Broken Butterfly


The Spring season is my favorite when the Sakura tree blooms and another school year starts.

I stare out the window, where I can see the first-year students doing P.E. lessons on the baseball field. They seem to be doing a marathon as their first lesson. And by the looks of it, I can tell from their movements that some of them are still awkward with each other while there are also people who already made their groups.

Back then, I was absent for the whole month of April because of an injury that led me to get an emergency operation. Then when I finally got to attend school, no one talked to me for almost half a year.

I can't blame them, they must've felt weird or something. Besides, my being an introvert kind of ruined every atmosphere and chance that I could've had to make new friends.

Besides, I didn't know anybody because I was forced to move to this city before I got myself a serious injury. Also, I moved to another town by myself, got injured, and had no friends, how pitiful does the world even want me to be?

By the way, if you're wondering about the injury, I got it when I fell on the stairs while carrying the sofa with another person who helped me carry all my luggage to my new apartment. And if I remember correctly, there was this beautiful butterfly that caught my attention. Then the next thing I knew, I missed a step and fell.

Luckily, the sofa didn't fall with me. I thought that I just sprained my leg, put the icing on it, and left it like that for a day. Then when I told the story to my parents, they made me take a check-up.

It turns out, there was a small fracture that I needed an immediate operation and I ended up taking a rest of absence for a few weeks. My doctor also said that if I wanted to attend school, I could be extra careful of overworking my feet. But I'll have to take the train to school and ride a bike when I get off the station so it was clear that I had to rest for a while.

Enough talking about the past, what's important is right now. I'm very thankful that I have at least one friend that I can trust and be with me when I'm feeling lonely and such. And I'm not embarrassed that I only have her as my best friend.

Why do you ask?

It's because I'm proud to have such a smart, friendly, nice, and super-energetic girl as my one and only friend. She's good at mathematics, and sports and is very popular around the campus. Even the teachers praise her for her high remarks and outstanding beauty.

However, people are talking ill about her being with a lonely, dumb, and ugly being like me.

I mean, I am lonely but at least I am not that dumb and ugly...

Am I?

Anyway, I do feel bad about her. It's because of me that she can't shine even more brightly. And the reason is that she always helps me when I can't stand up for myself.

I'm kind of feeling down all of a sudden.

And while I was reminiscing and doubting myself, I felt my chair being kicked by someone behind me.

I think he purposely did that.

Kikoe is very shy and can't stand being at the center of attention. Also one of the smartest students in this class, has an average height, and with his hazel eyes and black hair he looks handsome. I even heard that he was popular back in his junior high school days.

"What?" I whispered, calmly.

He avoided my gaze and hid under his wide opened book that he was holding up, to use as a shield for his face. I lowered the book to glare at him and to hear the reason why he purposely kicked my chair.

I mean, if he wanted to borrow something he could've just asked in a mannerable way like a genius would do.

Instead of looking me in the eyes, he looked at his left the whole time while pointing a finger behind me without uttering a single word. I was in a hurry to know what he wanted to tell me that when I turned around, I almost fell to the floor from shock.

I saw our teacher with her arms crossed, a grin on her face, and was looking directly at me.

"Would you happen to know what the answer is?" She's holding the chalk as if she's waiting for me to grab it and write the answer on the board when she said those words. I tried to look around me to see that all of them were already looking in my direction, some were already quietly laughing.

"I'm sorry," is the only thing that I could say when I saw what was written in front.

"I thought so," walking away with an obvious disappointment written on her face. She then asked others to answer and explained to us how to read some words that we saw for the first time like nothing even happened...

I think it's a good thing though and I tried to focus on her class after that embarrassing scene.

This is a French class and I lost interest in it recently. I took this class out of curiosity and simply because I didn't want to do either arts or music.

I was enthusiastic and found it fun at first but when it got too difficult because of the grammar and a lot of words that were hard to pronounce started to show up, I gave up trying to understand them and just went with the flow of my brain cells who wanted to commit suicide.

The best that I could do was pray that my brain cells which didn't lose their sanity would work together and somehow miraculously pass the exam, like they always have been.

After a few more minutes of being in a jungle full of monkeys speaking a different language than me, the blissful sound of the bell rang.

"Myka, do you want to go to the cafeteria?" My one and only friend asked.

