At the Department Store


A little after 4 p.m., Siwoo's family was taking the subway and heading to the department store.

Perhaps because it was the weekend, there were many passengers in families or couples.

The train was filled to the point where it was a bit crowded.

As always, Seyoung hugged Mom's waist tightly and never was separated from her.

"Ugh~ When will Seyoung grow up and live away from Mom?"

Mom, who was looking at Seyoung, who was hugging her waist tightly, with one arm around Seyoung, was complaining to herself, as if she felt sorry for Seyoung, even though she was so cute.

"Hehe, I'm going to live with Mom like this for the rest of my life!"

Seyoung looking at and talking to Mom while smiling innocently

Since Mom was wearing the pink skirt Siwoo had chosen without her panties, her bare skin would be exposed underneath Mom's skirt.

In that pitiful state, Mom was exchanging abominable conversations with her daughter, which were extremely ordinary, between mother and daughter.

Sehee was on the other side, facing Mom, and was texting someone on her smartphone for a while.

Siwoo was standing diagonally behind Mom, holding on to his handlebars.

He looks at what Sehee and Seyoung do.

Siwoo was seeking an opportunity to secretly touch Mom's buttocks.

He wanted to make sure that Mom wasn't wearing anything under her skirt.

Mom might have changed her mind and put her panties back on when she changed her clothes.

The short pink skirt that extends from Mom's narrow waist to the voluminous hip line makes Siwoo's heart excited and horny.

With just a light lift, Mom's bare buttocks would be exposed.

Siwoo gathers his courage and gently places his hand on Mom's buttocks.

Mom flinching in surprise

Mom noticed it was Siwoo's hand, but she didn't turn around and just stood there, acting calm.

Siwoo straightens his index finger and moves it slowly downward, as if drawing a line from Mom's upper buttocks.

Siwoo's index finger did not catch Mom's panty line.

Siwoo felt a surge of pride and flicked his fingers off Mom's buttocks.

Mom's body twitches once again as Siwoo's fingers flicks off her buttocks.

"Mom, what's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

Seyoung, who was hugging Mom, anxiously asked if she felt her flinch.

", I just had hiccups, hiccup~!"

Mom acting out hiccup as if she was embarrassed

Sehee is playing on her smartphone and glances at Mom and Siwoo.

Siwoo was happy throughout this situation.

A mom is surprised that her son touched her buttocks, but she desperately tries to hide the fact by acting awkwardly to hide it from the rest of the family.

Also, like in the chat, she could have said something to Siwoo, but let alone scolding him, she didn't say a word about it.

Siwoo wanted to tease and embarrass Mom some more to get her to react.


The family arrived at the department store.

They enter the department store through a passageway connected to the subway station.

A huge department store with no end in sight

A very large complex shopping mall with facilities such as a swimming pool, skating rink, aquarium, cinema, and amusement park

Older sister Sehee was familiar with the structure of the department store and was excitedly guiding her family like a puppy on a walk.

Apparently, Sehee had been to the department store a lot with her friends.

-The expensive clothes piled up in Sehee's room were probably mostly bought here-

They decided that after buying Segee the clothes she wanted first, they were to continue shopping by slowly looking around the department store.

Sehee seemed to have already picked the clothes of the brand and design she wanted, and she was leading the way with her family, Siwoo and others, without hesitation.

"Sehee, slow down. You might fall~"

Mom is worried that Sehee might get into trouble and bump into other people.

"Hurry, quickly~ this way!!"

Sehee is far ahead, urging her family.


Sehee guided the family to a store in the section named 'The Luxury'.

Expensive brands that are popular among young people recently

-It's expensive, but even students can afford it if they try hard enough-

Sehee says she has already picked something before, so she picks out two of her clothes that are on display without hesitation.

The first one is a pink dress with a deep cut on the chest.

It clung to the body completely, so if Sehee wore it, it was designed so that Siwoo would have an erection all day long.

