Midnight Role Play


Siwoo entered Mom's bedroom where Mom was lying down completely naked, with a huge erection.

A brightly lit Mom's bedroom

Mom on the bed was still wearing her blindfold.

She lay down with her back comfortably against the bed as instructed by Siwoo before he left Mom's bedroom.

The front hem of Mom's lavender silk gown was neatly tied, but the blanket had been thrown aside, probably due to the heat of her own lustful body.

Now draped over Mom's naked body was only a thin, lavender silk robe.


Siwoo sees Mom's smartphone on the bedside table next to the bed.

Mom was barely able to pull off an embarrassing act in front of Siwoo to distinguish herself from reality.

Mom was faithfully performing the role of 'a mother who is unconsciously violated by her son' on the night's stage.

A message notification might have rang from Mom's smartphone, as if trying to involve the real-life mother into the night's fun, and after her conflict inside, Mom finally might have lifted her blindfold and reached for her smartphone. 

She might have stretched out her hand and checked the message.

A photo of Seyoung biting Siwoo's huge dick.

A crack in reality carved out from the night

How did Mom feel about Siwoo's message, which suggested new stimulation that could never be handled through acting or play?

When Seyoung took off her clothes to show Siwoo her bra and Siwoo stroked Seyoung's head in front of Mom, Mom may have already anticipated Siwoo's behavior in violating Seyoung.


Siwoo closes the bedroom door, approaches Mom, and takes off her gown.

He was trying to make Mom completely naked just like him.

Siwoo spreads Mom's mauve gown to the sides, then lifts Mom's arms up and removes it from Mom's body, like when undressing a child.

As Siwoo rolls up the part that lies beneath her, Mom does not resist or move on her own, but completely gives her body to Siwoo to undress.

Mom's jade-white naked body caught his eyes.

Well-shaped, large breasts and slim waist.

Large pelvis and toned buttocks

The curves of a sexy body

-The 'mystery' of the mature female body unfolded into reality before his eyes-


Siwoo thrust his erection into Mom's mouth.

Seyoung's saliva still remained on his glans and the top of the shaft, making it shiny.

Siwoo's huge moistened object touches Mom's lips.

Mom knew that the moisture on Siwoo's things was Seyoung's saliva.

She saw the photo, but more than that, Mom could recognize the unique smell of saliva that Seyoung gave off.

Since Seyoung was sucking on her breasts every day, dousing them with her saliva, it was not difficult to remember the pleasant, sour and sweet smell of Seyoung's saliva on those breasts.

Siwoo tries to violate Mom by putting Seyoung's saliva on his big dick into Mom's mouth.

He places the tip of his glans on Mom's slightly parted lips.

Mother's breathing becomes increasingly rough

Every time Mom exhales, Mom's rough breath and the touch of her lips stimulate Siwoo's glans covered in Seyoung's saliva.

Every time Mom's breath touched Siwoo's glans and made it twitch, Siwoo's precum was leaking out from the tip of his glans and flowing over Mom's lips and into her mouth.

Siwoo angles himself so that his huge dick can fit into Mom's mouth.

Mom opens her mouth wide to fit Siwoo's dick.

And she was adjusting the space in her mouth to the size and shape of Siwoo's object.

As Siwoo gently pushes the glans in, the hot and slippery mucous membranes in Mom's mouth gently cover Siwoo's large object.

Now Siwoo was pushing his penis into Mom's mouth and letting Mom taste Seyoung's saliva.

Siwoo begins to move the object back and forth without going too deep.

Mom was rubbing Siwoo's object inside her mouth as if savoring it, gently moving the entire flesh inside of her mouth according to the shape of Siwoo's glans and pillar.

Oral sex that feels like Mom's caress without much resistance or pressure.

Siwoo was feeling indescribable ecstasy from the oral sex Mom was performing.

Even when Mom is lustfully tasting her son's penis covered in her daughter's saliva, she tries to present herself to Siwoo as a loving mother by caressing it with her mouth and tongue under the guise of motherhood.

Siwoo put his hand on Mom's head and gently stroked it as if she was cute.

"Ah~ Mom~ Seyoung's mouth felt good, but now yours is really no joke~"

Siwoo openly compares the mouths of daughter and Mom and continues getting oral sex from Mom.

He can feel the heavy pressure of Mom's tongue and her breathing, like sobbing, coming from inside her mouth which was relaxed and held Siwoo's penis perfectly.

