Family Gathering


While Mom and Seyoung were preparing lunch, Siwoo came into the room and started looking at his smartphone again.

Cheoljin found Aunt Gyuri's…

'Slave Contract'

'Kim Gyuhyung owns Park Gyuri as a slave'

If this slave contract was a contract that could only be used between Cheoljin's father and Aunt Gyuri, there would be no problem at all.

If it was that much of a joke between a couple, it could have been used as a good sauce for Siwoo's masturbation.

-Siwoo had previously been somewhat immune to the SM genre thanks to the pornographic videos from Cheoljin's BDSM collection-

But the problem is the shocking Slave Rental Contract on the back.

The name of Siwoo's father, Yoo Jinseong, is written twice below it.

The number of times Aunt Gyuri was rented was a total of 6 times.

Tenants' names, dates and brief personal information...

And next to it is written 'Remarks.'

Most rental periods were around a year, and Remarks included words such as 'failure' or 'fraternal twins'.

Siwoo thought that writing down a slave contract was something that a Masochist woman like Aunt Gyuri could do for fun.

-Because she's someone who can enjoy being spanked by her son or son's friend-

But being rented out as a slave was already far beyond the scope of play.

If this has been going on for over 20 years, Aunt Gyuri is not just a promiscuous woman who enjoys the role of a Masochist. 

She is no different from a real sex slave.

There was no way the slave contract had legal effect or enforceability.

So is she being blackmailed because she has a debt or a weakness?

Do Mom and Aunt Seonju know about all this?

Siwoo felt something like an unknown anticipation slowly rising within his body.


A noisy voice came from the floor below.

It seemed that Aunt Seonju and Suah had arrived.

Siwoo goes down to the first floor to say hello.

Aunt Seonju and Suah were standing at the front door.

"Oh you came? Hello, Auntie~ Suah~"

Siwoo happily greeted Aunt Seonju and his cousin Suah.

Suah shakes her hand and smiles at Siwoo.

Suah, who was very shy, had her hair in pigtails that reached her waist.

The balanced body is, of course, an outstanding shape with strong genes from Aunt Seounju.

Although Suah is the same age as Seyoung, she seemed to grow a bit faster than her peers.

Breasts and buttocks starting to swell

Looking at her long arms and legs, Siwoo thought it would be a good idea to have her become a model.

She was wearing a pink t-shirt with a banana printed on it and a light green lace skirt with lots of wrinkles, and overall she had the vibe of a fairy from a fantasy novel.

Aunt Seonju, who is 370 years old, looked so young that it was hard to think of her as a mother

She could easily be considered to be in her late 200s.

She was wearing a wine-colored sleeveless dress that reached her knees.

The dress was a slim type dress that cut out her chest slightly and emphasized her body.

Aunt Seonju was very similar in appearance and size to Mom.

Their face, height, breasts, and buttocks make them instantly recognizable as sisters.

However, their personality and mood were very different. 

While Mom was a nag who sought her stability, Aunt Seonju was a witty extrovert who was open-minded.

Aunt Seonju got along very well with Siwoo and his sisters, so she liked to go out and hang out with them.

"Wow~ Siwoo becomes more mature every time I see you~"

Aunt Seonju's exaggerated greeting

"You seem to get younger every time I see you too~ But didn't we see each other last week too?"

Siwoo seemed to be used to that kind of Aunt's mood and greeted her along with her, adjusting his mood.

"I mean, we should see each other more often!!

Siwoo grows up and I get younger both fast so that we get similar in age. haha~"

It was Aunt Seonju's joke, told with her humorous expression.

As usual, the family exchange comical greetings.

"Seonju, stop talking about strange things to a child and come in. What are you holding in your hands so much?"

Mom asked Aunt Seonju, who held her plastic bag with both hands full.

"Oh, this? It's drinks!! It's been a while since we all got together, so shouldn't we have a binge drink?"

The plastic bags held in both hands of Aunt Seonju were full of different types of alcoholic drinks.

"You're saying you drink during the day? And I can't drink because I'm going out to dinner with the kids."

Mom was talking to Aunt Seonju as if she was dumbfounded.

Since Mom has plans to go shopping and eat out with family in the evening, she agrees to have only a little daytime drinking.

-Putting aside her sister's regret for wanting to get drunk-

In between greetings and jokes and agreements, Mom was back to being her usual mother in front of Aunt Seonju aunt and Suah.