Juliana Rozellett, has long and slender legs, an innocent face with a model-like figure, long and silky brunette hair, a goddess personality, and grades that you also want on your report cards. She prefers to be called Jullie for short.

"Sure," standing up from my desk after I put away my notes, I was about to walk in her direction when someone called for me.

"Michelle Lloyd, can you spare your teacher some time?" She emphasized her title hard. It doesn't even sound like a request or a question, but an order. And I had no choice but to follow her.

"Sorry, can you buy some bread for me? Go and buy some few snacks that you want too, my treat!" I gave her my whole wallet as I waved goodbye when it was time to follow the French teacher to somewhere she wanted to talk quietly.

"Tuna sandwich as usual?" Jullie yelled back when I was quite far away from her.

"You know me so well!" I answer back.

"No shouting in the hallway," our French teacher scolded me without turning to face me.

"I'm sorry," I apologized. "Grandma," I tried to mock her silently but even when I whispered, she heard it perfectly.

"You little brat," she forcefully grinned and pulled my ear to the direction where no one goes every lunchtime, the teacher's toilets.

"That hurts! Let go of me," I silently shouted to not make a scene that would lead others to misunderstand our situation.

"What is up with you today?" She asks, locking the door and getting something in her jacket's pockets. "Not only did you sleep in my class but also called me a 'grandma'," irritated, she lit a cigarette that she confiscated from one of my classmates.

"You sometimes ask me to pluck your white hair for you," I answered without looking at her, but the view outside the window that I just opened because I didn't want to suffocate from a cigarette's smoke.

"Then why can't you focus on my classes?" She instantly changed the topic after clearing her throat.

"Because it's you who's teaching it," I whispered, rolling my eyes and breathing in the fresh wind. "I was just sleepy that's all," I answered normally.

"What's the problem with me teaching French?" I didn't believe she'd hear that. "I am going to cut your allowance short if you keep that attitude of yours," she threatens me with my money.

"Then I'll just tell Mom and Dad," I instantly replied.

"I already told them how you're doing at school and told me to discipline you however I want," she answered back.

They always tell me that they didn't have enough time to chat with me but they can with this person? I usually text them everything that I've been doing like a detailed report or summary but rarely call them. They even reply to my texts with a like button or a simple 'OK' so why does this woman have the privilege to talk to them and not me, their daughter?

"Yeah, sure. Do as you please,"  I started walking towards the door and unlocked it.

"You can sleep in my classes, but if I hear a word of complaint from your other teachers, I am going to tell your parents right away," she keeps nagging me.

I stepped out of the toilet without replying to her. With an irritated mood, I continued walking down the hallway.

"Are you even listening?" She shouts.

"Young lady we are not done yet" I ignored her and to my surprise, she didn't try and chase me. I guess she's got used to this pattern that she's grown sick of it. I can be a headache to her sometimes... every time, and I don't feel guilty at all.

It's because I despise her.

She's Sharon Lehman, my mother's only sister. And that makes her my aunt. For appearances, she's as tall as my mother, with pale skin and her sakura lips being the center of attention. She's slim and not lacking in the front or the back physiques. I guess she is a beauty, but don't get yourself fooled by her looks because she changes her lipstick to bloody red when she goes to the club like she easily turns into someone unrecognizable.

My mother doted on her only sister since they were young and now, she trusts her so much that she even gave my bank account for her to hold and operate.

I tried to complain about it to Father but he didn't want to go against my Mother. He loved her so much that he couldn't even argue with her even for his own daughter's sake. Every time I told them how my aunt was treating me, Mother didn't believe me one bit so I eventually gave up persuading them.

I despise everything about her. Her attitude towards me when no one is looking, her being an alcoholic, and having different partners for such a short amount of time. Like she's enjoying her youth to the fullest which isn't a bad thing but she sometimes goes overboard and she causes problems for me too.

Also, nobody knows about our relationship. I wanted to keep it secret from everyone, even the teachers. I think I'd stand out more if they knew that the role model teacher that everyone looks up to has a connection with someone like me.

Yes, a role model because no one knows what her true colors are. I'm not sure how she does it, but she's like a different person when she's in front of people. If she's an angel in the morning, she's a demon at night.

That's also one of the reasons why I don't put effort into her classes. Another reason is, that they might think that I only get good grades because of my connection with her. They might even take advantage of me and ask me for the answers or leakage of the exams. And everything will result in bullying which is so troublesome.

