"Why did he sentence me to death I didn't reveal anything", I said facing Brian who had droven to the underground parking lot of the beauty store. "Well, I think it's because you know something your not supposed to", he said looking outside the window.

 "Speaking of which why haven't you killed me", I asked, "I can't do it Bel I can't kill you so since your dead I can help you fever it up just keep being dead Bel", he said with tears in his eyes ireached over and rubbed his head.

 "This is not that easy u want to ask Dad a lot of questions and I definitely don't want to live in hiding", I said looking at him so you might just have to chase me I said and opened the car door walking out and hailing a new taxi. 

 I got to the house and everybody was looking at me. "Father, I said opening the door to his office and there he was in an abigious situation with my roommate Cecil. I narrowed my eyes at them "what are you doing here Cecil", I asked her darting my eyes from her to my father. 

 "She works for me", my father replied rubbing his hand up and down her thighs. I ignored the action and spoke out "I want to talk to you dad", "how did you make it here", he asked instead "I took a taxi", I replied. 

 "Those people are inefficient", he said pulling Cecil closer to him he whispered something in her ear and she smiled. "What did you tell Damien",, I asked staring at the man in front of me, "oh nothing just what everybody knows", I stared at him in shock. "Dad you know everyone knows you were part of the sponsor of the viper's and that I know your a red badged member so why did you make it so he suspect me". 

 "It is most especially because you know you have to die", he said and immediately Cecil brought out a gun from the chair and fired several shots at me. I ducked and hid behind a chair in the room. I clutched my stomach and looked down at my hand I had been hit. 

 I looked around me and looked for something I could use to fight nothing was in sight. I heard footsteps getting closer to me I'd bet one hundred percent that it was Cecil. I closed my eyes and counted to ten, and the I sprange up raising the chair and flinging it at her chair hit her hand and the gun fell. 

 I jumped up and hit her before she could pick it up and we started fighting. "You're quite skilled, seems your a professional", I said when we had separated for a bit she lunged at me again and I quickly defended myself knocking her out. 

 I picked up the gun and twirled it "are you going to answer now", I said facing my father. "You know she's my best female assassins ranked second to Victoria", he said I looked at him impatiently "that was not what I asked", I shouted. "I hate weaknesses Bella, you know that more than anyone else", "how was I a weakness to you, you deliberately sold me out", I said looking at him "oh the main reason is I'm fed up with you, and I want to see how good you can be as well, so I'm not going to remove the bounty until I see a confirmation of your death", he said giving me an eerie smile. 

 "F**k you, your going to regret this", I said point the gun at him and trying to shoot him but I couldn't instead I suffocated and couldn't breathe. I dropped the gun and fell to the ground trying to breathe "you said it yourself, I'm a red badged member" he said bringing out his gun I rolled over and used Cecil as a shield going out of the study.