New Relationship Begins


A little after 8 p.m.

Siwoo's family arrived home.

Seyoung was the first to change her clothes and went into the shower room on the first floor to wash up.

Sehee goes up to her room on the second floor, holding the luxury brand shopping bag containing the new pink dress she bought today like it's precious.

Mom went into her room to change into her comfortable clothes and closed the door.

Siwoo moved the items he had purchased today, such as food and small itinerary, to the kitchen and returned to his room on the second floor.


Siwoo lies down on the bed and looks at the clock.

8:15 PM

The long day that followed last night was about to end.

Perhaps in two hours, Siwoo would be reconnected with Mom as a new family relationship.

Siwoo's huge dick will be shoved inside Mom and stirred again and again.

Then, what kind of woman will Siwoo's mother become to him?

Just thinking about that made Siwoo's heart beat wildly and violently.

Mom didn't seem to know anything about BDSM-related terms or tools.

She knew that, and she gave her son a card and ordered "Vanilla" in a way just like when paying for services…

Siwoo felt a little offended by Mom.

-Of course, he had no intention of complying her till the end-

Considering Mom's attitude so far, it seems that she is not a person who can be satisfied with an ordinary relationship.

Siwoo touches the condom box he kept in his cardigan pocket.

It was a large condom in a set of 10.

This small box seemed to be making Siwoo realize his first act with Mom, which would occur in about 2 hours... and his relationship with Mom, which was about to change.


Siwoo went down to the living room on the first floor.

He sat down on the living room sofa and turned on the TV.

There was a weekend entertainment program on TV that was very popular these days.

Mom changed her clothes into a comfortable cotton t-shirt and pants and came out to the kitchen to organize the food and items she had purchased today.

Although she changed into comfortable clothes, it seems difficult to hide the sexiness that overflows from Mom's body.

Siwoo glances at Mom while watching an entertainment program on TV.

Mom didn't particularly look towards Siwoo or react in any particular way.

She just organized her things without consciously thinking about it.

At that time, Seyoung finished her shower and came out of the dressing room.

She is wearing a loose-fitting apricot-colored pajama with buttons on the front.

Seyoung sees Siwoo sitting on the living room sofa and she approaches him smiling.

"Oppa, can I show you something surprising?"

Seyoung suddenly asks Siwoo.


Siwoo asks back.

Seyoung catches a glimpse of Mom in the kitchen.

Mom was now organizing the food ingredients in front of the refrigerator.

Seyoung grabs the bottom hem of her pajama top with both hands and pulls it up to her neck.

At that moment, Seyoung's white flesh catches Siwoo's eyes.

Siwoo is startled by Seyoung's behavior and looks at her with wide eyes, as if his breath had stopped for a moment.

"Today was my first time trying it on hehe~"

Seyoung's innocent expression

Looking closely, Siwoo could see that Seyoung's breasts were wrapped in a white, soft fabric under the apricot-colored pajama top she had rolled up to her neck.

Seyoung went to the junior underwear section at the department store with Mom today.

It was the first time she had bought and tried on a bra from the junior underwear store, and she wanted to show off to her brother.

-Even though it is called a bra, it almost feels like a front cover without a wire that is just assorted-

But no matter what, there was no way Mom would have allowed her to lift her clothes and show her inner skin to her brother.

Probably it's not that Seyoung didn't know that, but she was taking off her clothes and showing Siwoo her first bra, in a situation where Mom could see her from the kitchen.

Normally she should have already heard a shout from Mom.

Did Mom not see it?

Siwoo turns his head and looks toward the kitchen where Mom is.

For a moment, Mom and Siwoo make eye contact.

Mom was avoiding her eyes, her face was red, and she was busily playing with her hands, pretending to be busy with her work.

A strange feeling of excitement envelopes Siwoo's whole body.

Mom was pretending not to notice that Seyoung was exposing her underwear to Siwoo.

Has Seyoung found out now?

That Mom treats Siwoo differently than before... that even if something like this happens, she can get Mom's approval if it's through Siwoo... that Mom is becoming subordinate to Siwoo. ...


"That's pretty ~ You have become a proper woman now, right?"

Siwoo speaks as if Mom should listen and reaches out his hand to stroke Seyoung's head as she pulls her clothes up to her neck, exposing her underwear.

Seeing Seyoung like that, Siwoo's thing was slightly straining.

"Hehe, Suah's birthday is later than mine, but she's been putting this on a long time ago."

"Oh really? Well, it's still nice that you could do it for now, right?"

Siwoo is wondering if it is necessary to wear it at a certain period, since it is just a piece of cloth without a wire anyway.

"Oppa, should I tell you something fun again?"

"Huh? What is it?"

Seyoung suddenly puts her mouth to Siwoo's ear and speaks in a quiet whisper.