You know, like in the typical scenes in movies. That's why I'm trying my best not to get caught and so does she. I just remembered we had something in common, and that's; that we don't want any unnecessary drama.


I arrived at the cafeteria to see Jullie saved me a seat with my favorite food on the table. When I got closer, I saw Shuu keeping her company with some story about his boring classes earlier. I quietly sat at the seat in front of them and they didn't even notice me already taking my first bite out of my tuna sandwich.

I just stared at them, hoping they'd notice me while I took a sip from the straw in the can of coke that she probably bought for me.

Shuu Kamino is someone who has an atmosphere of a campus crush. Mostly because he's the captain of the basketball team, has average grades, and is so nice to everyone. He's around six and a half feet tall, and I've heard that he works out almost every day that he's got abs. Putting all those aside, he has the face of a soft and cuddly puppy with his orange-ish head, sky-blue eyes, and freckles.

And someone like him is in love with Jullie. It's easy to tell when you can notice how he looks at her. You know the 'I am so in love that I can't take my eyes off her' kind of eyes.

"Oh! You're here, Myka," Shuu greeted me with a big smile on his face as soon as he noticed my presence.

So bright.

"Was I interrupting something? Because I can move to another table," I was about to stand up when he stood so fast wearing a flustered face.

"No, no. I just kept her company when I saw her alone earlier," he says bringing his tray along with him.

"That's so sweet of you," I teased and gave Jullie a little glance to give some kind of signal.

"He is," she replied. I forgot that she's so dense that you have to spell everything out for her. But her comment made Shuu uncontrollably cough which made Jullie worried and was about to give him her bottled water.

"I'll see you in class," he recovered from the damage and respectfully refused Jullie's water with a little chuckle and waved goodbye.   

"Is he ok?" She mumbles while sitting back and eating with me.

"More than okay. You probably made his day," I took another bite from my sandwich as I saw her more confused than earlier.


After a few minutes of chatting and exchanging stories to tell, she clapped her hands as if she remembered something important.

"About later," she says. "Have you decided if you can attend?" I almost forgot about the place they wanted to visit after school today. Jullie invited me to come with her and her friends to play if I had free time. She asked me that as soon as she saw me near the gate this morning.

"I'm sorry but" before I could finish, she put her index finger on my lips and prohibited me from speaking any further.

"Don't give me those lame excuses," I can't agree more with what she said. "You're coming with me and that's final," with her watery eyes, I can't even refuse anymore. Because I've declined her every offer to go out and live my life. And I know for a fact that she's just trying to make me some friends along the way and make great memories too.

"Fine," I sighed when she removed her finger.


After a few more minutes, the school bell rang, indicating that our lunch was over. And by that time, we were already running to our classroom.

"What's our next class?" She asks, taking out her things from her locker that was in the hallways.

"Biology" I just realized that I left my books, notebook, and stationaries above my desk but there was no way of getting inside because it's locked.

There is a rule that the classrooms that are not in attendance of any students shall be locked for safety measures and to prevent being stolen any of your belongings by anyone, vandalizing desks, or breaking things inside the classroom. These are some things that the school has learned from when they made this rule.

"I'll let you share with me," she said and grabbed my hands to run when she saw me looking at the top where the window was open and was planning to go through in there to get my things.

"Oh my god," she says while running down the stairs.

"Why?" I asked, about to panic by the sudden shock.

"Biology is in another building," after she said that, I let go of her hand and ran ahead of her. The building is quite some distance from where we are and we have to get there in seven minutes. "Wait!" She caught up even though I was in a few meters' lead.

We did our best and somehow we managed to get inside the building where our next class was within six minutes.

"No running in the hallways," a teacher scolds while giving us a worried glare.

"Sorry," we say half walking and half running. And every time there was a teacher we were passing, we stopped running and greeted them politely so we wouldn't get scolded again.

"Just a little more," she says running up the stairs while holding my hands because I'm already out of breath and am struggling to take another step.

You see, our Biology teacher is particularly strict because after she enters the classroom, she'll wait for the bell to ring and lock the door indicating that she doesn't want to teach students who don't arrive in time.

I thought something was weird because the bell had already rung indicating the start of class but we saw the classroom door still open and everyone's voices were even heard in the hallways.

