The Brunch

"Vanessa!" Ari called out happily and wrapped her arms happily around Nessa's limps.

"Hello Ari. Good to see you again" Nessa ruffled her head and smiled down at the little girl.

She had been invited to an outdoor brunch at Serena's place, an invite she didnt have a choice than to honour since she had promised to help Rena combine colours to redesign her living room. Unfortunately, Tori couldn't come because of the deadline she needed to meet for the current column of her gothic series, with her editor hot on her tails, every minutes count.

"I'm glad to see you too. I would like to show you something" curious to see what the little girl wants to show her but first, she needed to greet her hostess.

"Ok but let me say 'hi' to Serena and the others first"

She walked across the room, giving polite smiles and cute nods to a couple whom she assumed to be Roarke's parents, judging by the resemblance and the cleft chin of the man. The brothers were no where to be seen.

She gave a quick embrace to Serena, "hello there. Thanks for the invite"

"I should be the one thanking you for sparing some time to share your artistic comments and suggestions for my living room and the nursery"

"Anything for free food, dear" she joked.

Rena led Nessa to where Roarke's parents were to introduce her.

"Vanessa, meet Grace and Edward Stone, Roarke's parents" just who she assumed they are. Serena turned to her parents-in-law, "this is Vanessa Sloan, a friend and one of Roarke's employees."

The couple welcomed her warmly, "I believe you're the new engineer contracted for the project"

Nessa smiled and nodded, "I am"

"I read your file, it was an impressive one, reading your achievements and recommendations", Edward complimented.

"Thank you"

"And a pretty lady you are" Grace added which made Nessa's smile broadens, "not as pretty as you are, ma'am" she returned.

The couple walked away, leaving Serena and Nessa alone and at that moment, Becca came in, rocking Sarah in her arms, "hey Nessa, welcome" she greeted while rubbing Sarah gently on her back, waiting for her to belch.

Becca asked, when a familiar brunette is no where to be found, "where's Tori?"

"Can't come, she's busy with her writing"

"Looking for someone?" Rena asked Vannesa when she noticed her looking around.

"No really, I'm just wondering where the rest of the men are."

she had been eager to see Roarke. They had been quite swamp over the past few days that they hardly see one another, he had even instructed that the weekly report be sent through mails and whatever needs his signature is being passed by his secretary. She kinda missed their argument, the thrill she felt when she knew there' was a high chance of meeting at Serena's can't mean she missed him, could it? No.

She's just an observant person who is concerned to know the well being of her boss, that all. So, seeing him physically to ensure everything is fine, is just out of concern, nothing more! She concluded.

"They're outback, doing what they do best"

Nessa raised her brows and Becca answered pointing to the direction where the basketball court is, "playing basketball"

Nessa formed an 'oh' with her lips in understanding.

Curious to know how it went between Ronald and Becca, "so, how was the tip Tori share?"

Her lips curved in contentment, "worked like a charm", Serena made a funny face, erupting laughter from Nessa, "are you sure you don't want to have the heavenly taste of the Stone brothers?" Becca inquired, winking before looking at the hands which Serena used to cover her daughter's ears.

"Oh please, like she'll understand what we're saying, besides, she's fallen asleep"

"Not an excuse. Don't wanna take the chances of my baby hearing something naughty about her daddy and uncles" she joked.

Nessa threw her head back and laughed, careful to hurriedly stifle her laughter not to wake the baby up.

Nessa looked around the living room, listening as Serena explains the changes she wanted to make, the colours that would reflect brightly when the rays of sunlight hits the room. What to hang on the bare walls to make the room more homely.

With occasional inputs and suggestions from Becca as well, the ladies discussed at length on suitable designs for the room until male voices started drawing near to show the end of the boys' game.

Lost in the person who came into her view, Nessa didn't hear anything. Voices sounded far away as she was dazed, seeing Roarke in a sweaty basketball jersey.

The toned muscles she felt the other time were now visible, his ripped biceps summons her, she imagined herself trailing her fingers on his arms.

As Roarke approaches with his mind occupied with ridding himself of the sweat and changing into a fresh clean cloth, he did a double look, seeing a familiar face gawking at him like a candy.

Ordinarily, he would've taken offence as usual but to his amazement like his leg has a mind of his own, he found himself making a detour towards the three ladies, whose heads were bent peering at something on the phone screen except a golden haired lady in the middle ogling him.

Rena quickly averted her gaze when she saw Roarke approaches with a cocky grin on his face. An odd expression which she would've found surprising normally.

"What do you think about this, hanging on the wall or this?" Serena asked swapping between two images, waiting for her opinion along with Becca.

"Huh!" Lost in the conversation and not knowing what they had discussed earlier on due to being distracted by Roarke.

"Where did your mind travel to?" Becca joked, wondering why Nessa was hesitating, with a cocky grin and his eyes, giving a knowing look to Vanessa, Roarke spoke, "hello ladies".

"I guess your team won, seeing the pleasing smile on your face" Becca mistook his expression for a win. Not that she was wrong but both Roarke and Nessa knew that was not the reason for his cockiness.

He shrugged, "you could say that" he excused himself to freshen up, "I'll leave you to admiring what caught your interest" looking point blank at Nessa as he emphasized on 'admiring' before going up the stairs.

Vanessa face turned red, embarrassed at being caught gawking at him, especially by him and angry that she was having naughty thoughts while starring. She packed up her hair to allow in more air, feeling quite hot at the moment.

"Vanessa, can we quickly check out the nursery before we have brunch? We might not be able to do that once we finish eating?"

She agreed, waiting for her to lead the way.

"I'll join you now, I want to make a quick check on the chicken in the oven. The nursery is at the second door by your left."

Nessa jogged up the stairs, filled with the sexy image of Roarke in sweaty basketball jersey, she walked towards the second door on the right , pushed it in and entered.

Nessa was not prepared for what was right in front of her. Roarke in nothing but a towel, hanging low on his waist with another small towel covering almost the whole of his head as he dried his hair.

Nessa stood rooted to the door, her back resting on the door with the knob poking her lower back. She found it hard to turn back and leave while Roarke was still blinded by the towel. His ripped muscles of eight packs hooked her in place, tiny drips of water rolled down his abs.

Roarke removed the towel and his eyes widen, seeing Vanessa at the door, "what are you doing here?"

"Erm, baby.. nursery" stammering before she was able to pronounce the nursery, still not taking her eyes off his chest.

Roarke guess she must've made a mistake, entering the second door on the right, which is the guest room, instead of the one on the left where the nursery is. Noticing how her eyes were glued to his chest, her grey orbs looking dreamy as if she was under a spell.

Roarke felt pleased that he had that kind of effect on her, he walked towards her steadily, wanting to give her enough time to leave before he gets to her.

As Roarke approaches, Nessa felt her throat dry, she felt her knees go weak as his bathing soap fragrance hit her nose, oh dear Lord!

Still not having the common sense to yank the door open and leave, even though one of her hands is already on the knob.

Oh oh!