Sudden Summoning

[Shuu Kamino]

My eyes widen and my muscles strengthen the grip of the toilet brush.

"Father?" my voice sounded confused when I saw him pointing a gun at me in the blink of an eye. Does he normally bring one with him everywhere he goes? I steadily raised both my arms to express that I bring no harm. "Father?" I repeated, but with a more scared tone when I saw his deadly gaze.

"Where is my son?" he seriously asked.

"What?!" I almost burst my ears from how loud I asked that.

"Who are you?!" he matched my volume. After that, my instincts came kicking in when he took a step forward.

I used the brush for distraction as I threw it near his eyes, shoved him out of the way, and ran outside for more space. He fixed his composure faster than I expected so I wasn't able to put more distance between us when he caught up to me. I wasn't facing him so I was forced to kneel on the ground with both my hands in the air.

"Last chance, who are you, and what do you want?" I can hear him roll a silencer in his gun as he steps closer to me.

"Father this is not funny," I was shaking when I felt the cold gun tip at the back of my head.

"My son will never clean the house spotlessly clean. He can't even flush his dump," he explained with a confused but firm tone.

"Father! Don't embarrass me like that. I can be diligent too," I argued. "Sometimes," I shyly whispered. "I'll even show you my birthmark if you want," I pleaded.

"You even stripped my son to get ahold of that information?!" he sounded annoyed as he gripped the gun tightly. "Where. Is. My. Son," he sounded intimidating when he went closer to my ear as he said that word by word.

"What can I say to make you believe I'm your son?" is he not convinced that I'm me? What kind of situation are we even in now?

"The lullaby," he said with a cracked voice.

"Anything but that," I panicked. And without hesitation, he pulled the trigger but instead of my head, it was the sofa which he shot, warning me.

-  -  -  -  -

Little Yuu,

Sleep tight while the moon's shining bright,

Close your eyes, cover your ears

I'll protect you through the night,

If the monsters come, Father will fight

With his might, he will win

Just sleep tight,

We'll handle the rest and come kiss you goodnight

-  -  -  -  -

"My goodness, I believe you now so stop," he angrily threw me the little pillow from the sofa. "Goodness, I think that just damaged my eardrums," he fiddles with his ears which leaves me speechless at his acting.

[Mr. Kamino]

"Father," he was covering his face with the pillow I just threw. And he sounded so sad in his muffled voice. I gave him a minute to cool off as I put the gun back into the holster at my ankle. "By the way, why isn't Nanny here?" he asked, finally able to compose himself.

"I gave her an assignment after I accidentally hit someone around the area of your school," I confessed as I walked to the refrigerator to get a can of beer. And I can't help but grin when I see a new big plastic of ice.

"So you were the notorious 'cool and nice guy' who personally drove his victim to the hospital," he sarcastically says. "That explains why there weren't any crumbs left at the scene. Nanny sure is amazing," he finally stood up and got himself a cup of water when he saw me drinking. He is quick-witted, just like her mother.

"Is there no training today?" I spat my beer at him when he sounded excited as he asked that. It was my first time hearing him that energized about training. He usually hates it and comes home around midnight on purpose.

"Father," he shrieked and wiped his face with his hands.

"What's gotten into you?" I squished his cheek and checked his face if he had any injuries connected to his brain or something. Then the landline phone started ringing with the specific ringtone that was set up for another 'calling'.

I dumped my beer on the table and ran to the ringing phone. "Get changed," I whispered before I answered it.

[Shuu Kamino]

I dashed to my room and changed.

Fitting my newly washed and ironed white shirt, I layered it with an embroidered black waistcoat vest that had two buttons that were extended with mini belts to emphasize my thin waist. Partnered with a long-tailed black tuxedo that fits just right. And let's not forget the black bow tie to complete the look. I also put some accessories such as my all-time favorite, the vintage crystal red ruby cufflinks, and a brooch chain along the suit's chest pocket to the lapel.

Then I faced the mirror as I used a little amount of hair gel to make my hair somewhat slick so I could appear tidy and elegant. Some face powder, and finally some lip gloss.

As I marched my way to the living room, I saw my father dressed fancier and more extravagant-looking than me. He even smelled like expensive tobacco as a disguise.

He also holds the Kamino Household signature cane. A simple black and silver shaft with a huge chunk of ruby decorated at the handle.

"I'll get your suitcase for you," I was about to run to his room when he stopped me.

"Forget about that, get both of our umbrellas instead," he smiled when he said one of our secret codes. A code meaning that we'll be needing our firearms for today's 'calling'. And we have a reserved suitcase for all the weaponry we'll be needing so I only need to get one of that from the basement.

I took one of the cases that had some leather harnesses that had guns, magazines, and a few knife holsters. There was also a pair of black leather half gloves, some earpieces, and an all-purpose watch and some of its features are; a phone, a tracker, a camera, a recorder, and a lot more.


"Where to Mr. Kamino?" I looked in the rear mirror to see Father already playing his part perfectly. I play his butler and there's no need to worry, I have a legit license to drive this new model black Lincoln town car that belongs to him.

"I'm craving some coffee," he sighs and then checks his tablet.

I drove to a quite famous 24-hour cafe that has a drive-thru.

"Welcome, what can I get for you?" a person from the other line says.

"A small black and espresso please," I answered back.

"Please pull up to the next window, your order will be ready," the man sweetly says. And I readied my mask, which was in a separate case just beside my seat before I drove ahead. 

My black mask covers my face except for my forehead and my right cheek. It has 4 small ruby stones under the left eye, and a few short red chains hanging from the right side that connect under the red feathers that are stationed as the decoration for my right eye. And a few glitters here and there to make me sparkle.

"Here's your order," as soon as the man saw my mask, he smirked. "I'll go get some sugar sachets," he then walked away and returned in a few minutes with it. "Thank you, please come again," he sends us with warm regards.

We left without having to pay for our drink. And the sugar sachet contained a coded message for where the 'calling' will take place.

"How's your drink, Mr. Kamino?" I asked to which he just softly gave a thumbs up. I was drinking my espresso when the traffic lights hit red.

What could be so urgent that they'd called for an emergency 'calling' at this hour?