When we stepped inside the room, they became quiet for a split second but continued chatting when the teacher that they expected to come wasn't the one who entered the classroom.

"What's going on?" Jullie asked Gabriel, one of our classmates who's one of her friends. He's the vice leader of the soccer team and plays the goalkeeper. He has the same height as Shuu but he's more aggressive and scarier than him. He has dark chocolate hair and emerald eyes.

"I don't know either," he answered, looking all worried.

"It's the first time she's been late," Mei butts in our conversation. She's someone who likes cosmetics likes to dress up like a doll and is super nice to everyone.

"Look at Allison, she's been talking to her 'friends' for a while now," our attention turned to Shizue who spoke loudly and found her pointing at Allison.

Shizue is the captain of the girl's basketball team. Don't let her height cloud your judgment, because even if she's only five feet tall, she can shoot three-pointers or even dunk the ball into the ring. I've seen her do it a couple of times when we played basketball for PE.

Everyone in the classroom turned to see what Allison was going to say when she stood up and took off her mask.

"My friends seem to have locked the teacher in the toilet and might take a while," she says shyly and hurriedly takes a seat after her announcement and puts her mask back on.

Allison is intelligent and a sweet girl. She has silver hair and grey eyes. She's skinny and pale as if she's always sick but she said that it's in her genes. Aside from being shy, she can also talk about things that can't be seen with the naked eye, we call them 'her friends' so they don't get offended. A lot of people, especially students from the other classes hate her or are afraid of her but of course, the teachers don't believe the things about her so we don't pry anymore.

To be honest, when we first found out everything about her ability, we were also scared. But the way she treated us before her big reveal was pure kindness. So none of us could judge her and in the end, all of us accepted her and continued treating her as we used to.

A wholesome class that I've never dreamt of having.

"I love you so much!" some of our classmates shouted and some even ran towards her to hug her tightly. And everyone cheered and yelled how our teacher finally got her karma.

This class is so lively and full of positive energies, that I can't keep up sometimes.

After a long and joyful minute of talking idly with my classmates, our teacher came along with a security guard who might've helped her get out.

"Thank you," the teacher replied. They're only talking in the hallways so we vividly heard their conversation.

And I'm glad that someone opened the door to the classroom. Because if they didn't, the teacher would have had double the frustration when she found out that her students locked her out as a prank or a payback.

"Bring out your books and open to pageー" not even one apology for being late as she just continued the class as if nothing happened.

Everyone was stunned and exhausted by how our teacher behaved and vented in our class. Some of the examples are making her students answer her questions and scolding them when they answer wrongly. Another is embarrassing the students who can't read or pronounce the names that are written in the textbook properly. It's not just some simple words, but scientific names with difficult spelling and pronunciations.

After that hellish hour, everyone was talking about it nonstop. Even the other classes know of it too, maybe the whole campus already does.


We're now cleaning our designated places. In our school, after all the classes are finished we are obligated to clean the whole campus. Groups that have some number of students are spread out everywhere to clean. My group is assigned to clean our classroom while the teachers supervise us if we're doing our jobs properly.

I was appointed to clean the chalkboard.

"Can you believe what I heard when I dropped by the office?" Ameri, a classmate who's like a teacher's pet, says that got a few students to circle her to listen to her story even if we're in the middle of cleaning. She has black bluish bob hair, and amber eyes that reflect her positive and energetic vibe, you'll think that she's dumb but trust me when I say that she just doesn't want to show you how smart she could be.

"What is it?" Kazuto, a boy who's part of the computer club, asked while sweeping the classroom floors. He has normal pitch-black hair and his eyes are the center of attention. They always asked if he was a foreigner when they looked straight at them because it was as bright as the sun and tempting as a valuable item, a pair of golden eyes that you don't get to bear witness to every day.

"She insisted on looking at the cameras to see who locked her at the toilet," Ameri scoffs.

"But there was no one, right?" Daichi says looking worried. He's in the brass band club and plays the saxophone. I heard he always gets solo performances because of his aptitudes and hard-working character. He can be somewhat timid but I can tell that he's doing his best to come out of his shell and with everyone's help, he is becoming the best version of himself. He's average-looking, tall, and incredibly sweet.

"Because Alice's friends did it," all of the students in the circle simultaneously chanted. When they realized that they said that with perfect sync, they burst into laughter and I saw Daichi scratching the back of his neck and looking like a tomato. He must've been so shy when he got their full attention focused on him. But that didn't last.

