A boy and a girl were walking along the quiet corridors, the sound of their footsteps could be heard, the girl was constantly checking her phone. "You never told me your name", the boy asked "it's Bella, Bella lighton", the girl replied looking down at her phone. "I'm Jason, Jason puth", the boy replied "so you're saying that your brother was brought here how sure are you", Jason said, looking into the glass of every door we pass by. "He's wrist watch has many parts and they come off quite easily so the watch has an inbuilt find my parts system, and when he was kidnapped they threw the watch out, but several parts of it were missing which I could use to deduce that they were pulled out by him or in the midst of him struggling", Bella said still walking. "Oh that makes sense", Jason said shaking his head.

"What's your brother's name", he asked "Brian", I replied," nice name", he said. I came to a stop in front of a door that had a sign saying personnel only. "He's behind this door", I said looking at the keycard lock beside it. "let me help you with that", Jason said bringing out a card from his pocket and swiping it on the lock the door made a click sound and it opened. We walked in and looked around the room just to find experimental beds and nothing else. "What", I said bringing out my phone and checking to see if I had made some mistake following the route. "He has to be here the red dote says he's in this room", I said looking around. "Is this it", Jason said holding a blue piece of the watch which should have been one of the buttons. "Where did you see that", I asked taking the button from him and putting it in my pocket. "There", he said pointing to the trash can I walked to in and saw a set of clothes and I recognized them as the clothes that Brian wore as we left the house.

"Jason he really is here, or he was in this room, these were he's clothes", I said turning to Jason. "we can't make assumptions based on clothes alone, those are popular brands, I have the exact same clothes in my wardrobe", he said frowning. "Can his initials, embroidered in pink and gold with the sticker of a cat also be common on the clothes", I said raising my voice, "you don't have to follow me, you just need to stay out of my way", I said turning to go out if the room.

"Hold on, let's go together, plus I know this place better than you", Jason said holding me by my shoulder. I brushed his hand of "no need just go do your own thing", I said clenching my fists "helping you find your brother is the thing I want to do now, and if you go further in, the cameras are hard to locate, but you have me who has literally lived here all my life, plus it's a way to make up for doubting you".