Mom's Bedroom


Siwoo's heart began to pound as his mother asked him to talk for a second.

Mom takes Siwoo into her bedroom.

Siwoo, who had been guilty for many things, thought back to the atrocities he had committed so far.

Is she trying to talk about his erection at the dinner table?

Or masturbating in Sehee's panties?

Or flicking mom's nipple with his finger while she was pretending to sleep?

Did Aunt Gyuri tell his mother what he did the previous day?


Siwoo had a million thoughts.

"Would you sit there for a moment?"

Mom pointed to the stool in front of the dressing room table and spoke in a tone that made it difficult to read her emotions.

And mom sits down on her bed and faces Siwoo.

The bed where mom showed her breast and let Seyoung suckle her breast last night

The bed where Siwoo flicked his mother's nipples with his fingers

The very bed where mom masturbated smelling Sehee's panties covered in Siwoo's semen.


Siwoo is nervous and scared.

Mom opens her mouth.

"You know, Seyoung has become a bit more childish these days…"


Mom brought up Seyoung's story.

"We went to the hospital yesterday and did some tests. Apparently, Seyoung has an anxiety disorder. Behaving like a baby is one of the symptoms..."

Mom tells Siwoo that she went to the hospital with Seyoung yesterday.

"The doctor said that if I scold her or stop her from doing something like that, her symptoms could get worse. I should have told you in advance... but I fell asleep last night."

She says this and hesitates for a moment as if embarrassed.

"Siwoo, did you see Seyoung biting my breasts when you came to the bedroom last night?"

Siwoo recalled his mother's wide open breasts in response to her direct question - her face blushed slightly - and he nodded his head instead of answering.

"Seyoung has been begging me to let her breastfeed these days. After she came back from the hospital, I decided to let her breastfeed for a little while before going to bed, I was worried that you might think it's strange…."

Mom didn't seem to intend to say anything more than that, and she was carefully observing Siwoo's feelings.

Fortunately, mom didn't seem to have any intention of uncovering the atrocities committed by Siwoo.

A feeling of relief that almost brings tears to his eyes

This time, Siwoo answers in an attempt to reassure his mother.

"It's okay, what's weird? You two just look nice, but… don't worry about me, just do what's comfortable for you. If you can't sleep because you're worried about that, it's a loss for both you and me."

Then Siwoo tries to get around his expression that he knows his mother was awake.

"But the blindfold seems to work well. I tried to wake you up a few times, but you didn't seem to wake up. Normally, you would have been able to wake up."

"Huh?...Uh... Yeah, thanks to the blindfold, I think I slept really tight yesterday."

Mom responds as if slightly embarrassed,

As if she is admitting that she remembers Siwoo's molestation…

"Are you going to sleep with the blindfold on today too?"

"Yes, I am."

"So I have to do the same as yesterday?"

Siwoo persistently asks.

"Yes.. Yes.. If I wear a blindfold, I'm going to sleep so deeply that I won't wake up."


Siwoo was feeling so excited that his body was shaking even though they were having a normal conversation between mother and son that was nothing to anyone else's ears.


As Siwoo waited for 10 p.m., his heart was shaking and he could not calm down.

Siwoo's thing had already grown to hige size by the time he left mom's bedroom after talking.

The hands of the clock hanging on the wall point to 9:58.

Siwoo gets up from the desk chair he was sitting on, opens the door, and heads to the master bedroom on the first floor.

Beyond the unlit living room, he can see the master bedroom with light streaming in.

As he passed through the dark living room and entered the master bedroom, Siwoo saw the scene that Siwoo had been expecting.

Mom lying on her side wearing a blindfold with her large white breasts sticking out of her pajama gown

Seyoung clinging to her breast and sucking her nipple like a baby

Siwoo gently calls out to his mother in a low voice.

"Mom… are you sleeping?"

Mom was unresponsive, but it was unclear whether she was awake or sleeping.

Siwoo checks that Seyoung is sleeping and slowly picks her up.

Mom's breasts, wet with Seyoung's saliva, are exposed in front of Siwoo.

Siwoo hugs Seyoung facing her, places his erected penis on Seyoung's front mound and gently presses it.

The exhilarating sensation of a huge penis spreads throughout the body.

He sweeps Seyoung's back and caresses her buttocks.

Siwoo gropes his little sister's body in front of sleeping - or pretending to be sleeping - mother, with her blindfold on and her massive breasts out.

He puts his hand between Seyoung's crotch under her cleavage and pushes it up to her front mound.