"There are more countries in the world where cousins can marry... did you know?"

Seyoung's unexpected words

Siwoo gets an eerie feeling as it overlaps with the words "Perverted bastard" he heard in a whisper from her before, when he pretended to be sleeping and showed his erection to Seyoung.

"What are you talking about all of a sudden?"

Siwoo looks embarrassed

"It's just like that hehe~"

Seyoung says that and goes into her room.

While looking at Seyoung's back, Siwoo suddenly realizes that his dick is fully erect without realizing it.

Siwoo sits like that for a moment and feels Mom's eyes on him from the kitchen.

Mom was looking at Siwoo's erection after talking with Seyoung.


Siwoo, without even thinking about covering up his erection, turns towards the kitchen and calls out for Mom.

"Uh..huh? Why?"

Mom stuttering her words and barely able to answer

"Did you change into pants?"

"Ah... oh this? Yeah... I just changed into comfortable clothes before taking a shower."

Mom was talking to Siwoo as if she was making excuses for her sin.

"I like you better in skirt."


Mom answered simply and went back to organizing the kitchen without further reply.

Siwoo thought that Mom would never wear pants at home anymore.

A great sense of satisfaction and accomplishment

Siwoo was waiting for the night to deepen.



Time for everyone in the family to wash up and go to sleep

Siwoo passes through the dimly lit living room with a full erection and enters mom's bedroom.

Mom's bedroom with lights on

Mom was lying on her side, with her blindfold on and her ample breasts out, giving Seyoung her arm as a pillow.

As expected, even though they both knew what they were going to do, the mother was waiting for Siwoo, giving her breast to Seyoung's mouth, pretending not to know, wearing her blindfod.

Siwoo no longer called Mom to see if she was awake.

There was no need to be as careful as the previous day.

Immediately Siwoo reaches out and places his hand on Mom's exposed breast.

Mom's startled reaction

Siwoo gently massages Mom's breasts with his hands.

Then he used his fingertips to gently rub circles on Mom's nipples.

Mom's breathing becomes slightly labored, as if she is horny.

Siwoo uses his thumb and index finger to pinch Mom's nipple.

-Carefully not to hurt it-


Mom lets out a long sigh.

Siwoo placed his hand on Mom's breast again and massaged it while placing his other hand on Seyoung's breast, who is sleeping next to Mom.

Siwoo can feel Seyoung's bra that he saw earlier on top of her pajama.

Siwoo was now touching and comparing Mom's and her daughter's breasts at the same time.

-Of course, the two weren't something that can be compared-

Siwoo gives strength to the hand he placed on Seyoung's breast and squeezes it a little harder.

Seyoung's fleshy breasts feel pleasantly held in his hands.

Although Seyoung's body was still young, it was growing steadily and faithfully.

Seyoung is currently sleeping while biting on one of Mom's breasts.

Is it instinct?

Even as she slept, she kept Mom's nipple in her mouth like a baby.

Siwoo places his mouth on the nipple of Mom's opposite breast from which Seyoung is biting on.

Siwoo covers her nipple with his lips and slowly rubs it with his tongue, covering it with saliva.

Though Seyoung was there, Mom was squirming violently.

Does she think she no longer had to hide her reactions?

Or has her body become incapable of hiding?

Mom's movements are convulsive and non-stop as Siwoo bites her nipple and rubs it with his tongue.

Siwoo removes his lips from Mom's nipple and gently touches her nipple that Seyoung is biting with with his finger.

Mom is startled again.

Siwoo thought for a moment, then stood up and lifted Mom's lavender gown.

Mom was still not wearing panties as Siwoo instructed her to do during the day.

Mom wasn't wearing a single thread under her gown.

Mom's crotch is visible, heavily wet with her creamy juices.

Mom's love juice flowing down her thighs looked particularly shiny.

Siwoo soaked his finger in Mom's flowing love juice and brought it to Seyoung's lips, who were biting her nipple, and spread it evenly on them.

He also applied it to Mom's nipples that Seyoung was biting.


Mom sighs bluntly again.

Siwoo carefully places his mouth on Mom's nipple that Seyoung is biting on.

And then he licks Seyoung's lips and Mom's nipple thoroughly with his tongue, as if he wants to eat up all of Mom's love juice that he just applied.

Mom's body twitches and shakes violently again.

Siwoo found Mom's reaction amusing.

Although she is awake and unable to even speak, she accepts all of Siwoo's pranks.

Siwoo gets up and carries Seyoung to face him.

"I'll be right back, Mom! Wait!!!"

Siwoo speaks as if giving orders to Mom.

Siwoo leaves the bedroom to take Seyoung to her room.

The night was long and Siwoo had to be in no hurry.