Burning Attraction

Thrill and excitement filled Vanessa, so was dread and apprehension as she saw him strode towards her. She deliberately acted like she didn't know he was coming until he stood right in front of her.

He was so close that she could smell his cologne once again, he was practically towering over, as a result of her sitted position.

"Miss Sloan, I don't remember telling you to wait for the feedback"  annoyance laced his voice, something Vanessa noticed but chose to ignore anyway.

Angry that she wasn't fazed by his anger, Roarke pulled her up a little roughly off the couch. Astonished by the sudden pull, Vanessa didn't have enough time to gain her stance and she unceremoniously held onto Roarke.

Roarke had noticed how her skirt rode up higher while he was talking to her as a result of the shift in her sitting position, which was why he had quickly pulled her upright. He didn't know that she could be that light.

He instantly felt her palm which was plastered on his chest while he was holding her other hand by the wrist. He felt a whole lot of things in the brief seconds they were glued together.

The soft mounds briefly rubbed his chest and he could've sworn they tightened. His groin twitched and longed to close the little space which existed at the lower part of their bodies.

Vanessa forgot the angry remark that was almost at the tip of tongue which she wanted to rain on him for the rude act when she felt the hard muscles underneath his crisp white shirt.

She wished she could feast her eyes on the 'obviously' toned muscle, she thought of the number of packs he could have, six? Eight?

The sweet sensation she felt, burning her wrist where his palm wrapped around her bare skin was easy to ignore because of the hard muscle against her chest, which made her nipple tightened and the sensitive lower part of her body clenched.

She swallowed nervously and licked her lips which brought Roarke's eyes to her lips. Like a magnet whose pull cannot be defied, both of them drew their lips closer.

Having almost lost deeply in the sharp grey of Vanessa's eyes, Roarke momentarily remembered who and where he is, saved by the little chime of the sound of his phone, a sound he was attuned to, his lustful gaze turned blank, he quickly let go of her , cleared his throat and walked back to his desk.

Vanessa also regained her senses, she smoothened her clothes and walked briskly to stand across Roarke.

"That was so rude of you, so unprofessional" shooting him a deadly glare with her hands akimbo.

"If you had gone when I told you to, I wouldn't have acted 'unprofessionally' towards you but you left me no choice" not sparing her a glance but continued to work on his phone.

"Was that good enough reason you had to drag me up like that?" She threw him a deadly glare.

"Again, your fault not mine. How am I supposed to know that you're as light as a feather. I didn't even pull you that much" he raised his head to look her in the face, "or it was all an act to throw yourself at me, literarily and figuratively?" he drawled, "you really need to brush up your skills on seduction if you really want to teach it. Not that I'm interested but from the trick you pulled just now, it's not enough" he smirked.

Vanessa snorted, "I' don't think I need to put an extra effort in seducing you that much, you're doing just fine on your own" she smirked, "seeing the lustful look on your face this morning through the glass walls, like a boy longing for his favourite flavour of ice-cream which he couldn't wait to get his lips on. Or the way your eyes were stripping off my clothes, how they travelled right from my head to toe. I'll bet you were hard by the time you were done checking me out"

Bewilderment was an understatement, Roarke was a master in a battle of words, especially when it involves dressing one down with words, hearing how Vanessa spoke made him lost for words but he'll be damned if he allowed her talk to him like that.

He will not give her the satisfaction of letting her know that she's getting under his skin, he snorted, "don't be delusional, was that part of your fantasy?" Trying to deny her claim, "you're probably trying to recreate your lusty imagination".

Vanessa rolled her eyes and scoffed, "whatever makes you sleep at night. If you believe so" she shrugged, "how would you explain the lustful gaze that refuses to tear it's eyes off my lips few minutes ago? Your wandering eyes were so quick to follow the twitch of my lips"

She smirked and continued, seeing his clenched jaw, she felt triumphed and continued, "do you also have an excuse for the desire to jump me which was burning passionately in your eyes?"

Abruptly, Roarke stood and moved in a stealth manner towards her, his anger replaced with an inexplicable look.

As he moved forward, she moved backward until her back touched the wall, letting her know she can't move further back, Roarke placed his hands against the wall, few inches above her head like a predator who had successfully caged its prey.

"What are you doing?" Vanessa asked nervously, she licked her lips, her hands besides her.

Wanting to prove to her that she was more affected by him than him to her, Roarke leaned close to her, making sure to slightly brush his cheeks with hers which made her shudder, he looked back at her to see her eyes, half closed, he smiled in triumph and whispered, but not before fanning a hot breath in her ears, "you see that I don't need to put an effort in making you weak to the knees, my breath alone is more than enough" he mocked.

Vanessa pushed him off of her and stalked towards the window to recollect herself. As much as she was cursing herself for showing a little moment of weakness, she thought of how to erase the stupid mockery look from his face.

"Unlike you who had to come closer to prove a ridiculous point, I don't need to do that. Seeing me alone is enough for you to jerk off at night" 

Roarke couldn't explain where the laughter comes from, but he was sure he suddenly had the strong urge to laugh, an act which he didn't do often except in the company of his daughter. He almost swung his head backward to laugh but he controlled it anyway.

"That is the most ridiculous thing to say. The confidence you have in your looks is beyond ridiculous"

She rolled her eyes at him, "with the number of times you'd gawked at me, it's a calculated conclusion"

"Oh really, then with the way you responded to me being close to you earlier even though I barely touched you, I've come to a calculated conclusion that you're wet already"

Vanessa whirled around to face him, the sudden heat she felt a moment ago came back with full force, her face turned red, "oh come off it, you don't think your sexual prowess is that strong, do you?

Of course her panties is damp but she'll never let him know that!

He smirked, "actually, I don't think so, I know so"

Returning his smirk with one of hers, "well, it might work on others but it won't work on me"

"As much as I would like to prove again that it will, because it did earlier on, I won't because I don't need to prove anything to you in the first place" he went back to have his seat behind his desk.

Once again, Roarke dismissed Vanessa with the last speech which didn't sit well with her. Angry with the way he suddenly ended the conversation, even though she wasn't supposed to be angry, she walked towards his table and pulled out a cream coloured sheet of paper which is quite different from others.

"This is why I have been waiting in the first place, I needed your immediate signature on this."

He signed after a quick read of the heading and returned it to her.

She walked out but not without slamming the door as usual.