29: A New Quest

"You have my eternal gratitude, oh hero!" Princess Rose said to Bob. She sat upon her throne, her five handmaidens behind the throne, and Noburu standing by her side. "I wish I could hold a day of great festivities in your honor, unfortunately, after some consultation, I was advised against this."

"Your people would not take kindly to celebrations after their homes were ruined, and countless slaughtered," Keiko reminded the princess. 

The general sat at one of the tables a fair distance away from the throne and slowly peeled an apple with a curved knife. And while Keiko leisurely dealt with one of several apples on her plate, her six schoolgirl soldiers mopped the floor of the throne room, cleaning up the blood and the minced remains of inestimable number of demons.

"There's also much work to be done in rebuilding after the destruction that the demon legions brought upon us this city," Keiko continued. "To ask the people to waste their strength on some stupid—"

"Yes, yes," Rose begrudgingly agreed, all but rolling her eyes. "But what sort of faithful servants of Hestia are we if we do not celebrate the deeds of the hero she sent us?"

"The sort that plays with each other's wet pussies while dreaming of hero dick?" Keiko proposed.

A few of Keiko's schoolgirl warriors failed to surpess their chuckling.

Bob and Lucy glanced at each other, neither with any desire to interject into whatever this was.

"General!" Noburu raised his voice. "Please don't speak of such, disrespectful rumors!"

"Rumors?" Keiko asked. "They're only rumors for as long as I keep the witnesses locked up in the deepest darkest cells we have available."

"To which I still object!" Noburu said.

"How dare you speak against the general!" one of the schoolgirls shouted at Noburu. "A lowly commoner—"

The schoolgirl fell silent when Keiko raised her hand, and said, "I'll humor you. Speak."

"Our numbers are already woefully short!" Noburu plead his case. "Until reinforcments form the south arrive, we'll be lucky to have a hundred soldiers capable of standing on their feet! With the outer walls breached, the gates destroyed, it will take weeks just to build a semblance of a defendable position. And with the numbers that we have, even a roaming band of thugs poses a threat! And to also lock up the survivors you've rounded up in the city..."

"Cowards, weaklings, and traitors," Keiko said coldly and bit a piece of an apple off her knife. "Hiding in holes like rats, thinking of their lives before the lives of the people they swore to protect. As for that degenerate, disgusting lot that was with you in the throne room when the demons broke through... You would be locked up and lined up for execution right along with them, had the princess not sworn of your selfless bravery."

"For which you have my gratitude, princess!" Noburu turned to the princess and bowed.

"Yes, of course," Rose replied, though all her attention was still on Bob. "In any case, our hero deserves some reward for saving us all. Yara, Genera, if you would escort our hero to my chambers, I'm sure we can find some way—"

A hard, dull thrust of blade into wood interrupted the princess' words. Keiko glared at the princess and twisted the knife she ran through her apple, splitting it in half and revealing that the blade was now several inches into the wooden table.

The throne room fell silent for a couple of seconds, everybody's attention glued to the general and her knife.

Princess Rose cleared her throat and spoke up, "However, there are urgent matters that require our attention. It seems that my two traitorous handmaidens, Barbara and Olivia, took my order quite literally and ran from the capital the first chance they got."

"They are privy to far too many secrets about our princess as well as the capital itself," Noburu said. "If our enemies get their hands on them it would be disastrous."

"Which is why, oh, great hero Bob, I implore you to find those two turncoat sluts and bring them to me!" Rose asked. "Alive, if at all possible."

"Sure thing," Bob agreed.

"R-Really?" Rose asked, surprised at how quickly and easily Bob agreed.

"Absolutely," Bob nodded. Anything to finally get out of this dreary place.

"Fantastic!" the princess clapped her hands with joy. "I told them to find the farthest, darkest corner they could and sit there fingering each other. Will this be enough for you to find them?"

"I'll figure something out," Bob said. "Then, if that's all, we'll be on our way."

"Please return as soon as you can!" Rose waved to Bob as he turned around to once again leave the throne room. "We'll be sure to prepare a proper, pleasing reward for all your good deeds!"


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