Mom's agitation

"Ugh.. ugh…"

Creepy pleasure

Siwoo couldn't bear it any longer and spoke while holding Mom's head with both hands.

"Mom! Just this once!!"

After speaking as if he was going to do something bad to Mom and asking for her understanding and forgiveness, Siwoo strongly thrusts his penis down Mom's throat.

"Haa?! Argh!!! Haaak!!! Cough!!!!"

Siwoo stuffed his huge object all the way into the hole inside Mom's mouth in one go.

Siwoo's unexpected behavior

Mom is trembling and stiffening her body as if in shock as her throat is pierced and blocked by Siwoo's huge cock.

Siwoo's body also trembles violently, as if resonating with the shivers conveyed to him by Mom.

Mom's face and mouth were so close to the root of Siwoo's penis that Mom was almost crushed by Siwoo's groin.

Every time she gags, Mom's throat tightens as if exploding Siwoo's cock.

Deep in mom's throat

Feeling of hot, slimy mucous membranes

Siwoo can clearly feel his glans tightening as it contracts violently.

To prevent Mom from escaping easily, Siwoo grabbed Mom's head with both hands and pressed her against his body with all his strength as if to force her.

Siwoo kept his penis down Mom's throat for a long time.

"Ugh...ugh... Argh…"

The tremors in Mom's body seemed to increase, and soon she was having severe convulsions.

Mom had finally reached her limit, so she quickly tapped Siwoo's thigh with her palm, as if pleading for help.

Siwoo only then takes his dick out of Mom's mouth and allows Mom to breathe.

"Ahhhhhh~ Ugh~ Cough!! Kek, kek! Heugh~ Euk! Huh!!"

Mom's breathing, coughing, and moaning, inhaling and exhaling as if she were about to die.

"Haa..aak haaak~ haaak~~ huh… huh…."

Rough breathing for survival

The sight of Mom breathing and giggling as if she was going to fall over at any moment is so pitiful and endearing.

Feeling sorry for her, Siwoo gently hugs Mom's body.

"Mom, are you okay?"

Siwoo asks Mom, knowing there is no way she would answer with her words.

"Haaah~ Haaaah~ Heu… Ah~~ Aaargh~~"

Mom's voice that sounds like a sob like an animal's cry

Siwoo feels like he got a sufficient answer from that alone.

Siwoo begins massaging and licking Mom's breasts.

He gradually moves down through the pit of the stomach and abdomen.


The moaning sound of a mother's voice that continues continuously

Siwoo climbed down Mom's body and finally reached the mound below.

Mom's apricot-colored flower petals are cracked open, revealing bright pink flesh, and are held tightly together.

Even though Siwoo hadn't even done anything like caressing her pussy, her mounds, thighs and buttocks were fully drenched in shiny honey and oil.

The bed sheet near her groin area was wet, as if a faucet had been turned on, and pussy juice was still constantly flowing out of the hole.

Siwoo sharpens his tongue and roughly licks the pink flesh inside her pussy.

Mom's pussy juice was splattering in all directions as Siwoo's tongue moved.

"Heuuuuu Haaaaaaaah~ Heu Ah~~~ Euk!!"

Mom was responding to Siwoo's tongue and making a low sound as if she was sobbing again.

-As if she would give herself to Siwoo without hesitation in order to stimulate him-

Siwoo was very excited because it was his first time seeing Mom like this.

Mom had urgently tapped Siwoo's thigh earlier

After letting Siwoo know that she is fully awake, Mom once again lays down with her body hanging down as if she is unconscious and only responds to Siwoo's caresses with groan.

Antinomy role play

Mom's reaction is funny, as if something is distorted and has no sense of reality.

The reaction was so lovely, yet at the same time so contemptuous for Siwoo.

Siwoo impulsively recalls derogatory names and images of Mom that already existed deep in his subconscious.

Then, he raises his upper body, hugs Mom, presses her down, and spits out the derogatory term for Mom that just came to mind in Mom's ear.

"Hey! You fucking bitch!!"

Mom's moaning stops momentarily.

Silence fills the room

A moment later Mom's body was shaking violently as if she was having an orgasm.

Siwoo takes out his condom and quickly puts it on his giant cock.

Then, he finds Mom's hole, inserts the front part of his glans, and then uses his waist to push it all the way to the entrance of her uterus.

A sigh that seemed to be suppressed was now coming out of Mom's mouth.