"What's going on over here?" their loud laughter caught the attention of a teacher, they scattered as if they were bugs and didn't speak a word, just waiting for the teacher to go away.


"Be sure to hand in your assignment tomorrow morning, sharp," our homeroom teacher says at our little meeting after we finish our cleaning duty before we can finally go home.

Takahashi Yukine is our homeroom teacher. She's in charge of our class and also treats all of us like her real children. Her profession is English Grammar. She has an average height, an hourglass for her body shape, big eyes, and a wide smile she wears as her accessory. A dark brunette with short and silky hair partnered with honey-colored eyes. She's nicer to kind people but worse to bad people. Everyone in her class adores her and treats her like a mother and a teacher at the same time.

"Also don't forget that tomorrow, we're going to have a short quiz on what I discussed earlier," she says ready to end the short homeroom. Everyone was already packing their things inside their bags when teacher Yukine distributed a piece of small paper.

"Ohh!" a student from the back gasps in shock.

"Thank you, teacher!" everyone started to cheer and when I looked at what it was, the small paper contained some clues about the quiz for tomorrow. Like the pages, important phrases to remember, and some encouraging letters for each one.

But mine was simply; 'Drink some milk for proper growth' with a smiley face at the end of the message. I have no idea what that's supposed to mean but it made me smile.

"Kotoha," our teacher called her name to imply that we were going to end the short homeroom.

Kotoha Kazumata, our classroom president is a member of the girls' basketball club. She's tall and has short black hair because every basketball player is required to cut it so it won't be a hindrance. She can be quite strict sometimes but everyone voted for her because they noticed that no one would suit the position rather than her. She was also the class president last year and did an awesome job. She proposed so many ideas that everyone enjoyed.

"Stand up," she tenderly ordered us as she stood and everyone followed her.

"Goodbye," she said.

"Have a nice day," all of us replied. With that said, everyone went their way. I was about to get my bag but I dropped it on the ground when Jullie went behind to jump at me. And it worked.

"You're not going anywhere," she held my left hand as I picked up my bag with my other hand.

"Don't worry, I don't plan on running away," I say with a convincing smile.

"That's what you say every time," she pouts and tightens her hold as she drags me down the stairs.

We met everyone who was invited to our little outing outside the school doors. They were all giggling and telling each other how their day went. Jullie joins their conversation as she runs towards them with me following her.

"I'm so happy that we'll be able to hang out with the rumored Michelle, a friend of our little Jullie," they say eyeing me from head to toe. But I have a feeling that they're speaking ill of me inside their heart and just couldn't say it out loud which I think is nice of them. I was about to reply sarcastically to leave a good impression when someone called my name.

"What is it?" another girl from the group asked me when she probably noticed that I was looking around, looking like an idiot trying to find something.

"It's nothing. I just thought that someone called for me," I say brushing the mysterious voice away from my mind and trying to come up with a topic that everyone might take interest in. But I heard it again.

"Michelle Lloyd" with my full name being called, I tried to find the source of the voice.

"Did you hear that?" I finally asked them out of confusion because they didn't seem to hear.

"Heard what?" I was shaken when she said that.

"Up here, Michelle!" the voice became angry, and I became genuinely terrified. But when I looked above me, I finally found the source of that voice. It was my aunt, Sharon. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth and I signed for her to wait for me.

"I'm sorry, I think I can't go today," I excused, about to run inside the school.

"What?" they gave me disbelief and disappointed looks.

"Teacher Sharon's calling me," I pointed to where she was to be my evidence that I wasn't making excuses. She waved to them with a wide smile on her lips as everyone around me waved back to her.

"Well, it can't be helped then," their saddened face made me bitter because I knew that they were glad that I wouldn't be joining them. I couldn't care less anyway. I waved them goodbye and ran to where Sharon was waiting for me, on the third floor.

"What?" I said coldly when I arrived.

"And where were you going?" she said with her arms crossed and eyebrows going up.

"I thought it was something important," I was ready to run down the stairs when she played a voice message where my Mother was speaking. Scolding me about not following my aunt and how I treated her poorly, telling me that she was ashamed of how I grew up to be.

