Becoming Bolder


Siwoo went down to the first floor.

Sehee and mom were at the dining table and eating strawberries from a cute plate.

"Welcome Siwoo, have some strawberries. Even without extra sugar, it's really sweet~"

Mom sees Siwoo coming down the stairs and talks with a smile.

Playing a game of ordinary mom and son relationship

"Where's Seyoung?"

Siwoo, who has decided to follow his mother's play, asks his mother because he doesn't see Seyoung at the table.

"Ah, Seyoung is at Seonju's now."

"Aunt Seonju? Why?"

"To visit a class to attend with Suah."

-Suah is the daughter of Aunt Seonju who is the same age as Seyoung-

"A class?"

Siwoo wants to hear the details from his mother as this is his first time hearing it.

"Yeah.. Seyoung went to the hospital before, right?"


"The doctor told me that it would be helpful to do something like a hobby that she likes... Seyoung has liked magic tricks since she was little~! I heard that there is a magic class that Seonju knows about, so I asked her to take Seyoung there with Suah."

After saying that, something else occurred to mom.

"Oh, Gyuri and Seonju are going to come over for lunch tomorrow."

Tomorrow is Saturday so Siwoo doesn't go to the academy.

When Siwoo's father was alive, the aunts and their family often hung out together.

Like going on a trip every quarter or taking turns treating each other to meals on the weekends...

After the accident, it seemed like the frequency of time when mom, Aunt Seonju, and Aunt Gyuri got together gradually decreased.

"I think Gyuri and Seonju will go home early after lunch tomorrow. So, how about having dinner out as a family for the first time in a while, so I can buy Sehee some clothes too?"

Mom suggesting tomorrow's schedule

"I love it, Mom~!!"

Sehee responds happily and excitedly.


Anyway, Siwoo gets a little nervous when his mother says that Aunt Gyuri is coming.

Mom continues to have daily conversations.

Siwoo remembers last night's events while listening to his mother's pleasant voice.

Even though that kind of thing happened, mom remained mom and son remained son.

But Siwoo was still cautious.

This was because he thought that no matter how much he secretly enjoyed sexual play with mom, there would be a line that would be difficult for her to accept.

All Siwoo had ever done with his mother so far were light caresses, provocative touches, and sexually explicit conversations through text.

-What an open-minded mother might be willing to accept in the name of releasing her son's sexual desires-

In the afternoon, Sehee's panties were clearly wet.

Will Siwoo be able to check out his mother's wet bottom today?

How far can a moment of eccentricity attempted while drunk on a whim go?

Siwoo was really curious about that right now.


At night

After Seyoung comes back home...

After dinner...

After taking a shower...

Time for the family to be asleep

Siwoo was thinking of trying some pretty provocative caresses on his mom today.

He enters mom's bedroom on time.

Today again, without fail, the door is open and the mother's breast is open.

Siwoo's cock is erect.

He picks up Seyoung, carries her to her room, and returns to mom's bedroom.


Siwoo calls his mother.

A strange word of lust that seems to signal the beginning of molestation.

As usual, mom had no answer.

Today, Siwoo pushes mom down so that her back is against her bed.

Siwoo climbs onto the bed, picks up one of his mother's nipples that Seyoung was biting on, and bites it.

With his other hand, Siwoo squeezes her remaining another breast.

He gently swirls her nipple with his tongue.

Siwoo continues to fondle his mother like that for a while.

Mom breathing heavily

Now Siwoo removes his lips from her nipples and kisses the nape of his mother's neck.

He then places his lips on his mother's cheek and ear.

Siwoo, who was touching his mother's chest, neck, and face alternately without stopping, felt his mother's body begin to tremble.

Now he was going to go down and check his mom's wet panties.

He was about to open the light purple gown and look underneath, but something felt strange.

A trace of slippery water that seemed to overflow down the front of her thighs was clearly visible.

Though Siwoo started touching his mother after she laid on her back,

This liquid mark appears to have flowed down when she was lying on her side.

Siwoo is sure then,

That Mom couldn't control her extremely horny body and was waiting for Siwoo to come, spilling her pussy juice...

This horny bitch was pretending not to be, covering her eyes with a blindfold, deceiving not only her own son, but also herself as his mother, and pouring down the sewage of impure lust like a waterfall.

Now Siwoo had no hesitation.

Siwoo puts his hand around his mother's waist, supports her, and gently pushes the panties hanging around her pelvis with his fingers, lowering them to her knees.

