that you take your husband here to get checked out."

"Well, he didn't come here to entertain the doctors."

"Sure, I know that. It's just that I'm still very surprised! When I heard you were married to a man and then I found out who that man is, I honestly thought you'd be the bottom one...but turned out you aren't. That kinda hard to imagine."


My face turns all red and my lips begin to quiver. This is clearly an abuse of power!

"...My wife is infertile, you know. We had to opt for other ways to have a child and, doing so was the best thing that could have happened to us." Shimabukuro looks a little teary. "Yuge-sensei, you're a good-looking man, but you sure are a weirdo. You're not cool, or funny. You sing dinosaur-era pop songs, and you're sometimes very sleepy. But you're a great person. You deserve everything good that's happening to you now, falling in love, getting married, and having a family. I respect you enough to worry about you most of the time. I would check on you when you went to do surgery or when you were on duty. Because you always gave off a negative aura: pale face, hair all mussed up, and a cup of coffee. I thought one day you'd going to die of a heart attack in the hallway..."

I am surprised to hear this confession. I am about to open my mouth but Shimabukuro then smiles and continues.

"But now your complexion has improved. You smile, you talk, you have a little more flesh and you don't look like a damn walking skeleton anymore. By the way, be careful not to put on weight! When I took paternal leave so I could spend more time with my wife and boy, I put on too much weight. I was like a ball! Anyway, I hope you are as happy as I was at that time. It's a nice moment."

"Thank you...really."

I had led a life of rather heavy undulations and falls, but there are many things, many things in a short span of time, that have made me feel that everything is absolutely fine with me now.

Shimabukuro is usually a savage, and I can't say we have an awesome relationship or are the best friends in the world. But hearing him talk just now—like we trust each other, doesn't make me feel hard to tell him about my marriage and Iwamoto's pregnancy.

He is right. I think after I met Iwamoto, I turned into a different person. Much more open and reasonable. A man I'm more satisfied with.

"Shouldn't you prepare or something? You said you'd take him for a checkup in the afternoon."

Damn it. I'm nervous again. I almost forgot that I had promised to take Iwamoto to the hospital! No, stop. I don't have to be so scared about this. He's waiting for me, he's trusting me and he's believing in me just like the first time we met.

I have to do better than ever.


When I first met Iwamoto, I remember how scared he was of everything and how hard it was to convince him to do anal examination. But from now on, he will have to go through a similar experience many times in a similar medical room. I am stressed. Will he be okay? Especially since he will possibly be exposed to the reckless gaze of my peers.

"Hey, are you okay?"

That is not me. That is Iwamoto who instead asked me. He strangely looks happy, sitting on the passenger seat in my beat-up old car. Smiling.

"I don't know. I'm really worried. My coworkers may act differently toward you now that they know that..."

"That they know we're getting married? That they know I'm an MFUU? Well, Sensei...what a disappointment. Are you saying you don't want them to see your husband? I feel really bad."

"It's not that..."

On the opposite, I facking want to show off Iwamoto to everyone—I'd be more than proud to do so. But I'm afraid of the jealousy that starts to flow inside me just imagining any future scenarios. After all, I got a wonderfully perfect partner—perfect! I don't want to show him to anyone, women or men.

Sadly, Iwamoto doesn't notice my inner conflict and for some strange reason, he had decided to dress in an almost see-through shirt.

This is really messed up!

"Seriously, are you okay?"

"I was just thinking that you have quite a trained body." Iwamoto chuckled, showing off his nice white teeth. "Don't go breaking the pelvic table."

"Well, I don't actually feel calm about this but...it's not just about me anymore. It's about our baby. Imma not run away now. Don't worry."


Oh, I'm so drunk on him all over again.

"Look ahead!!!"



The checkup is a lot more "docile" than I expected. My colleagues don't rush in, nor do they pile up at the door to ask a bunch of questions about Iwamoto or me.

I am honestly quite impressed.

I chose my former faculty teacher, Ohara-san, to examine Iwamoto because he has had experience handling an MFUU in a hospital in Kansai.

"As Yuge-sensei may have already told you, the risks and precautions associated with your pregnancy and childbirth are essentially the same as a woman. Everything seems to be going well," says Ohara-sensei in a calm tone and pleasant smile, pushing his glasses up to the top of his nose. "But there are still several problems that need to be addressed; your body is indeed has advanced naturally, but society is not yet ready for male pregnancy."

Iwamoto nods his head.

"Even though your belly will grow bigger later, people won't think as a first choice that you're expecting a child. That's dangerous. Besides, you said you're a carpenter working in construction. It's not a job you can continue to do so I can only say you should quit."

I am quite worried about that too... That he can no longer work as a carpenter or be in construction. Iwamoto doesn't seem to complain, but I've always seen him dedicating himself to it and completely loving what he does. Will that frustrate him?

"But if you want to continue working you'll have to change modules. Nothing heavy. If you need a medical certificate or a brochure to explain what an MFUU is, you can tell me and I will gladly give you one."

"Thank you...but I'll be fine."

Iwamoto bows deeply to Ohara-sensei.

The construction boss already knew and, very fortunately, there seems to be a tremendous understanding of Iwamoto's current situation. However, if his duties become so seriously restricted from now on, his colleagues might become curious and start asking questions. How strange it will be that this powerful young man who once can move everywhere carrying kilograms of wood in his hands, now just sits in one place.

"You having fibroids is complicated, but we'll figure it out. What I would like you to understand is that now and even after you give birth, it will be very possible for you to be seen in an uncomfortable way. They are even saying that you can't go into the maternity room. Did you know?"

"Yes, I know that."

"Even though you are a man who meets all the requirements to use the room, they are of the opinion that women will be quite uncomfortable with you. You see, there will be inconveniences of all sizes and shapes, things you never thought of, but they will happen. You have to be strong." Ohara looks up—looking at me and Iwamoto. "It's hard expecting a baby but the only thing you should be worried about is the whole social aspect. Your baby is absolutely fine."

"Thank you very much."

Ohara smiles, "Well, we've made it through the hard part... Yuge-sensei, congratulations on your marriage." He turns to Iwamoto and bows at him, "Congratulations to you too. Yuge-sensei is a good man so you must feel at ease being with him."

"Yes, I am. All the time."