Shin Bi has returned home.

After that, Sehee went into the bathroom to take a shower, saying she would wash first.

Siwoo sat on the living room sofa and thought deeply about the answer to the question that Shin Bi had left behind.


Nothing came to mind right away.

No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't figure out the thing that Sehee would get angry if Shin Bi told Siwoo about.

Siwoo was convinced that this number was somewhat related to an exercise.

At that time, the front door opened and Siwoo's mother and little sister Seyoung came back.

"Oppa, we're here~"

Seyoung announced their arrival, looking at Siwoo.

"Siwoo, nothing special happened today, right?"

Mom also addresses Siwoo with a question as a greeting.

Siwoo looked at the clock.

It was well past 8 o'clock.

"Yeah, no big deal~ Mom, you and Seyoung are a little late than usual?"

After Siwoo answered like that, he thought about things that could be said to be 'no big deal'.

The first time he spanked Aunt Gyuri's ass

Witnessing his older sister smoking and becoming delinquent

Noticing his older sister had a tattoo on her inner thigh

Nothing special happened, except for things that should never be said to mom.

"Is Sehee washing up now?"

As soon as she came in, mom asked Siwoo a series of questions.


And Siwoo sincerely answers mom's question.

"Did you eat something?"

"I had ramyeon with Sehee."

"Oh, I asked Sehee to give some food for her younger brother, and she gave ramyeon for you~ Huh, I've already cooked rice in the rice cooker and all she had to do was heat up the side dishes in the refrigerator, so what's so difficult about that? I'll have to say something to Sehee when she comes out."

Even though Sehee wasn't here, mom's nagging was constant.

"No~ It was a real good ramyeon… Sometimes I want to eat it."

"Still, you have to eat rice when you can~"

Mom was always strict about feeding her children with rice.

"But mom, where did you go with Seyoung today?"

Out of curiosity, Siwoo asked his mother a question, because it was rare for his mother to take any member of her family out this late.

"Today, I went on a date with Seyoung."

Mom looked at Seyoung's face and she smiled jokingly as she spoke.

"Date? What do you mean?"

"My mom and I love each other very much~hehe."

Seyoung hugged her mother's waist tightly and continued her mother's playful words.

Mom looks at Seyoung happily.

"Yes, later you guys get married, have many children, and live happily."

Siwoo also takes Seyoung's comment as a joke.

"I can't have children with mom, she is of the same sex. Instead, I will take you brothers and sisters as my children and take care of you guys well."

Seyoung responded to that with a joke.

"It's a bit disgusting that I would get a new mother who's younger than me."

SIwoo keeps making a meaningless joke with Seyoung, who looks a little excited.


Seyoung laughed as if she was enjoying this playful conversation with her brother.

"But mom, did you eat out with Seyoung?"

Siwoo asks his mother.

"Yes~ We did!"

Mom's concise answer

"Having dinner is the basic date course~ ahem!!"

Seyoung seemed eager to continue her playful conversation with her brother.

"So~ Did you have a good time at Gyuri's today?"

Mom patted Seyoung's head thinking that Seyoung was cute and then asked her son Siwoo.

"Yes, I had a good trip! The blindfold is in my room, so I'll bring it to you right away."

Since Siwoo received a thank you text from Gyuri, he no longer had to worry about being scolded by his mother for it.

So now He can answer calmly.

"Okay, can you bring it to me later?"

Upon hearing his mother's words, Siwoo went straight to the room and grabbed his shopping bags.

When he looked inside, Siwoo saw the light purple silk blindfold just as he had received it from Aunt Gyuri.

It was an item that could also be used as a tool for SM, but it wasn't easy to imagine.

He carries shopping bags and heads back to the master bedroom on the first floor.


As Siwoo approached the master bedroom, he could hear Seyoung and his mother talking inside.

"I want it now, Mom~"

It's Seyoung begging her mom for something.

"No~ your oppa will come down soon."

"It'll just take a moment, Mom, right? Mom~"

Seyoung whined to her mother.

"Well, we promised the teacher that we would do it only at a set time, right? And since we just came in, neither Seyoung nor I have washed up yet, so let's do it after washing, okay?"

Mom was persuading Seyoung in a firm but gentle tone.

"Yeah, I got it"

Seyoung's crestfallen voice was heard.

