4: Girl Stuff Doesn’t Count

"Oh," Bob's hot excitement dampened. Though the princess' assets put many porn stars to shame, the young beauty said something that made Bob pause. He walked over to the princess, gently put the straps of her dress back on her shoulders, covering those beautiful pink nipples he wanted to suck, lick, and bite, and softly said, "I don't want you give me your body just because you made some strange promise."

"Y-You don't?" both the princess and Lucy asked at the same time.

"What are you insinuating!?" princess Rose's voice trembled. "Are you saying I'm not good enough for you!? I'll have you know that my maidenhood is sought after throughout my entire kingdom and beyond! Two princes went to war and killed each other on the field of battle just for the chance to offer me their hand!"

"Woah, there princess, don't get too ahead of yourself," Bob said. "You're pretty, but you're not that pretty. Sure, your tits are nice, but they're not God-tier. And your ass could use some additional work in the gym."

"Pardon!?" princess Rose was taken aback.

"Oh, that reminds me, that Luluna bimbo," Bob recalled the glorious rack of the otherworldly goddess. "Now there's a pair of tits I could drown my cock in!"

"I… I…" Rose's face turned as red as the red strands on her rainbow-colored hair.

"Vulgar brute!" the blonde handmaiden cursed.

"How dare you compare our princess to another woman!?" the redhead handmaiden asked.

"And to insult her so brazenly!" the handmaiden with indigo colored hair was appalled.

"I ought to put this to good use," Barbara, the blue-haired handmaiden said and raised her knife.

"Might as well," the green-haired handmaiden nodded in agreement. "He doesn't even know what he's missing out on!"

"That's right, that's right!" the orange-haired handmaiden agreed and crossed her arms. "If he doesn't want to feel our princess' godly tongue around his tiny thing, might as well remove it from sight forever!"

Bob chuckled at the word 'tiny', but quickly realized something, "What are you all even on about? Didn't she say she's a maiden? I'm sorry to say, but her tongue skills won't amount to much even with all the enthusiasm in the world."

"Girl stuff doesn't count," the orange-haired handmaiden blurted out.

Noburu and the sorrounding soldiers looked at the handmaidens with their jaws dropped. Then they looked at the blushing princess and their jaws dropped even lower when she did not deny a single word.

"Well, if she's only done it with girls, then she is indeed still a virgin," Lucy nodded. "If I had to choose, I'd prefer a big, strong dick, but—"

"Princess Rose!! This is unheard of!!" Noburu was the first to regain his ability to speak. "Centuries of tradition—"

"Specifies that no man is allowed to touch the princess before marriage," Rose clarified.

"Even so, the meaning was clear!" Noburu argued. "If your father heard of this—"

"Do you think he didn't know?" Rose asked. "And what were we supposed to do for nineteen years? Locked in this palace, wathcing our best years pass us by while thickheaded princes killed each other for my pussy!?"

"Such language..." Noburu took a step back.

"Oh, fine: killed each other for my hand," Rose rolled her eyes. "As if any of us doesn't know what they're really after. At least this man speaks his thoughts, as vulgar as they are."


Another powerful hit against the barricaded doors broke a hole in them. A giant, muscular purple arm, with long claws on each finger, broke through the doors, grabbed a soldier by the neck and smacked him against the doors like a little doll before throwing the unconscious body away.

"You don't have time for this!" Lucy said and got up. She then drew some strange signs in the air and shouted, "Go forth my kitties!"

Four pink, fluffy kittens with bat wings and long tails appeared out of the signs, one after another, and flew right to the doors. They then scratched and bit the purple arm all over, making the creature on the other side of the door scream and withdraw its big, bloodied limb.

"Your 'Reunited With Breasts' buff won't be enough!" Lucy said to Bob while mentally guiding her kittens. "You need to activate your 'Sex Enhancement' to beat the demons!"

"What are you on about—" Bob was interrupted by a sudden firm hand grabbing his crotch through his pants.

"I may not have ever seen a dick," princess Rose said, staring right in Bob's eyes while caressing his manhood, "But I've seen more suitors than I care to count. And just from the bulge in your pants I can tell that Olivia is wrong about the 'tiny thing'."

"Well now," Bob smiled, his interest reignited.

"I will not die a fucking maiden!" princess Rose declared. "Fuck me like the man I sense you are and beat those demon hordes bloody! If not, I will have Barbara castrate you before we die."

"Gladly," Barbara said and licked the edge of her knife.

"Gladly," Bob smiled and grabbed the princess' ass.


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