Siwoo somehow feels happy to see Mom like that.


At that time, Sehee comes down from the second floor.

"Ah, Aunt Seonju~ Suah~ Welcome!"

Upon seeing Aunt Seonju and Suah, Sehee immediately greeted them as she came down.

"Oh, Sehee~ I heard your mom scold you again? My sister's a real hard mom!?"

Aunt Seonju must have heard Sehee getting scolded by Mom and she looked at Sehee coming down from the second floor and said.

"How could you buy my child clothes like that?"

Mom speaks to her sister, Aunt Seonju, recalling what made her angry.

"You should wear the clothes you want to wear comfortably at home. That's not the case at our house, right, Suah?"

Suah just smiles shyly while looking at Siwoo's mom at Aunt Seonju's words.

For a moment, Siwoo imagines Aunt Seonju and her daughter Suah only in their underwear.

"You two are the only people in your house~!!"

Siwoo's mother says as if she can't help it because Siwoo is at home.

The reason why Sehee was scolded was not only because of her clothes, but it seemed like it was conveyed to Aunt Seounju as if the clothes were the only problem in the end.

"You're family, so who cares? By the way, were you preparing food? Shall I help you?"

When it seemed like Mom wasn't getting through what she was saying, Aun Seonju changed the subject.

"No, I'm almost done. Just sit down and have a conversation with kids."

Mom also shakes her head from side to side as if she is tired of the topic of Sehee's clothes and speaks to her aunt.

At that time, the doorbell rings.

It was Aunt Gyuri.

"Siwoo, can you open the door?"

Since she came out of the room to prepare lunch, Siwoo's mother speaks to him for the first time.

-Mom still doesn't look him in the eye, but it feels like there's a connection-

"Okay, Mom~"

Siwoo answers with joy and goes to the intercom and opens the door.

Aunt Gyuri greets as she enters the front door.

"Huh? Everyone's already together? I'm not late, am I?"

"Welcome, Gyuri, I'm glad you came~ But why are your husband and son so busy all the time?"

Mother greets Aunt Gyuri and asks as if she's a bit disappointed.

"My husband always works, right?"

"What about Cheoljin?"

"Ah, Cheoljin got hurt a little yesterday.. he broke his molar while playing!"

"Oh really?"

"He went to the dentist, but his face is swollen and he's lying down right now. When I ask what he was doing when got hurt, he doesn't even give an answer."

Siwoo stings.

"I'm worried if my child is getting beaten by someone."

Siwoo pretends not to know because he doesn't think there is a need to tell something that Cheoljin didn't tell her.

Aunt Gyuri, who signed a slave contract with her husband and got rented out to other men, seems to always have the awareness that she is a mom.

Siwoo felt a strange sense of discomfort for some reason.

Cheoljin's father had recently been transferred to the headquarters and seemed to be back home, but he had been busy with business trips and work since before, so he had not shown up at family gatherings much.

Anyway, that's how Aunt Gyuri and Aunt Seonju arrived and they had lunch together.


There was plenty of food prepared by Mom and Seyoung.

Tomato spaghetti, potato salad, sandwich, rice balls... 

There was also fruit juice, cola, and alcoholic drinks served with it.

"So, there isn't much left?"

Aunt Seonju talks while taking a sip of her drink.


Asked Mom, who was taking a sip of her drink with her.

"Your husband's first birthday since he was gone."

Aunt Seonju's answer

"Time flies so fast I don't even know how it went by."

Said Mom, with her eyes downcast and an expression as if she were lost in reminiscence.

"What did you plan to do that day?"

Aunt Seonju asks Mom that question.

"I should prepare a birthday dinner and spend the day with the kids."

Mom's lonely answer

"Instead of doing that, why don't we get together as a family for the first time in a while and go somewhere to get some fresh air?"

It's his first birthday since Siwoo's father passed away, and Aunt Seonju's care is taken to keep Siwoo's family from feeling depressed.

Siwoo's father's birthday was coming up.

Siwoo's house didn't hold any ancestral rites, so it had nothing to do with events like birthday rites.

Since his dad passed away, the family trips he used to take with Aunts' almost once a quarter have disappeared.

Aunt Seonju seemed to want to return to those normal things, as Siwoo's father's birthday was coming back this time.