"Cook your dinner tonight," I turned around to face her and deliver that message with a happy face then continued to walk down the steps. If I remember correctly, were running out of budget because she went on a shopping spree for cosmetics, branded bags, and clothes the other day. But if it's her, she could easily take my spare money from my bank to order takeout or have some dude feed her for tonight. Or there could be other ways but I'm not surprised. She is that kind of person after all.

The hallways were empty but the shouts from the gym echoed through here. I was going straight outside but something caught my eye.

The library doors were wide open. Its lights were open and some other colorful flickering were added too. Which were attractive, until I didn't even notice that I was standing at the door.

I walked there to see a bunch of books yet to be returned to their shelves. But I only waltzed to where the flickering rainbow lights were and just stared at them. It was like a Christmas light but not it. Then at the back, I heard a manly shout and a huge thud. I rushed, only to see a boy on the floor covered with books and groaning through the pain.

"Are you alright?" I helped him get the books away and offered him a hand.

"Thank you," he replied, brushing the dust off of his clothes as soon as he stood up.

"You're welcー" words didn't come out of my mouth when the lights in the library suddenly went out. But I can still see a glimpse of his appearance with the help of the flickering colorful lights.

Skin as white as the snow, his hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, and even the color of his eyes were also pure whiteness. I've never seen someone this clean and beautiful before.

"What?" he says looking at me when he finally realizes that I was just staring at him.

"You're beautiful," out of the blue, I didn't even know that I said that out loud when I saw him blush and laugh it off. I wonder how soft and sweet those rosy lips might be...WaitーWhat?!

"You don't look bad yourself," he replied and finally stopped chuckling. I scanned his body to see that he didn't wear our uniform but pure white robe-like clothing with golden strings around the waist and was as tall as me.

"An angel," I mumbled to myself but he heard them scoffs. But after the sweet and kind gestures, he's been showing me, I don't have any idea why but I can feel sadness, anger, pity, and a lot more other emotions locked up in those glances.

"Sorry," he says softly. I felt fear when he pointed at my forehead with his index finger.

I felt a cold touch that was enough to send shivers down my spine. Like a gun being pointed at me, I started to panic.

I closed my eyes from fear, I dropped to the ground and felt a relief that he just pushed me and did nothing else. But when I opened my eyes, a different boy lent me his hands which I grabbed to stand back up.

"Are you alright?" he asks.

The word 'Deja Vu' popped into my head, this scene was similar to what I experienced just now.

The only difference is that this boy has skinny tan skin, is taller than me, has long black hair that covers half of his eyes, and is also wearing glasses. He was so bashful that I almost fell back again when he hurriedly removed his hands from my hold.

"I heard a loud thud so I came as fast I could but" he was stuttering so much and was avoiding eye contact.

"I'm fine, thank you," I say then I saw him looking so uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry," I say running as fast as I can out of there after I finally regained my balance from the fall. Also the shock from what just happened.

I'm scared.

I'm trembling.

I tried to control my emotions back at the library, I tried my best to suppress how much that creeped me out. But something was strange that I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

I finally got out of the school and was catching my breath as I put on my headphones to play some of my favorite music to calm my nerves. In the middle of the song, my phone received a message so I looked at it.

It was my aunt telling me that she didn't want to see my face. I left her on seen and continued walking to the path where there were a lot of cherry blossom trees. I'm finally blending in the crowd and starting to relax.

I took some pictures of some trees and some falling petals, and that's when I saw a butterfly which was unexpected in this kind of season. And it was not just any ordinary one, I kept feeling like I'd seen this butterfly somewhere before. Nobody seems to pay attention to it so I paid no mind to it too.

After a few minutes of walking, I finally remembered where I had seen this butterfly. I remember it being last year when I fell on the stairs. It was the same one who got my attention and caused me to fall down the flight of stairs while I was carrying a sofa with someone.

The memory made me smile and blindly followed it as it flapped its explicit wings.

White as snow, with golden wing veins between the forewing and hindwing, and a body bright how clean and beautiful his appearance is with a flustered face...

I remembered something I shouldn't have. My heart starts to race when everything that I witnessed back at the library plays like a loop inside my head. I started to panic and sweat.

"Mikhail" a voice, so similar to the boy who made me feel this way, called.

I instantly turned my head to figure out who said that. But a car that was running at full speed towards me and was nonstop honking at me was the only thing I could see.