03. Job Offer.


"I just think it would be a good experience for him, that's all."

"No!. I am not letting you send my baby there!.

"Perse, don't you think he deserves a break?, I mean the boy has been working a lot lately."

"Then let me take him with me."

"No, absolutely not!."

"And why is that?"

"I will not allow you to take my son to that place!."

"What's so bad about it?. You said he needed a break, so let me take him with me. He could stay with me and my mother."

No. I will not--"

"What are you two arguing about?," They didn't even notice me walk in because they were so engrossed in their argument. "I could hear your voices all the way from my room."

"It's nothing Samael." Dad said, still frowning.

"It didn't sound like nothing to me."

"Don't worry about it dear, your father and I were just sorting out some issues."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, thank you."

"Okay." I left them alone but waited a bit outside in case they started again. Seconds passed and everywhere was silent so I decided I could go back to my room then.


I rested by the door, silently watching the pavilion in action. A man named Jimmy was before them, apparently he was a serial killer when he was alive. He had a headcount of one hundred and sixty two kills, children included.

"You were a terrible person on earth and you deserve the worst punishment there is." Damien was the one who spoke, and I couldn't help but to feel jealous. I really wish I could be up there, making dad proud and looking effortlessly cool while doing it. "Your soul shall be condemned to the river Phlegethon where you shall suffer for eternity."

The name, Phlegethon literally translates to the river of flames, and that was what it was. A river of fire where horrible people like Jimmy are sent to suffer forever.

The fire burns their souls but it never consumes them, so they get to feel the pain for all eternity.

Jimmy was led out by the guards while the next person was brought in. Being a judge in the pavilion was really stressful, because all the souls had to be judged one at a time, and they mustn't make a mistake, but that kind of stress is one that I'd gladly take on.

I went back to the main house and saw that mom was looking for me. "oh there you are."

"Are you finally ready to tell me what you and dad were arguing about?"

"I told you not to worry about that. I wanted to ask you something else."

She seemed excited about whatever it was that she wanted to ask and I silently prayed for it to be something I liked because I didn't want to break her heart. "What is it?"

"Would you like to go to the surface with me?" She smiled brightly and I wasn't so sure I'd heard her right.

"Wait, are you asking me to go up there with you?," I pointed upwards and she nodded "to the land of the living?"

"Yes. What do you think?"

"Sure. Of course I'd love to go with you." She smiled and hurried to tell dad.

Mom was the goddess of spring so she had to travel to the surface every six months. Whenever she was down here, with us, it would be winter on the surface. But when she spent time there, it would be spring.

The surface was only familiar with one season, spring, and it was because mom lived there with Demeter, her mother. But when she married my dad, the surface fell into eternal winter, all the plants died and everywhere was immensely cold. So, the gods decide that the best line of action to take was to split the time she spent in both places.

Six months away from home, six months on the surface. How was it going to be?, I had never been there before, only Amara had gotten the privilege to stay on the surface, and it was because that was where her husband lived.

I packed my things, feeling excited for the trip. I would miss Cerberus but I would be able to see him again in six months so that was good.

I didn't really have much things to pack as most of my clothes were old fashioned, and I couldn't wear them up there. The last time Amara visited, she brought some things for us, clothes included. 

She said the common outfits mortals wore were jeans and t shirts. She said they also had something called joggers, maybe it was an outfit worn for jogging.

Another weird thing was the shoes they wore. She said there were different types of footwear, and men rarely wore sandals again.

I packed the few modern clothes and shoes I had and headed out. We weren't set to leave until morning so I wanted to play one last game of fetch with Cerberus before we left.

"Samael,"I turned to face my dad and he walked up to me. "Are you excited about your trip to the surface?"

"Well, I'm eager to explore the new environment." I knew by the tone of his voice that he wasn't too happy about it.

"Hmm very well. What are your plans for when you return?"

"When I return, I'll be relaxed and recharged so I'll be able to put more effort in my job." He nodded and his next question threw me off guard. "What?" I asked again to make sure I heard him right.

"I said, when you return will you be willing to take your place in the pavilion?"

"With you and Damien?" I still couldn't believe my ears.


"Of course, It would be an honor."

"You deserve it." I hugged him and he patted my back. I was still smiling to myself as I watched him walk away. I felt like I was dreaming, and I didn't want to wake up because everything was going perfectly.