Slave Contract


Siwoo threw his fist into Cheoljin's face.

Cheoljin, who was running toward him, gets hit by Siwoo's fist and falls to the floor like a piece of paper.

"Hey, you crazy bastard, how could YOU do that to my sister!!!?"

Siwoo's eyes rolled back and he shouted loudly at Cheoljin without paying attention to his surroundings.

"Ah!! Wait!! Wait!!~!!"

Cheoljin falls to the floor, clutches his face and shouts.

"Were you trying to make her like your mother?"

Siwoo grabbed Cheoljin's back and lifted him up, trying to punch him one more time.

"Fuck, calm down!! It's not like that!!"

It was Cheoljin who held Siwoo's arm and barely managed to stop him.

There was no way Siwoo would be this angry just because he followed Sehee around and took pictures.

He was this angry because it was Cheoljin.

This is because Siwoo knew how Cheoljin treated his own mother.

"Calm down!! How can I make Sehee like my mother? What kind of trainer am I?"

Siwoo pauses for a moment at Cheoljin's urgent words.

Cheoljin took Siwoo, who was still grumpy and unable to let go of his anger, and went into a corner alley in a residential area.

"It looks like my cheek is ruptured!!"


Cheoljin clenches his mouth and spits out two white pieces along with blood.

His molars were broken.

Seeing the broken molars like that, Siwoo must have felt worried and tells Cheoljin.

"Are you okay?"

"How can I be okay? How can you beat someone so cruelly?"

Cheoljin told Siwoo that he was angry.

"Shouldn't you go to the hospital?"

Siwoo feels very sorry for Cheoljin's words.

"What kind of hospital should I go to for something minor like this?! No!"

Cheoljin pretends to be strong for no reason.

Siwoo watches Cheoljin for a moment and opens his mouth.

"It was you in the early morning too, right? Why were you chasing my sister? What are those pictures? Were you targeting my sister?"

Siwoo bombarded Cheoljin with questions to confirm his position.

"Targeting her? You crazy bastard. Monitoring her! Aren't you worried about what kind of bastards your sister will be fucking?"

Instead of feeling sorry, Cheoljin is so confident

"What do you mean?"

"You told me, 0135!!!"

Cheoljin heard from Siwoo that Shin Bi and Sehee were thinking about exercising by having sex, and it seemed like he decided to secretly follow her from the next day.

Cheoljin thought that if a sex is to be good enough for losing weight, it would be a sex with multiple people or with someone known to have strong stamina.

If she was introduced to such a partner, it was difficult to believe that she would probably be in a normal relationship.

Cheoljin believed that it probably meant group sex or swapping, and in that case, there must be someone taking the lead.

It seems that Cheoljin wanted to check on Sehee by secretly following her.

"Why did you take the picture?"

"That's my hobby!!!"

It was the moment when even the last remaining doubts were cleared by Cheoljin's confident words until the end.

The suspicions about Cheoljin have been resolved, but the bitterness remains.

Siwoo had not thought deeply about Sehee's actions.

But he vaguely knew.

Sehee soon will experience her decadence.

That decadence will be treated as lightly as getting a tattoo, wearing vulgar clothes, or smoking a cigarette, and it will pass by without even knowing when it is, regardless of Siwoo.

Siwoo felt frustrated, as if some sticky lump in his chest was melting, emitting unpleasant heat.


On the way to the academy in silence, with bitter feelings

Suddenly, a message notification rang on Siwoo's smartphone.

The person who sent the message was Cheoljin, who was walking right next to him.

"What the fuck?"

Siwoo asks indifferently while unlocking his smartphone

"Anyway, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, so I'll give you some photos of Sehee.. and the last one is a surprise gift… Don't be too surprised."

When Siwoo checked the message, there were several photos of Sehee taken yesterday and today.

A pretty face, ample breasts, and well-shaped body contours.

It was depicted on the screen as if captivating the viewer.

Siwoo was looking at the photos in an ecstatic mood while flipping through the screen.

And the last picture

Siwoo was so surprised that it took his breath away.

That was Aunt Gyuri's..

Slave Contract

Attached to the back of the contract were several photos of Aunt Gyuri's face.

These were photos taken with her mouth open, which was full of semen.

The shocking photo makes Siwoo's heart pound.

He looks at Cheoljin with a surprised expression.

Cheoljin also looked at Siwoo with a satisfied smile on his swollen face.

"Are you finally doing something like this with your mom?"

Siwoo asks Cheoljin, feeling a little excited for some reason.