Siwoo's large penis, which was in contact with her, is pushed up together, and the feeling of pleasure spreads throughout his body once again.

Siwoo was repeating the act several times using her body for his masturbation, looking at his mother's breasts.

Then he softly calls his mother again.


There was no answer either.

But Siwoo is confident that his mother is awake.

"I will carry Seyoung and I'll come back to turn off the light."

Siwoo headed to Seyoung's room, leaving his mother still lying motionless.

Siwoo felt Seyoung with his whole body.

Her nape, breast, back, stomach, and waist...


Siwoo especially enjoyed the sensation of his penis touching Seyoung's mound.

He felt like he was closely connected to Seyoung.

Siwoo lays Seyoung down on the bed in her room and traces her entire body with his hands as if scanning her.

Calf panting, groin, stomach, chest, and cheeks

Siwoo felt as if a tingling sensation, which wouldn't be strange even if he ejaculated right away, was focused on his genitals.

He covers Seyoung with a blanket, pats her head, and leaves the room.

Mom's bedroom again

The lights were still on and her breasts were exposed.

A huge, delicious lump of soft flesh was placed right in front of his eyes without any obstruction.

During her earlier conversation with Siwoo, his mother said that she would fall into a deep sleep and not wake up as she wore a blindfold.

To Siwoo, those words sounded like a declaration and promise to him.

Siwoo stretched out his hand and carefully squeezed his mother's breast.

A large, round lump of flesh squeezes between Siwoo's fingers and changes shape as if it is about to burst.

Siwoo's other hand was tucked inside the gown, brushing his mother's thin waist, passing through her pelvis and firmly grasping the flesh of her shapely buttocks.

Siwoo relaxes his hand that was clutching her breast and begins to squeeze the nipple with his thumb and index finger and gently turn it from side to side.

At the same time, the hand that was gripping her buttocks also relaxes and begins to rub the flesh of her buttocks with his entire palm.

Mom's breathing was becoming labored.

Suddenly, Siwoo feels like playing a prank on his mother, who is pretending to be sleeping.

He gently removes his hand from her hip and begins to slowly write with his index finger on his mother's wide, voluptuous buttocks.







Mom's big butt suddenly twitches as if in surprise.

Mom, who had not reacted much even when her breasts and buttocks were squeezed so hard, was responding right away to Siwoo's handwriting.

Siwoo was secretly happy.

He confirmed that his mother was awake and at the same time embarrassed her by revealing that he knew about her mother's private information.

Siwoo again rubbed his mother's nipples with his fingers and caressed her ass with his palms.

Siwoo thinks of Sehee, who was beaten by his mother earlier.

Sehee was crying and begging her mother after being hit on her thighs and calves with mom's broom.

Siwoo raised his hands high and slapped mom's hips inside her robe.

-slap! slap!!

Then he rests for a moment and then strikes again with all his might.


-Similar to the beat when Sehee was mercilessly beaten with mom's plastic broom-

Mom was shaking her body.

Siwoo can see her cheeks turning red around her neck and under her blindfold.

Siwoo starts writing with his finger on her butt again.




As Siwoo was writing on her sensitive buttocks after they were hit, every time he drew a line with his writing, her buttocks twitched and strained.

Siwoo took his hands out of his mother's buttocks inside her gown, pulled down his pants, and started masturbating while squeezing his mother's breasts.

When the feeling of ejaculation began to set in, Siwoo stopped and thought for a moment and then ran to the locker room.

Then, he found the panties that Seyoung had taken off inside the washing machine, took them out, and ejaculated on them.

Siwoo wanted to declare his mother,

Not only mom...

Not only Sehee...

Siwoo is lusting after his mother and all the women in his family who came out of her womb.

After his masturbation is over, Siwoo throws Seyoung's semen-stained panties carelessly on the locker room floor and returns to the master bedroom.

Even though time has passed, Mom still maintains the same posture.

Siwoo approaches his mother and sucks his mother's nipple that Seyoung was nursing.

He could feel the sweet and sour taste of Seyoung's saliva.

Siwoo then leaves his mother alone.

"Mom, then I'll turn off the light and go."

Siwoo said bye to his mother and was about to leave the bedroom.

Then, something occurred to him.

"Oh, I almost forgot."

He says and approaches his mother again.

Siwoo whispered quietly into his mother's ear.

"That's my punishment for hitting Sehee carelessly on the head."

Siwoo bent his middle finger, pressed it with his thumb, and then flicked it mercilessly toward his mother's nipple, which he had just sucked.



Mom let out a breathless moan and her body trembled as if she was going to die.