Girls' Night Out

Ever since Serena set up a date for them to meet at Reese' club, Tori had been looking forward to it. Socialising has been one of her favourite things to do but meeting and hanging out with some of the influential people in the city is an icing on the cake.

"Will Reese be joining us too? I've missed our friendly banters and teasing" Tori spoke as she checked herself out in the mirror. It's been quite a busy week for her, writing chapters and creating gothic scenes have been exhausting, she needs to unwind.

"Duh, it's a girls' night out, g.i.r.l.s" Nessa emphasized on the word 'girls' as she puts on her heels.

Tori scoffed, "as if that will stop him from coming, it's his club" stating the obvious.

"True but I'm sure Serena will handle him"

The two girls stepped into the club, looking in awe as they admire the club like it's their first time coming, even though they've become regulars.

Nessa waved at their favourite bar tender who winked back, holding off on drinking till Serena and the other lady she's bringing arrive.

They lounged at the bar, feeling the vibe of the loud music by swaying along while feeding their eyes with as much men as they could find.

They eventually take up Jenny's offer, one of the waitresses, to show them to their reserved VIP room.

"Wawu!" Tori exclaimed, "it seems each room brings different element of surprise in decor and setting".

Admiring the setting of this room which was different from the one they were few weeks ago, "I'll have to inform Reese to complete his role as a tour guide".

Tori nodded in agreement.

"Hello there!" Serena pushed the door open, closely followed by a blonde lady she doesn't think she had seen before.

"Hi, I'm Serena Campbell" she waved at Tori who smiled and waved back, "hello, I'm Victoria, Nessa's friend "

"Nice to meet you Tori, I've heard your name mentioned by Nessa before. Meet Becca, my only friend until you too" pleased that Serena already saw them all as friends that quickly, Tori waved back at Becca, Nessa smiled to welcome her.

The girls settled down, Tori poured them a glass, "cheers to a new friendship"

They all raised their glasses and cheered. Downing the first glass, "so, who's babysitting Sarah while you're here? Remembering the trick she pulled the day she came to their office.

Nessa narrated how Serena left Sarah with Ronald who was helpless and panicky.

Rena lounged back on her seat, "her dad of of course, and his uncles" she blew out a breath of relief, "been long I had a good time with myself"

Becca asked out of concern, "will they be able to tend to her properly?"

Rena raised her hand to wave of the idea, "don't worry, Ryan has been getting free tutorials on how to babysit Sarah from me for a long time while we're together besides, an experienced father is with them"

"Roarke" they said in unison.

Serena sat properly and cleared her throat, smiling sweetly at Nessa, "speaking of Raorke, what's the latest? How are things going on between you and my dear brother in-law?

"Interesting!" Surprised Becca spoke, moving closer to hear the gist.

"Sizzling" Tori supplied.

Nessa narrated everything that has gone on so far, especially the lollipop trick.

"Bad bad bad girl, Nessa" Rena spoke.

She shrugged, "what can I say, I'm just a good student who learnt from the best teacher" she pointed at Tori.

"So, what's the end goal of this seduction lesson? Should we be expecting a sexcapdes gist afterwards?"

Nessa gasped as she almost choked on the drink she was sipping, while Tori laughed. She finds it funny that while others were expecting similar results of Roarke and Nessa sleeping together, her friend was in denial.

Serena patted Nessa's back gently, "easy, easy there"

Nessa dried her mouth and spoke, "hell no! I'm just going to teach him a lesson to see the errors of his ways, that's it."

A widen eyes Becca repeated, "that's it?"


"You mean, you're not going to taste the heavenly bliss some ladies had testified and sworn to have tasted?" She teased getting an eye roll from Nessa.

"So, you don't feel any attraction to him? You don't feel hot and breathless when he's nearby?" Serena winked.

"Or felt a tingling sensation in your boobs when he caged you against the wall in his office?" Tori added.

Nessa face palmed herself, regretting how she made a slip of the tongue of that particular part when talking to Tori.

Serena slammed the table suddenly, "oh my God, Nessa!" She exclaimed with wide eyes, "what in the fifty shades of Grey is going on in your office?

"Oh Lord" Nessa sighed.

"Enough!" She spoke, "I'm not talking about it anymore?"

Serena raised her hands, "you've not answered my questions though. Do you feel shortness of breath when he's nearby?

"Do your boobs tingle when you see him?" Tori added.

"Did YOUR walls clench down there when he pinned you to HIS walls in his office?" Becca muttered.

Out of frustration, Nessa pulled her hair, "oh dear Lord! I'll say it again, I'm not going to sleep with Roarke, I'll never sleep with him"

"Alexa, play me never say never by Justin Bieber" Tori said.

"Wanna bet?" Serena dared.

"No need"


Nessa and Tori spoke at once before Nessa explained, "there's no need to bet cause it won't happen anyway" she shrugged.

Tori quickly put in, "the more reason you should bet since you're sure it won't happen"

Serena raised her hands to wave off the idea, "all right, but I'll be here to tell you I told you so when it finally happens."

The girls sipped their drink, enjoying the chats and the music playing underground, "Serena, since you're already having an active romp between the sheets with one of the Stone brothers, which Nessa will do the same soon, ouch!" She shouted when Vanessa pinched her lightly, she continued, "I'm thinking of picking one of the brothers myself" Tori said aloud.

"Knock yourself out" Serena responded.

"Reese?" Nessa asked

"No, he's a heartbreaker. I'm tilting towards the more reserved and peaceful one, Ronald!"

A sudden loud slam of the table was heard, startled, the girls looked to see Becca who stood, "hell no, he's mine" she declared.

"WHAT!" the girls spoke in unison, shocked by her statement.