-That Mom would never allow to buy-

The second one was a horizontally striped dress made of ultra-slim material, although it looked less vulgar because the chest was not cut out.

Even if it was less erotic than the first one, it seemed like it would be enough to make Siwoo erect.

Perhaps it was Sehee's cute strategy that she thought hard to get permission to buy the second one.

Siwoo thought that she may have shown Mom first outfit on purpose to emphasize that she had chosen something less racy.

"Both are too clingy! Didn't I say you can't wear anything too vulgar? Choose a different one."

Mom informs Sehee of her rejection with a stern expression and suggests an alternative.

There was no way such shallow manipulation would get through to Mom.

"Hey~ If you don't let me wear something like this, what should I choose~ All my friends wear to this extent comfortably~"

Sehee starts whining in front of Mom as if she's sad.

"Sehee, do you want to do this all the way here? Have you forgotten everything I said before?"

Mom lowered her voice and spoke in a scary tone.

Sehee, who clearly knew what would happen if she whined any longer, had a sullen expression on her face and was unable to say anything, twisting Mom's arm.


Siwoo thought that now was his chance to make Mom embarrassed.

Siwoo wanted to test whether Mom, who was accommodating to all of Siwoo's requests, would actually listen to the requests made openly in front of Sehee and Seyoung.

"Mom, isn't that okay?"

Siwoo speaks to Mom as if to sneak in.


Mom looks a little embarrassed by Siwoo's words.

"If Sehee wears that, she'll look like a celebrity."

Siwoo deliberately points to the first one which is more revealing.

"That's… cut out too much and clingy~"

Mom speaks as if she is having trouble looking at Siwoo's face.

"But I think mom's skirt is much more vulgar now than the clothes Sehee chose?"

Siwoo said he was determined to embarrass Mom.

"What...what are you talking about? Why is my skirt vulgar?"

Mom seemed genuinely embarrassed and was stuttering over her words while looking at Sehee and Seyoung.

"No matter how much cloth you wear, if it's vulgar on the inside, it's vulgar!!"

Siwoo teasingly pushes Mom, conscious of the state under her skirt.

"Wh... what are you talking about all of a sudden?"

Mom was talking with her face blushing.

"It's not vulgar when other women wear it, but when you and Sehee wear it, it looks even more vulgar, so you have to take that into consideration when choosing."

Mom was speechless, then lowered her head and listened to Siwoo with her face blushing.

"Sehee's body shape was inherited from Mom, so it's your fault that Sehee has such a hot body~!!"

Siwoo ends up scolding Mom and speaking harshly to her.

Mom, who had been silently lowering her head for a while as if she were being scolded, spoke to Sehee with a determined expression on her face, doubting what kind of decision she herself had made.

"Well... then, Sehee, would you like to try on the first clothes and come out? Because it might look different when you wear it."

"Yeah... okay, Mom, I'll try..."

Observing the strange atmosphere between Mom and Siwoo, Sehee said that and headed to the changing room in the store.

Mom was accepting Siwoo's request even though she was being scolded.

Sehee went into the locker room to try on the clothes, leaving Siwoo, Mom, and Seyoung behind.

Siwoo takes a quick look around.

The employees inside the store were busy serving other customers and weren't paying attention to them.

Siwoo slowly approaches Mom.

And in front of Seyoung, he strokes Mom's head again.

"Mom, you really listen to me well now~ your blushing face is so cute. I'll give you another prize tonight."

This is the third time Siwoo has stroked Mom's head since last night...

At a public place, right in front of Seyoung...

This time too, Mom didn't avoid or shake off, just feeling Siwoo's touch.

Mom seemed to be completely compliant with Siwoo now.

When Siwoo thinks that he will own Mom like this tonight, Siwoo's thing gets stiffened.

Seyoung speaks in a low voice crawling next to her.

"Mom... Oppa... you both are strange~"

Mom's body was shaking as she reacted to Seyoung's words.

Is it due to her shame for immorality?

Or, is it due to her joy of deviance?