He takes one of her legs out of her panties.

He then leaves the panties hanging around the ankle of her other foot.

Siwoo bent his mother's legs, bringing her knees up and spreading them to her sides,

And positioned himself between his mother's crotch.

He put his hands under her spread thighs and wrapped both arms around them, pulling them into a hug.

He places his mouth on his mother's pussy,

Feeling his mother's cracked flesh

It's soaking wet.

When Siwoo sticks out his tongue, he could taste the soft pussy juice.

Splitting her pussy skin and tearing from both sides with tongue

Mom's pelvis and legs were trembling, unable to move between opening and closing.

Using his tongue to lick from the bottom up

As Siwoo's tongue touches her clitoris while licking it over and over again, his mother's body trembles violently.

Siwoo finds the clitoris, purses his lips, sucks it, sticks the tip of his tongue, and rubs it persistently.

At that moment, the mother's waist bounces as if convulsing.


-Unwrapping his arm around one of her thighs, opening his palm-

Siwoo immediately slapped his mother's convulsing buttocks with all his force.

And Siwoo's firm voice next

"Mom, stay still!!"

"Ha…. Haaa…. Ah….. Ahhh..."

Mom with her back lifted off the bed and her breathing heavily as if she was almost crying

Siwoo speaks to her:

"Mom, you shouldn't let me know you're awake now, right?"

When mom heard those words, her body trembled once again.

"I'm giving this to you as a reward for your good behavior today."

Saying that, Siwoo starts sucking his mother's clitoris again.

After that, how many times did his mother convulse and how many times did she get spanked..

Now, Mom was just accepting the extreme stimulation of Siwoo's cunnilingus.

The stimulation was so intense that it felt as if her brain would melt, but following Siwoo's instructions, her body was hanging down as if she had fainted so that she could not resist the stimulation for herself.

However, despite the transcendental efforts of hanging the body to such mental extremes, the tremors from inside the womb slowly spread throughout the body, shaking the mother's body like an earthquake.

"Ughhhhhh! Huhhhh... Heu… Ah!!!!!!!!!!"

Never experienced in her life

A peak pleasure

Seonmi felt the extreme orgasm she had never experienced before through her son's tongue.


Seeing his mother convulsing while having an orgasm, only one thought comes to Siwoo's mind.

Aunt Gyuri's photo on the Slave Contract

Siwoo knelt in front of his mother's face, who was lying on the bed with her blindfold on, and massaged one of his mother's open breasts violently, pulling out his huge cock and shaking it with his hand.

-Tak, tak, tak, tak.

The sound of Siwoo masturbating can be heard clearly in the ears of his mother, who is wearing a blindfold.

Pleasure comes as if it is being squeezed from Siwoo's hand massaging her breast

"Mom, open your mouth."

Mom's lips slowly open over time.

Siwoo put the entire tip of his large glans into his mother's open mouth and stroked his cock for a while.

Eventually, the time for ejaculation arrives.

"Ah~ Mom, I'm going to cum~~~"

It was Siwoo's third ejaculation today, but it was so abundant that it filled his mother's entire mouth.

"Have it in your mouth, and don't let it spill!!"

Although he was in the middle of ejaculating, Siwoo managed to give an order to his mother.

Mom with her mouth open to catch Siwoo's cum

After finishing his ejaculation,

Siwoo goes to his room and comes down with his smartphone.

As Siwoo ordered, Mom still had her son's semen in her mouth.

Siwoo holds up his smartphone to take a picture of her.

Siwoo's semen in his mother's mouth seemed to glow under the flashlight of his smartphone.

At that moment, Siwoo lifts his mother's blindfold and takes it off.

Mom blushing red like a tomato skin and looking shocked

Both of her eyes were convulsively closed and her mouth was open showing her son's semen.

Siwoo can feel his mother's breathing becoming more intense.




The smartphone camera shutter sounds loudly.

"It's done, Mom."

As he spoke, Siwoo tried to pull out the tissue paper next to her so that mom could spew it out.

But at that moment, mom couldn't take it any longer and swallowed Siwoo's cum.

"Gulp, Ugh… Heuk… Kek, kek!"

Mom passes Siwoo's semen down her throat and gags, causing her to cough convulsively as if she is in trouble.

Siwoo loves such a mother so much.

Stroking his mom's head

Mom lying still with her eyes tightly closed and her body shaking

Siwoo puts the blindfold on his mother again and covers her with a blanket, then turns off the light, leaves the master bedroom, and returns to his own room.