It was full of unclear words about what they were doing or what promise they had made with which teacher, but Siwoo thought it would be better to just pretend not to know.


Siwoo entered the living room, making a coughing sound.

Seyoung wrapped her arms around her mother's waist and clung to her, burying her face next to her mother's breasts as if she were a three-year-old child.

Thinking that Seyoung's usual childish behavior had gotten worse today, Siwoo handed the blindfold to his mother.

"Mom, Gyuri told you to use it well."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Siwoo. Oh, and it seems like you forgot what I asked for yesterday, right?"

Last night, Mom asked Siwoo, who was in only his panties, to be in charge of moving Seyoung every night, who was sleeping in the master bedroom, to Seyoung's room.

There was no way Siwoo would forget his mother's request.

He was waiting for it, thinking that he was lucky.

"Yeah.. I forgot. Now mom, go to sleep. I'll come down later and carry Seyoung."

"Okay, thank you, Siwoo. Thanks to you, mom can sleep deeply now~"


Siwoo came out of the master bedroom and was going to his room.

On his way back to his room, he ran into Sehee, who had just finished taking a shower.

She was wearing the same pink hot pants as yesterday morning.

"Did you hear that from Mom?"

Older sister Sehee asked Siwoo without any hesitation.

"Hear what?"

Siwoo asks again without knowing the meaning at all.

"About Seyoung."

"Seyoung what?"

"Didn't mom say anything??"

"What are you talking about?"

Since Siwoo had not heard the detailed circumstances from his mother, he kept asking his sister in the hope that he would be able to figure out.

"Hmm~~No~ Nothing..."

Sehee made a sound like she had understood something and went up to the second floor.

Siwoo could see her elastic back thighs and calves stretched out comfortably.

The sexy buttocks wrapped in pink hot pants were twitching and moving.

"What on earth!!"

Siwoo felt an inexplicable discomfort at his older sister's strange reaction, which was neither dismissive nor disdainful.

In addition to what happened between mom and Seyoung, as well as the suspicious affair with Shin Bi, Siwoo felt that Sehee was mean to him for not telling her secrets.


Back in the room, Siwoo made his mind to somehow find out his sister's secret.


He wrote down the strange numbers he had heard from Shin Bi on the paper and looked into them for a while.

"O, one, three, five?"

"Or is it a postal code?"

Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing

Siwoo tried to wrap his head around this and that, but he couldn't figure it out.

He felt like his stomach was burning with frustration.

This was not a situation that would care about his pride.

Siwoo wanted to somehow relieve his current frustration and discomfort.

So he sent Cheoljin a message without expecting much.

[What do you think 0135 mean?]

A reply came immediately.

[What are you talking about out of the blue?]

Siwoo explained in detail,

from meeting his older sister's friends in front of the house to having a private chat with them at the table.

[So Shin Bi wrote those numbers on your back?]


Cheoljin seemed to understand the situation.


About 10 seconds after Cheoljin sent the last message, Siwoo's phone rang.

As soon as Siwoo pressed the receive button, Cheoljin's excited voice came out from the smartphone speaker.

"Hey the fuck is this real?"

"What is it? What's wrong?"

"If I tell you, you probably won't be able to get sleep today!"

"Don't play around, just say it. What is it?"

Cheoljin explained in detail.

"Try turning the numbers left to right all over at once."

"The number 3 turned over becomes the letter E."

"If you flip 0135, you'll get 5E10."

  "5 looks like S, so it is SE10"

"10 is X in the Roman numeral~"

"Now, if you combine them, what do you see?"


Siwoo was so surprised that he forgot to speak for a while.

'S E X'

"Is this real?"

Siwoo is so surprised that he asks Cheoljin.

"Fuck, I want to ask, did Shin Bi really write this on your back?

"That's right."

"Then can I masterbate today while imagining Shin Bi and your sister?"

"Hey, you crazy idiot, don't do that. You have your mom Gyuri!! And why are you asking me for permission to do something like that?"

After arguing with Cheoljin for a while and finishing the phone call, Siwoo thinks to himself.

'Anyway, in a world made up of sex, what can be wrong even if someone exercises by having sex?'

Today was the first time Siwoo saw Sehee and Shin Bi's naughty side.

Before, they were nothing more or less than his biological sister, who had a pretty and sexy face, and her close friend.

But from now on, Siwoo felt like he would be seeing them from a different perspective than before.