"No, no, it's not me!! Look closely and see how old my mom looks."

Cheoljin spreads out his palm, shakes it, and speaks to Siwoo.

Siwoo checked the photo

Aunt Gyuri's face clearly looked different in age in each photo.

As Siwoo flipped through the pages from the back, it felt like he was going back through photos that seemed to have been recently taken, to older photos.

And in the photo of the youngest, Aunt Gyuri almost looked like a girl in her 100s.

Siwoo turns to the contract photo and looks at it carefully.

In the first line under the title Slave Contract, there was this sentence:

'Kim Gyuhyung owns Park Gyuri as a slave'

Kim Gyuhyung was Cheoljin's father, and Park Gyuri was the very Aunt Gyuri.

The numerous provisions of the master and slave were written down, and the date was written along with the signatures of the two people. 

The year written was about 200 years ago, when Cheoljin was not even born.

Siwoo looks up at Cheoljin's face again, and he is still smiling in triumph and satisfaction.

"I found it the day before yesterday. My dad hid it in his old briefcase. As soon as I saw it, I took a picture."

Cheoljin was spouting out words that Siwoo didn't even ask, as if he was displaying his loot and boasting about his bravery.

"If you look at the back, there is a record of long-term rentals, right? I think it was done about six times, and I think the pictures of my mother's face on the back are pictures taken instead of a stamp when signing a contract with other tenants."

Siwoo was so shocked that he couldn't say anything after hearing Cheoljin's words.

"The tenants' names and personal information are listed in the back. Can you guess what I saw there?"

Cheoljin smiles sinisterly and continues his words.

Siwoo turned over to the next page.

Under the sheet that says Slave Rental Contract

The tenants' names, personal information, rental period, etc. are written down, but the name 'Yoo Jinseong' written twice along with other names stands out.

It was Siwoo's father.


Even after arriving at the academy, Siwoo was confused the whole time.

He can't let his excitement subside.

The lady that Siwoo knew, Aunt Gyuri, was a sex slave who lent her body here and there, and Siwoo's father had borrowed and used Aunt Gyuri twice.

The rental period was by no means short.

Perhaps the two pictures in the back are of Gyuri holding on to Siwoo's father's semen.

It was surely an inappropriate affair, but Siwoo was even more shocked by the fact that such a contract was established and maintained.

A question suddenly occurred to Siwoo.

Mom, Aunt Seonju, and Aunt Gyuri have been close friends since they were young. 

How could they be completely unaware of these situations?

In fact, if Cheoljin hadn't told him, Siwoo wouldn't have known about Aunt Gyuri's situation too.

Siwoo quickly agrees.

And he thinks of his mother.

Siwoo's body trembles as he imagines his mother making a slave contract with him.

But he didn't feel like his mother would agree even if Siwoo showed her the contract now.

Currently, his mother was having sexual communication with Siwoo without the other family knowing.

However, he could not see the relationship between the two as special enough for his mother to accept Siwoo as her master.

Perhaps Siwoo did not know whether she was treating Siwoo's needs as if he were a child, just like she accepted Seyoung's childish needs.

Siwoo wanted to find out how far his mother would accept Siwoo...

While Siwoo was thinking that, Seulgi came up to him and started talking to him.

"What are you so worried about?"

Shin Seulgi was Shin Bi's younger sister.

Enacting a woman's sexual moans with the sound of a creaking chair,

Creating and distributing unspeakable r18 quizzes or puzzles,

And just because she don't lose momentum in the conversation where she compete with Cheoljin for his perverted powers,

At the academy, Seulgi earns the title of "a beauty pervert."

"Did you fight with Cheoljin?"

Seulgi asks Siwoo while clearly holding a bag of Injeolmi snacks with 'sweet soybean powder' written on them in one hand.

"No, It was just bickering."

Siwoo gives a vague answer.

"Don't pick on Cheoljin too much, he's pitiful."

Seulgi speaks to Siwoo in a faint acting tone of voice.

"It's not like that, huh."

Siwoo feels a bit frustrated because he seems to have been accused of being the perpetrator of an incident that is difficult to explain.

In his frustration, Siwoo suddenly remembers the conversation he had with Sehee about the tattoo she had that morning.

Sehee said she definitely doesn't have a boyfriend.

So what about Shin Bi, who also got a couple discounts?

Siwoo was hesitating for a long time whether to ask Seulgi if she knew.

Then, Seulgi said to Siwoo,

"I don't know what you're worried about, but I'm sure it'll be okay."

With a warm and bright smile like Mother Mary's...